The Wolf King

“I do,” Demetri admitted. “Though I suspect you are only half vampire. If I’m correct, you’ve been starving all these years. That was why you became ill.”

It would explain a lot. But Justin still found it hard to believe. You drank from the man’s wrist and neck. How much more proof do you need?

“Rest tonight, and I promise to look for answers.” Demetri stood and set Justin on his feet. He swiped the pants from the floor and helped Justin put them on. He kissed Justin’s forehead. “Go to bed, love.”

Justin left the study, feeling as if he were walking through a fog. As he headed upstairs, Justin touched his teeth and was shocked to find that his incisors were pinpoint sharp. He hurried to his bedroom and rushed into the bathroom, gazing at his teeth in the mirror.


They hadn’t fully emerged, just the sharp tips appearing, but it made him take a step back as he closed his mouth.

“Hey, I heard you come in here,” Caleb said as he strode into the bathroom. “I wanted to check to see if you were okay.”

Justin was afraid to speak. What if Caleb discovered Justin’s pointy teeth? He rubbed a hand up his arm and glanced toward his best friend. Caleb cocked his head to the side and inhaled deep drafts of air. His brows furrowed, and then he crinkled his nose. “You mated with my father. I can smell him all over you.”

Justin felt his cheeks burning as he glanced away.

Caleb began to chuckle. “It’s cool. He told me that he was considering you as his mistress.”

“His what?” Justin’s head snapped up. This wasn’t the first time he’d heard the term.

“You know, his main squeeze.” Caleb grinned.

“I’m not a female!” The anger in Justin burst free. “Why does everything always think I’m a girl? Just because I have soft features doesn’t mean I want to wear a skirt or put on fucking makeup.”

Caleb held his hands up. “Slow down, J. In this world, the one you now belong to, the term mistress doesn’t apply to gender. It’s actually a very respected title.”

Justin frowned. “I still don’t like it.” And then he stared hard at Caleb. “Are you one of them?”

It would only make sense since Caleb was Demetri’s son. He couldn’t imagine his best friend turning furry.

Caleb shifted his feet nervously. “One of what?”

Justin narrowed his eyes as he poked his finger into Caleb’s solid chest. “Don’t play coy with me, Caleb. I know you too well. Are you one of those furry creatures? A werewolf.”

“Did my dad tell you that?”

Shaking his head, Justin said, “I saw a pack of them in the backyard. Your dad was talking to them.”

“Yeah,” Caleb said as he nodded. “Every once in a while they come out of the forest. They’re not supposed to though.”

“Stop avoiding the question.”

Caleb grinned. “So demanding.” He curled in and chuckled when Justin mock-punched him in his gut. “Okay, okay. I give.” And then Caleb sobered. “Would you be afraid of me if I said that I was one of them?”

Justin could tell his answer was very important to his best friend. If he said that he would be afraid, Caleb would be crushed. “Nah, just don’t go getting all furry on me.”

“And please don’t ask me to call you mom,” Caleb teased and dodged Justin’s flying fist. “Kidding!” He laughed and then shook his head. “It’ll take some getting used to, seeing you with my dad.”

That was an understatement. “Are you mad about it?” Justin inquired. That last thing he wanted was a strain on his and Caleb’s friendship.

“Naw. I’m glad he found someone to be happy with. Seriously. Don’t sweat it.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Caleb leaned against the wall and studied Justin. “There’s something different about you.”

The fact that I’m no longer a virgin might be it. But Justin knew what Caleb was seeing. His skin tone was no longer pale, his eyes were brighter, and he felt healthier already. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m beat.” Justin edged out of the bathroom and moved toward his bed. His bed. Justin glanced around and scowled. “When did my things end up in here?”

“Mr. Frost’s orders,” Caleb said as he emerged from the bathroom. “Dad thinks you’ll be safer at the Manor, so Aberdeen and I gathered the stuff in your apartment and brought it here. We stored it in another room, but you seem to like this one, so Aberdeen brought your stuff in here earlier.”

Justin’s life was changing too fast, and he felt as if he couldn’t catch his breath. He crawled into bed and pulled the sheets over his shoulder as he thought of everything and nothing at all.

Chapter Nine

Lynn Hagen's books