The Wolf King

“Don’t make me hurt you, J. Because I will. I’ll do whatever I have to in order to keep you at my side.” Caleb reached up and slung his arm around Justin’s neck, yanking him back toward the corner. “That’s a very bad vampire,” Caleb explained. “He’s the head guy, the one who controls them all. Lord Abaddon Vane.”

Justin slammed his eyes shut and fought against the control Abaddon had over him. The compulsion to obey was thrumming through Justin’s veins. He had to get to the stranger. He had to! Justin rushed backward, slamming Caleb into the wall. His best friend shouted and released Justin.

“What the fuck, J?” Caleb righted himself. “Do that again, and I’ll kick your ass.”

Justin was panting now, fighting for every single breath that he took. The hunger inside of him roared to life, and the room spun slightly. He heard a strong heartbeat a few feet away, but Justin discounted the creature. Somehow he knew the wolf’s blood wouldn’t be pleasing.

A hand landed on Justin’s shoulder. “J, what’s happening to you?”

Justin snapped his head to the right and licked his lips. The heartbeat right next to him sounded moist and full of life. The iron scent filled Justin’s lungs as he took a step toward the scent and sound.

“I swear to god, J. If you bite me, I’ll never break into places with you again.” The voice sounded familiar, yet Justin couldn’t focus past the hunger, the cramps in his stomach, the all-consuming thirst.

“Run,” Justin whispered as he clutched his stomach and fought against attacking Caleb. “Get away from me.”

“Do not fight it, young one. You are hungry. Feed,” Abaddon said as he moved a few steps closer, his highly polished shoes clicking on the floor. “Do not deny yourself such pleasures.”

“Shut up!” Justin slammed his hand over his eyes, trying desperately to clear Abaddon from his mind. “Get out of my head!”

“Fight it, J,” Caleb whispered. “Don’t let him win.”

Justin swallowed roughly when he felt his fangs growing until the tips touched his lower lip. He glanced up at Caleb, and his hunger grew so fierce that it felt as though he’d been starving since forever. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he inhaled deep drafts of Caleb’s scent.

“I–I can’t,” Justin said as he gazed at Caleb. “It hurts.”

“I think that’s because Abby is around,” Caleb said as he glared at the stranger.

“Do not call me that,” Abaddon said with a hiss.

“I think he’s projecting this hunger in you,” Caleb went on, flipping Abaddon the finger. “He’s the one making you hurt like this, J. He wants you to feed from me. He wants you to drain me dry.”

Images flashed in Justin’s mind of him and Caleb laughing, sharing their food, sitting in front of the television late at night, breaking the rules, and a host of other memories. Caleb Frost was his best friend. I have to fight this. I can’t kill him. I just can’t.

“Feed, young one.” The command was a hard pulse inside Justin’s mind. He dropped to his knees and cried out, holding his temples as he rocked back and forth.

“No!” Justin shouted. “I won’t. I won’t.”

The compulsion seared his brain like a hot knife slicing through butter. Justin’s head snapped up as he gazed at Caleb. “Please, make him stop,” Justin begged as the tears began to fall down his cheeks.

Caleb snarled at Abaddon as he rolled back his sleeve and sliced across his wrist. “Justin drinks from me when I allow him to. Not you,” he said to Abaddon and then glanced down at Justin. “Go ahead. Just–just don’t slobber.”

The metallic scent filled Justin’s lungs, and his stomach felt as if it were shrinking. His throat was bone-dry as he attempted to lick his lips.

Suddenly, there was commotion in the hallway. Snarls erupted as Justin heard Demetri shout those strange, foreign words.

Caleb snatched his arm back. “Thank fuck!”

Justin wasn’t ready to let his food source get away so easily. He grabbed for Caleb’s arm, but the man was fast, moving to his right. Justin knew he wasn’t trying that hard. He didn’t want to drink from Caleb. The thought of touching anyone but Demetri had his skin crawling. But he was so hungry. So thirsty. His stomach cramped painfully, bringing Justin back to his knees. He wrapped his good arm around his waist as sweat began to bead along his skin.

Come with me, and you’ll never go hungry again. Abaddon’s voice was in Justin’s head.

“No,” Justin said between clenched teeth. “I–I want Demetri.”

“Stay right there,” Caleb said. “It seems the werewolf is coming after us.”

Justin turned in time to see the creature advancing toward them. Abaddon said something to the thing, but it kept moving, as if disregarding its orders. Abaddon raised his voice, but the werewolf ignored the man. His red eyes were focused fully on Justin.

Lynn Hagen's books