The Wolf King

“Calling your dad. We aren’t going to be able to get out of this mess by ourselves, and I’m hoping like hell he makes it here in time to save our sorry asses.”

Justin dialed the number and slid close to the corner. He wasn’t sure why. As though stepping two feet away from the door would give him more privacy. The phone rang twice before Demetri answered, yelling, “Where in the hell are you?”

“The asylum,” Justin whispered. “It’s a long story, but—”

“What are you doing back there?” Demetri’s words were low and menacing. “Didn’t you learn the first time you were hurt?” And then his tone softened. “Are you hurt?”

“No, but I got four werewolves closing in on me,” he said. “I’m sorry, Demetri. I was told my mother was locked up here, and I wanted to find her records.”

“Then you should have told me, and I would have sent someone to retrieve them,” Demetri said, his voice hard as nails. “I’m going to put a stop to this carelessness when I get you home.”

“If I make it home,” Justin whispered and then stilled when he heard what sounded like claws clicking against the floor. He shot a glance over at Caleb, and his best friend’s eyes were wide. Justin lowered the phone as the door to the room they were in slowly creaked open.

He heard Demetri shouting his name, but Justin’s eyes were riveted on the door. His stomach knotted, his throat dried, and his body began to shake uncontrollably. Caleb moved over to Justin, standing between him and the door.

One of the werewolves walked in, moving in slowly. It was the biggest damn wolf he’d ever seen. Justin whimpered. Up close, the werewolf was large and wide, his neck so thick that it would probably take five of Justin’s hands to wrap around the dang thing. Justin gripped the back of Caleb’s shirt, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from screaming.

Justin moved his arm upward at a snail’s pace and pressed the phone to his ear. “It’s–it’s in here.”

“Put me on speaker.” Demetri’s voice was deadly. Justin fumbled with the phone and then turned it toward the wolf.

Demetri said something in a strange language, and the werewolf stilled. It cocked it head to the side and gazed at the phone in Justin’s hand.

“I think it’s working,” Caleb said from the side of his mouth.

The werewolf took a step back and then another. Justin started to feel as if he wouldn’t be torn to shreds when a man walked into the room. Justin swallowed. The guy stood tall and regal, wearing a black suit with a red tie. His red hair spanned down to his back and was braided into one long rope. His eyes were a virulent green. The guy spoke in the same strange language, and the wolf snarled.

“Who is that?” Demetri demanded.

The stranger twisted his wrist, and the phone flew from Justin’s hand. It crashed against the wall, shattering as it hit the floor. “This is a private affair,” the man said with a slight accent. Caleb reached out and grabbed Justin’s wrist, squeezing it tightly. There was recognition in his best friend’s eyes, as if Caleb knew who this guy was.

“Vampires aren’t supposed to be able to control werewolves,” Caleb said in a strong and steady voice, though Justin felt how badly the man was trembling.

Vampire? Justin’s eyes skimmed over the stranger. His skin was pale and…those eyes. Justin couldn’t get over how much they glowed. The green was dark, as deep as summer leaves. He couldn’t help but admit that the guy was gorgeous. A strange tingling began to work its way through Justin, and he felt a strange connection to this man.

“Hand over the young one, and you will not be harmed,” the guy said to Caleb.

“What?” Caleb glanced between the stranger and Justin. “He’s not a vampire.”

The man smirked.

Justin didn’t want Caleb to find out this way. Demetri had told Justin that it would be best if Justin kept his vampire heritage under wraps for now. He’d wanted to tell Caleb, but since this was all new to him, Justin had agreed.

“Justin?” Caleb’s eyes were veiled. “What’s going on?”

The vampire’s and Justin’s eyes locked, and something passed between the two. “Come to me, young one.” The stranger held his arm out, curling his fingers into his palm. Justin began to move forward as if in a trance. All he could see was the stranger enveloping Justin into his arms.

“J, what the hell are you doing?” Caleb grabbed Justin’s arm and pulled. “I don’t care what the hell that guy says, you aren’t going anywhere with him.”

Justin yanked and pulled, but Caleb’s hold was too strong to break.

Lynn Hagen's books