Lost in Distraction

Chapter Six

I wake up on top of Brax, still laying on the couch. The television is blaring music in the background and I’m not sure what the time is, but the light streaming through the gap in my blinds is telling me it is definitely morning. I try to get off Brax, but I feel his arm tighten around me. I look over and see his bright blue eyes staring back at me. How can someone wake up and look this sexy? We lie there, just staring at each other and I’m not sure what to do. I’ve just spent my first night ever sleeping in a man’s arms.

My mind is focused on the feeling of Brax’s hard body underneath me. He feels good, way too good. I wonder how he feels with me laying on top of him. I try to move again and he tightens his arm even more, that smirk of his larger than life.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he says, his voice deep and husky from waking up, making my insides clench. Damn, that is sexy.

“I thought you might be uncomfortable,” I try to explain, losing my train of thought as I stare at his mouth. His lips beg to be kissed but I’ve never been one to initiate things. His eyes are all-knowing, like he can hear my inner monologue.

His grin slowly disappears as his gaze shifts to my mouth. Deciding to take charge for once, I lean down to gently nip his bottom lip as he opens his mouth to let me in. My fingers take on a mind of their own as they run through his bed hair, pulling his head closer to mine. It feels so natural to be waking up to him, to kiss him. Is this what love is supposed to be like? Am I in love with Brax? I can’t deny that I’m falling for him, and his kisses are the perfect antidote for any bad nightmare.

We pull our mouths apart, breathless and full of desire. I giggle and he quirks his eyebrow at me.

“Is kissing me funny?” he asks, grinning at my laughter.

“I just figure I’d have morning breath, I’m so sorry,” I say between laughs. He pulls me down to him again and kisses me deeply, plunging my mouth with his tongue. He pulls away so our lips are barely touching,

“I don’t care,” he whispers as his hands roam down my shoulders, around my waist and slowly inch down to my ass as he pulls me even closer to him. I gasp when I feel how much he wants me, he feels divine. I make myself pull away because if know if I don’t I won’t be able to control myself, and I’m not quite ready for that kind of interaction. Leaning my forehead against his, I try to calm my racing heartbeat. It feels like it is going to beat out of my chest.

“That’s to prove how delicious your morning breath is, babe.”

He kisses my nose and lifts his shoulders up, propping himself up onto his elbows and giving me the opportunity to roll off the couch.

“Now, where is my coffee? I need a reward for being your knight in shining armor.”

It feels so good waking up with Elle this morning. Her warm body all over me, my arms wrapped tightly around her. After ravishing the hell out of her mouth and taking the opportunity to let my hands wander all over her body, she jumps off me and goes into the kitchen to put the coffeemaker on. I groan at the loss of contact, a groan that gets louder when I spy the small tank top and shorts she’s wearing.

Her outfit is not doing anything for my hard morning predicament.

I know we need to have a conversation about what happened last night, but she needs to trust me enough to open up. What scared her so much that she didn’t want to be alone?

The fact that she text me to come over warms my heart, because more than anything else, I want to be the one she turns to and if I can’t come, Shay would be there in an instant. Thinking about him, Elle and Shay need to be introduced. He’s my best friend and she’s my girlfriend, so it’s logical

Shay’s part in this job is to collect intel and watch over Elle when I can’t be there. He’s always been the one behind the scenes when we work together. We both have contacts all over the country through the boss man’s connections but Shay specifically has extensive surveillance skills learned during our time in the army. We met each other while doing our basic training, before we headed off to separate divisions. He was in the intelligence unit whereas I was infantry.

Shay and I talked about the case last night and about what would happen if the boss and Gibbons find out about my relationship with Elle. We’re pretty sure the shit would hit the fan and we’d be replaced, more than likely sent back to Georgia to return to standard security detail. Shay told me that I’m in too deep with her and that it may start hampering my judgment. I did my best to reassure him that the job is not in danger, but the end of the day, I just can’t say away from Elle.

