The Wolf King

Caleb turned and looked at Demetri, and Demetri could see the pain in his son’s amber eyes. “I would never do anything to hurt Justin.”

“You’ve said that before, yet you cart him off to some club where he was nearly—” Demetri couldn’t bring himself to say the word. The thought of what Juice had planned turned his blood cold. What if Caleb hadn’t gotten outside in time? Demetri’s grip on Justin tightened as a lump formed in his throat.

Justin stirred in Demetri’s arms, turning his head into Demetri’s chest. The young human began to sniff at Demetri’s shirt.

Caleb crinkled his nose. “I think I’m going to sit up front with Wulf. This looks like it’s going to get rated R.”

Demetri barely heard his son as he watched in fascination. Justin was still unconscious, yet he was seeking out Demetri’s scent. He smiled as he caressed the young man’s hair. “I am right here, love. You are safe.”

Justin whimpered as he rose a little higher, snuffling at Demetri’s neck. Demetri stilled when Justin began to lick at his skin, biting gently on his neck. It was as if all the pieces fell together with that one action. Testing his theory, Demetri extended a claw and nicked his wrist, watching as a bead of blood surfaced. He wafted the scent under Justin’s nose and watched as the human turned his head, seeking out the source.

Demetri was floored.

Justin couldn’t be a vampire. Although the man was pale, he’d been in the sun plenty of times. Yes, but he’d gotten sunburned on more than one occasion. Demetri thought of Justin’s blood sickness. Had the man been starving all this time? Was that why he’d gotten sick so much? Making a deeper slice in his wrist, Demetri offered it to Justin.

Eyes still closed, Justin curled his fingers around Demetri’s wrist and latched onto the cut, sucking down deep drafts. Demetri’s head rolled back as his lips parted, and his cock grew hard. What the hell was happening? Vampires were werewolves’ mortal enemy, yet he was finding great pleasure in Justin feeding from him. But how was Justin one of them? He’d known the human for ten years. Shouldn’t he have scented this on Justin before now?

“Drink, my love.” Demetri petted Justin’s cheek as his body pulsed with pleasure. He tamped down the need to climax, unwilling to think of such a thing while his mistress still lay unconscious. Justin finished and licked the wound clean before his eyes slowly opened. Demetri cocked his head slightly when he noticed the starburst of red filtering through the green irises. The green wasn’t just one shade, but hundreds, like a faceted crystal.

It was…beautiful. A shiver raced through Demetri.

“What happened?” Justin groaned as he tentatively touched his forehead and then winced. But Demetri could see that the wound was already starting to heal. Even the coloring in Justin’s cheeks became flush, a healthy glow appearing.

You fed from my wrist. “An unfortunate accident.”

Justin’s brows furrowed, and then they shot to his hairline. “Juice!”

“Has been taken care of,” Demetri assured Justin.

“I don’t think I want to know how,” Justin said and then gazed at Demetri’s chest. “Why am I in your lap?” Like a flower deprived of water and sunlight, Justin’s expression seemed to unfurl, his eyes brighter, his smile wide. “I should be embarrassed.”

“Never,” Demetri said. “You should never be embarrassed around me.”

Justin moved, and Demetri released the young man, watching as Justin slid from his lap and took a seat, gazing out of the window. His expression became somber. Justin probed at the cut on his forehead. “Why doesn’t it hurt?” he asked, his tone faraway.

“It wasn’t a deep cut,” Demetri answered.

Justin shook his head and then frowned but remained silent. Demetri gave the young man time to think, to work things out in his head as the car began to roll toward Frost Manor. In the dimly lit interior of the car, Demetri openly appraised Justin’s frail frame. Would he fill out once he started drinking blood on a regular basis? The thought should disgust Demetri, seeing as the vampires were his enemy. But he couldn’t find the hate in his heart, only love and caring for this young man.

“I remember—” Justin’s frown deepened as he shook his head.

“Remember what?” Demetri asked.

Justin feathered his fingers over his lips as he stared out of the window. “It’s silly and impossible.”

Did Justin remember drinking from him? “Tell me,” Demetri said.

Justin turned and smiled, and Demetri felt his knees grow weak.

“You ever have a dream that felt so real that when you woke you were unsure of the reality surrounding you?” Justin asked.

“I can’t say that I have,” Demetri admitted. “What did you dream of, Justin?”

When Justin turned and gazed at him, Demetri saw the haunted look in Justin’s eyes.

Lynn Hagen's books