The Wolf King

“You’re aching for my cock in you, aren’t you, Justin? Want me to fuck you until that’s all you feel. Pain and pleasure and all are mine to give or take away,” Demetri whispered. “How this pleases me.” Demetri removed Justin’s finger.

Justin let out a strangled moan as Demetri wet his fingers and slid them inside Justin’s backside. Demetri spread Justin’s cheeks open and began to lick and bite at the small opening. Justin shook. Demetri’s tensile tongue pierced him deeply. When Demetri lifted his head to look at Justin, his amber eyes went almost black. Only a thin ring of gold rimmed the pupils. His canines rested almost on his lush bottom lip.

“Do you know how hard it is to not just sink my canines into you and make you mine?” Demetri’s voice was husky and low.

Justin had no idea what the man was talking about, but asked, “What’s stopping you?” His cock leaked a steady amount of pre-cum all over his belly.

“Would you like that? To become a part of me?” Demetri whispered as he placed a kiss over that pulsing pucker.

“Yes, please, yes.” Justin moaned and thrashed his head from side to side. He wanted nothing more than to belong to Demetri. The older man licked fiercely at Justin’s hole before rearing back. He unfastened his pants, releasing his long and thick cock. Justin writhed on the couch, desperately needing to be filled.

Demetri’s large cock slipped between Justin’s cheeks while Justin’s wet, dripping cock was pressed between their bellies. When Demetri started to rock forward, Justin gasped. It felt like a dream that Demetri was really here. On top of him. Giving Justin what he so desperately needed. It was also painful as hell. But Justin rode through the burning sensation, arching his back to get Demetri deeper inside of his body.

“Slow,” Demetri said. “I don’t want to hurt you, love.”

Too late for that. Justin’s backside was burning like the dickens. He moved up and down, matching Demetri’s rhythm. Demetri swiped his fingers over the head of Justin’s cock and then dipped his hand underneath, spreading the pre-cum over Justin’s aching hole. “I should have used lube.” Demetri closed his eyes and shook his head. “But you stripped away my control by feeding from me.”

Justin jacked himself off fast and furiously as Demetri quickened his pace.

“Sweet is an understatement,” Demetri whispered, slowly opening his eyes. They were glowing. The sight no longer frightened Justin. He found them fascinating.

“You’re one of them, aren’t you? Those creatures I saw in the backyard.”

Demetri nodded. “Does that scare you, Justin?”

It should. Justin should run from this place and never look back. But the thought of being without Demetri made his chest tighten. “No.”


“I just don’t understand what is happening to me.” Justin rolled his head and arched his back, quickly forgetting their conversation as the pain morphed into pleasure. He gripped Demetri’s broad shoulders and hung on as he wrapped his legs around the man’s waist. The older man plunged deeper, taking Justin to heights he never dreamed possible.

Demetri leaned forward and whispered into the shell of Justin’s ear, “Come.”

The man bit into Justin’s shoulder as Justin cried out, his seed erupting. Demetri’s hips moved faster as he fucked Justin into the couch. When Demetri pulled his teeth from Justin’s shoulder, without thought, Justin sank his into Demetri’s jugular.

“Christ!” Demetri shouted as Justin felt his ass fill with his lover’s seed. But something else happened as well. Justin felt as if his and Demetri’s souls fused together. It was a strange feeling, but one so powerful that it couldn’t be ignored.

Justin licked the wound closed as they both panted. Demetri eased his cock free and then pushed from the couch before he sat, pulling Justin into his arms. Justin laid his head on Demetri’s chest, thinking over what the man had told him.

A vampire. How could that be? Now that his brain had rebooted, Justin also thought over the fact that Demetri was one of those wolves he’d seen out back. Furry. Large. Claws. Sharp teeth. He began to shiver.

Demetri kissed the top of Justin’s head. “I will never harm you, Justin. Never fear me.” It was almost a plea, but not. Justin couldn’t imagine the strong and powerful Demetri Frost begging anyone for anything.

“I feel like I’m in some sort of dream and I’ll wake at any second,” Justin confessed. He curled deeper into Demetri. “I just need time to absorb all of this.”

“No more outings with Caleb,” Demetri said. “It’s too dangerous. You now carry my scent and will be a target for my enemies.”

This was overwhelming. Justin found himself numbly nodding. “Do you think my sickness had anything to do with me being a vampire?”

Demetri moved Justin until they were staring at one another. He would never get over Demetri’s beauty. The man was so gorgeous that Justin wondered why the guy would be interested in him.

Lynn Hagen's books