Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend

Reason 20: If eyes can be hot, yours are smokin’

Mom and Dad are gone. Whole week to myself, and I have nothin’ planned till Saturday. I’m a Class A loser.

And speakin’ of Saturday, I’m gettin’ Hayles’ list ready. I’m goin’ to memorize it too because I’m not makin’ more than one copy. My hand still hurts like hell, and I’m not going to type it ‘cause, well, girls probably don’t want that. They like the handwritten junk.

The list is easier now. After seein’ her on Monday and the way she was just so, I dunno, strong but still needed me, everythin’ is coming out so much better. She won’t care if I sound stupid or whatever. She’ll get it.

There’s a knock at my front door. I groan as I tuck away the list in my back pocket and trudge upstairs to answer it. Probably some salesman or somethin’. And if it’s Gabe, I’ll just slam the door in his face.

Whoever it is, they knock again.

“Okay, okay, I’m comin’!”

I swing the door open, the sound of pounding rain reachin’ my ears. Quynn stands under her bright pink umbrella with a huge smile on her face and says, “Hey, Bro! What you up to?”

It takes me a second to wipe the shock from my face. Quynn knows Mom is out of town. She also told me at school that her Spring Break was stock full.

I’m not a fan of the ‘pop in’ either, but I wave her through the door anyway. “Uh, not much. Just hangin’ out.”

She shakes off her umbrella and sticks it in the entryway before closin’ the door shut behind her. I know she’s comfortable here—I get it, but I’m not too happy when she plants her butt on the couch without really askin’ if she can stay. For some stupid reason, I make sure the list is secure in my pocket before sittin’ next to her.

“Thought you said you were pretty busy this week.”

She shrugs. “I am. But it’s rainy and I thought since we didn’t get to talk last Friday…” Her voice drifts off as she studies my face. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. Did I totally interrupt you doing something?”

She goes to stand, but I put a hand on her arm stoppin’ her. Not sure why, though. I don’t want her to stay, but I don’t want her to leave either.

Man, I thought I had this figured out.

“No, you didn’t. Just surprised me.” I attempt a smile. “So, how’s your Spring Break?”

Lame. I suck at chit-chat.

“Pretty good so far.” She tucks her feet under her butt and slides closer to me. I try to move away without bein’ so obvious about it. “Parties the past couple nights. I was hoping to see you there, but someone thinks he’s too good for that stuff.” She shoves my leg and laughs.

I chuckle with her. Can’t help it. “Nah, just not the party type. You know that.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I know. One of these days I’ll get you to come with me.” Her face goes bright red. “I mean go with me, not come…” She slaps her forehead while I laugh my face off. “Please change the subject before I die.”

“Okay, when Mom and Dad gave me their itinerary for the weekend, they included every time they’d be… ‘sleeping’.”

Quynn perks up, face still red, but she’s laughing. “Ew!”

“You’re tellin’ me.”

“At least you know when not to call them.”

We bust up, and I hop off the couch. “You want somethin’ to drink?” It’s like it was before, funnily enough. Better actually because I’m not nervous around her. I see her, talk with her, but I’m not wanting her. It’s kind of a relief.

“Sure, thanks.” She grabs a blanket off the back of the couch and wraps it around her shoulders. It’s the same blanket Hayley used when we played twenty questions, and just when I think I’ve got a grip on the situation, my heart does a funky knot thing. Not sure if Hayles would like me hangin’ with Quynn alone. Pretty sure that’s a big no-no in convincing her she’s the one I want.

And I’m not stupid. I know Quynn is flirtin’ with me.

This is screwed up. I’m not like Gabe. I’m not like bio-dad.

But I’m not rude either, and I don’t want to just kick her out.

All of this is goin’ through my brain as I make like a robot and get us some Cherry Pepsi from the fridge.

“So, uh…” I stutter as I sit back down, in the recliner this time, “what do you got goin’ on the rest of the day?”

Please say she has plans.

“Nothing! Totally wide open. Why? You want to do something?”

Ah hell.

“N-not sure if I can.” Complete lie, Brody. Just tell her the truth. You’re seein’ someone else. “It’s Friday night.”

Again, that’s my copout because I have no plans with Tanner at all. I’m such a wuss.

“Another game night.” She sighs. “You should really go with me to Jamie’s party tonight. I wasn’t planning on going, but if you’re there…”

Her eyes do that puppy dog thing. It sucks. Hayley does that too, but she doesn’t ever mean to. Her eyes are just naturally big and round, suck-you-in green and innocent. They’re hot eyes, if eyes can be hot. Maybe it’s ‘cause she smiles with them.

I shake my head and focus on Quynn, who is now chewin’ on her bottom lip.

Hayles never bites her lip. Only that once, and it was weird.

“I don’t—”

“I’m not letting you say no.” She points a finger at me. “You skip out on all the fun stuff. You’re going and that’s that.”

She stands up, crossing her arms, giving me the ‘I’m teasin’ but I’m serious about it too’ look. She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and leans down, holding the arms of the recliner.

“Please, Brody?”

Girls suck. I don’t like her like I used to—I know that for sure—but how do they have such power over guys? One word. That cursed word. Please. Ugh.

“I’m bringin’ Tanner.”

She smiles and claps her hands together. “Point, Quynn.”

I chuckle, but it’s forced. Then she babbles on about parties or some other stuff. I’m not payin’ attention. All that’s goin’ through my stupid head is what Hayley will think if she finds out.

Oh! Maybe she’ll come with me. I could text her right now!

No, wait. She said she had somethin’ goin’ on tonight, which is why we’re goin’ out tomorrow.

Damn it.

But I will call Tanner. This will not be a date. ‘Cause I’m over Quynn. I’ve got Hayles. Or at least, I want to have Hayles.

Then why can’t I just spit out the words? Why can’t I tell anyone? Not Mom or Dad, not Quynn. Not even Tanner knows. Only person who does is my douche of a brother, and that’s ‘cause he saw me with her. What’s wrong with me?

“Okay, I’ll see you later then!”

I must be on autopilot, ‘cause I’ve walked her to the door and helped her with her jacket without even realizin’ it.

“Uh, yeah, okay.”

She skips off the porch to her car, then waves at me as she drives off.

Yup, I’m a wuss.

Becca Ann's books