The Wolf King

A week later Justin was back in class. He would have enjoyed his newfound freedom if two of Demetri’s “pack members” hadn’t been dogging his every step. Bodyguards. That was what Demetri had called them and the last thing Justin wanted.

Admittedly, Justin felt ten times better since he’d started feeding from Demetri. His sickness hadn’t reared its ugly head in a week. That fact alone should make him giddy, but Justin couldn’t find it in him to smile. His life had changed so drastically, and he was trying hard to keep up with it.

“So,” Alice Winter said as she bounced next to Justin. “I hear you’ve officially moved into the Frost Manor.” Her eyes rounded and took on a strange sparkle. “What’s it like up there in that large house that sits on top of the hill?”

“Walls and doors,” Justin answered dryly. “Though the torture chamber could use an update.”

“There’s a torture chamber?” Her eyes grew even wider.

The last thing Justin wanted was for rumors to spread about Frost Manor. “No, I was just teasing.”

She smiled and asked, “What’s Mr. Frost like?”

“He’s nice and—” Justin frowned. Alice had never struck up a conversation with him before. She hung with the “cool” crowd and hadn’t given Justin a second glance. “What’s with the questions?”

“Because Kin– Mr. Frost hardly—” She licked her lips as her eyes darted around. “He’s hardly seen, and I was curious about him.” Alice laid a hand on Justin’s shoulder. “Caleb is friends with Juice, yeah?”

Justin nodded though being reminded of Juice set his teeth on edge. “So?”

“Well, I was wondering if Caleb mentioned to you if Juice was going out of town or anything. No one has seen him in over a week.”

Now that Justin took a closer look at the brunette, he noticed how shiny her eyes were. The chick was fiending for some drugs. Justin shrugged her hand off of him and scowled. “I haven’t heard anything. I got to get to my next class.”

“Wait.” Alice hurried to him and yanked on Justin’s arm. He winced at her strength. She was pocket size, and yet she’d managed to make his arm throb. The two bodyguards moved in, but Justin held up his hand, stopping them in their tracks. If they saved him from a girl, he’d never live it down.

Alice’s eyes darted to the two men before glancing back at Justin. “I know you’ve heard about Juice. Caleb knows everything that goes on around here. You have to talk to him and find out.”

Justin shook his head. “Go get some help, Alice.”

“Screw you!” She turned on her heel and stormed off. Justin stared after her for a moment and then sighed. It seems being a vampire hasn’t changed my popularity status.

“Shall we go after her?” one of the bodyguards asked, his eyes heated as he glared at Alice’s back. “She cannot get away with talking to the mistress like that.”

“Uh, no.” He had an image of these two hulking men going after anyone who gave Justin any problems. That was a frightening scenario. Would these two beat up his professor if he got a bad grade? Justin shivered, horrified at the thought.

“Are you cold?” the other bodyguard asked.

Justin palmed his face and growled. He wasn’t used to this, and to be honest, he didn’t like it. Having these two follow him around was like walking two pit bulls. He pulled his cell phone out and called Demetri.

“Is everything okay, Justin?” Demetri’s voice was filled with concern. Justin could hear people talking in the background and felt guilty for calling the man at the office.

“It’s just that—” Justin chewed on his lower lip as he glanced over his shoulder at his pit bulls. “Do Frick and Frack have to follow me everywhere? They just asked if I wanted some pipsqueak girl beat up for cursing at me.” He heard the slight whine in his voice and snapped his mouth shut.

“It is very necessary,” Demetri said. “I have plenty of enemies. I told you this. I thought you understood.”

“But having Caleb with me was all I ever needed before. No one has ever bothered me on campus.” No one human at least.

“Love, you carry my scent now. It is infused into your DNA. Your safety is my number-one priority. Just pretend that they aren’t there.” Demetri’s tone was soft and understanding and made Justin feel like stomping his foot. He didn’t want the pit bulls hounding him. He liked feeling invisible, but now, everyone seemed to gawk at him since he had two men shadowing him.

“That’s kinda hard when both of them are the size of a semi-truck.” Justin hurried along the path. He didn’t want to be late to his next class. Professor Dunham was lecturing on nature vs. nurture today, and Justin didn’t want to miss that.

“Sorry, love. I’m not budging on this. The bodyguards stay.” Demetri murmured something to someone in the background before saying to Justin, “Was there anything else you needed?”

To get off the phone with you so you can get back to work. “No, nothing.”

“Then I’ll see you at home this evening.” Demetri hung up, and Justin shoved his phone into his pocket, scowling at having to concede.

Lynn Hagen's books