Take Me On

What was he forcing her to face? That I wasn’t in his life or that she wasn’t? But the question stays internal.

“Here’s the truth.” He shuts the album. “Your mom and dad made mistakes and so have I. We were young and didn’t know who the fuck we were. I’ve seen you change over the last two months. You can go back to that huge house and play marionette for the Youngs just like your mom and dad did or you can break the chains and make your own decisions.”

I jump off the stool, then kick it out of the way as I step into his space. The stool snaps and rattles against the ground. “You don’t know what I’m up against.”

“If it’s the Youngs, it contains control and money. Just a tidbit of fatherly advice—once you start down that path, it’s like entering a savage garden. It’s beautiful until the vines tear you apart. Your mom used to be a different person. She used to be full of life.”

I loathe the pity flowing out of Abby’s eyes and I suddenly understand why she hates it. “Why the hell am I listening to you? You gave me up.”

“Funny,” says Denny, “how you still ended up here. The kid who walked in here two months ago thought being a man meant calling out every asshole on the block. Tell me, are you the same stupid kid or have you figured out what being a man truly means?”


The skies finally opened up and erupted in rain. My hair sticks to my face and my shirt clings to my body as I enter my uncle’s. I shiver against the combination of the warmth of the house and the cold drops of rain that slither down my arms. My toes go behind my heel to kick off my shoe, but I stop when Mom walks into the living room with a phone pressed to her ear. Her face is white and her fingers shake.

“If you hear from him, you’ll let me know?” she asks. Everything is wrong. The house sits silent. My uncle doesn’t rule the world from his chair. My younger cousins aren’t shoving each other against a wall. Maggie isn’t drawing on the floor.

“Okay, thanks.” She clicks off the phone and she looks at me. “I thought you were heading to the gym after school.”

I fight the automatic tears with the mention of anything associated with West. “I changed my mind. Where’s Paul?”

“Your aunt persuaded him to leave with her to help me out. I need time.”

The way her hands shake sets me on edge. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s your father. He’s missing.”


It’s close to midnight and I slam the back door to the kitchen. My mother spins. Her cell phone is tight to her ear and her eyes are wide and puffy. “He’s here.”

Mom pushes a button and lowers the phone. I’ve spent hours driving, thinking about my mother: her asking me continually to use a napkin at the dinner table, the glares when I’d wear a hat backward at a charity event, teaching which fork to use at a dinner party, the countless tux ties she’d undone and done again. “You lied.”

“I didn’t think Denny would tell you.”

“For eighteen years I’ve thought I was a failure. I thought I was the reason Colleen died, but I was never going to be a match to begin with.”

Her hand flashes to her heart. “They said there might be a slim hope, so I did hope, and it gave your father hope, and he was able to see past my mistake and love you because you were going to be our answer.”

I throw my arms out. “And then he hated me once I failed!”

“That’s not true.” Dad walks into the kitchen.

Dark hair, dark eyes and nothing like me. “Is it a relief I’m not yours? You must have been dying to tell me since when, fifth grade?”

Dad loosens the tie stuck at his throat. “You’re my son. My son. I never wanted you to know.”

I yank the picture out of my back pocket and slam it on the island. “I’m not your son.”

The moment I hit the hallway, I turn. “I gave up Haley because of you. I gave up the one person who meant a thing to me.”

Mom comes up behind Dad and sets a hand on his shoulder. I don’t understand the two of them. They hurt each other, betray each other, lie and cheat and yet they still act like they are in love.

Dad covers her hand with his. “You’re wrong about Haley. You didn’t give her up because of me. You gave her up to help you. To help her.”

I chuckle. The son of a bitch has actually said something right. “True, but if it wasn’t for you trying to control me, I wouldn’t have been faced with a choice between living in hell without her or being a bastard for keeping her from her dreams.”

“Let’s sit,” he says. “Let your mom and I explain.”

I don’t say no. Instead I walk away.


Katie McGarry's books