The Wolf King

Demetri crossed the distance in a few long strides and grabbed the back of Justin’s head, forcing it closer to his wound. “I am sorry I’m making you do this, but if you do not feed, you’ll start attacking people.”

As soon as the blood touched Justin’s lips, he grabbed Demetri’s arm tightly and slammed his mouth over the wound. He was both disgusted and greedy for whatever he could take. Demetri lifted Justin off his feet and carried him to the couch. The older man sat, placing Justin on his lap.

“You are half vampire,” Demetri explained as his fingers caressed Justin’s cheek. “I’m still looking into how this could be, but I am going to make sure you feed so the need doesn’t overwhelm you. It seems your earlier feeding has unlocked something inside of you.”

Justin was listening, but he couldn’t concentrate on what Demetri was saying. Not when pleasure like he’d never felt before burned through him. His right hand drifted down over his flat stomach and dipped down into his thin pajama pants. The crinkly feel of his pubic hair tickled his fingers. His cock pulsed with need. Justin wrapped his hand around its hard length and gave one long, upward pull. He let out a soft gasp as soon as he touched himself then bit down harder into Demetri’s wrist.

“Such a beautiful sight,” Demetri murmured as his hand moved down Justin’s back.

Justin finally pulled back and somehow knew to lick the wound closed. Demetri leaned down and captured Justin’s mouth in a hot kiss. When Justin nipped Demetri’s lower lip, he drew blood and lapped it up.

Justin cried out, and his cock surged in his fist as he tasted his own blood when his incisors sliced into the tender flesh. Pre-cum welled at the tip of his cock. He gathered it up with his thumb and used its slickness to coat the rest of the shaft so that his hand slid more easily. Demetri used one hand to work Justin’s pants off and toss them aside. He spread Justin’s legs farther apart as Justin pounded his cock with his fist.

Just when Justin reached the breaking point, Demetri wrapped his fist around the base of Justin’s cock, stopping his orgasm from releasing. “Not yet.”

“No!” Justin tried to push Demetri’s hand away, but the man wasn’t having it. Demetri ripped Justin’s nightshirt and dropped the material, leaving Justin naked on the man’s lap. Demetri moved downward. His kisses followed the column of Justin’s throat, pausing at the hollow where his neck met his chest. The older man’s supple tongue snaked out and lapped at the beads of sweat that collected there.

“So sweet. So very, very sweet,” Demetri whispered. He then slid down farther between Justin’s pectoral muscles, licking and nipping as he went. Demetri slowly lowered Justin onto his back as he continued to kiss his way down. He lingered on Justin’s stomach. His long fingers traced the hills and valleys of his abdomen. Justin gasped when Demetri gripped some of his pubic hair in his teeth and tugged almost playfully. The slight pain was good. It tamped down the agonizing arousal.

Justin’s breath was coming in heavy pants now. He let one hand leave his cock to toy with his opening, wishing it was Demetri’s cock instead. Planting his feet firmly on the couch, Justin pushed the tip of his index finger inside. It was a bit tricky with his cast, but Justin managed to sink his finger deep. “I want—want your mouth,” Justin begged when the tip of his cock touched Demetri’s chin. “Your mouth. Please. Please.”

“You think that’ll make you come? My mouth on your hungry hole? Hmm?” Demetri asked with a low laugh. “You won’t come until I let you, and I haven’t decided whether I will or won’t.”

“Tell me how to please you!” Justin cried out. He shut his eyes tight. Demetri ran his hands up and down Justin’s trembling thighs. He made a soothing sound to steady Justin’s thrumming body. Then Demetri dipped his head down to hover over Justin’s erect cock. Justin could feel his warm breath on the tip. Demetri inhaled Justin’s aroma. His tongue came out again and swiped across the top of Justin’s cock.

“Fuck!” Justin yelled and arched his hips as if to press them against Demetri’s mouth. But Demetri didn’t let him inside. Demetri trailed his tongue down Justin’s cock, sucking one ball then the other into his mouth. His teeth lightly brushed against the furry sac. Justin whined and spread his legs farther apart. Then Demetri continued lower. With a push of his hands, the older man rolled Justin upward, almost onto his shoulders.

Demetri smiled then. It was a possessive smile. The older man’s fingers slid over the pink pucker. It pulsed.

Lynn Hagen's books