We talked about Harry’s visit and what went down when he was here. He was not impressed that Harry had seen me. We still don’t know why Harry met with Evans last night, but we suspect that they’re working together on Brimstone’s attempted takeover of the company. Evans and Brimstone together though, that means the threat to Elle has increased ten-fold.

Elle walks back into the living room and places a cup of coffee and a plate full of toast on the coffee table. Smiling at me, she sits down and starts eating. I checked the time when I was in the kitchen. It’s 8 a.m. and my first class isn’t until 10.

“How’s your morning looking?” she says through a mouthful of toast. I smile at how adorable she is in the morning.

“Well, my day started off great with a hot young brunette on top of me, so no complaints so far,” I say with a grin. She hits my arm while laughing at my comment.

“You know what I mean.”

I smile. Her laugh is so infectious.

“Yes, I know what you mean, hon. I was thinking about going to the gym for a workout before my finance class at noon. Then I was thinking we could go out for a movie and a burger later on. We could meet up with Shay, if that’s okay with you?”

She smiles. “That sounds great. I’d love to meet him.” She leans over to kiss me with her peanut butter smeared mouth. I pull her in tight and lick her lips after our kiss.

“Hmm, Elise and peanut butter. My new favorite breakfast.”

After coffee and breakfast, I lean back on the couch and pull Elle into my side. She snuggles into me and we sit there for what seems like ages, just enjoying the moment. I take a deep breath and look down at her.

“We need to talk about last night, Elle.”

“I know,” she replies with a sigh.

“What happened between the time I left and your text? When I left at midnight you seemed happy but tired. I thought you’d go straight to bed” I look at her, silently imploring her to open up to me.

“I had a nightmare. When I woke up I was shaking and scared out of my mind. The only thing I knew would make me feel better was you.” She drops her head like she is ashamed.

I pull her chin up so that I’m looking straight into her eyes. “You can call me anytime, sweetheart. Anytime at all and I will always be there for you. I hope you know that.”

She gives me a small smile. “I do now.”

“So, what was the nightmare about?” I ask.

“It was about my family. I haven’t told you what happened to them. I will, I promise I’ll tell you about it all soon. I just don’t like talking about it because it still hurts so much.” A single tear rolls down her face. I lean down and kiss the tear away, then I lightly kiss her lips.

“I hope you will. I want to know everything I can about you. I care a lot about you, Elle, and nothing from your past will change that.”

I smile at her, hoping she believes me.

There is something in the way Brax looks at me that makes me feel grounded.

When I’m with him it feels like I’m his whole world—that his sole focus is on me and he’d move heaven and earth to make me happy. I feel like the gaping hole in my heart is slowly being closed up by him. He has given me hope that life can be good for me again, despite my horrific past.

I tell him about last night’s nightmare and how I’ve been having them for a while now, but I can’t bring myself to explain what happened in the dream. I want to, but I’m scared it will bring it all back—the horror, the heartache, the sudden loneliness that has only just started to wane. I know he could so easily find out what happened by just googling my name and I have made a promise to myself to tell him soon. I’m relieved he hasn’t pushed me into telling him more before I’m ready. I’ve never met anyone as thoughtful and understanding as him.

How did I get so lucky?

I suddenly remember about the car parked outside last night. “Brax, did you see a black Honda parked on the road when you left last night?”

He thinks for a bit. “No, I didn’t. Why?”

“I’ve seen a black Honda on the street off and on for three weeks now. There is always a guy sitting in the driver’s seat, but he doesn’t seem to move. At first I thought he was just a visitor, or maybe that a neighbor had a new car, but then he would get out of the car, right? It’s probably nothing, but it just seems a bit weird.”

His body goes rigid as he looks at me, blinking his eyes like he can’t believe what I’ve just told me, then he jumps to his feet.

“Are you okay, Brax?”

“Yeah. I just remembered I have to see my accounting professor this morning and if I don’t go now I’ll miss him.” He heads to the kitchen to tidy up our dishes, then turns and heads back towards me. Wow, he seems to be rushing now.

“Brax, did I say something to upset you?”

“No, sweetheart. Just running late. I’ll see you later, beautiful girl,” he says, leaning down and kissing me deep and hard. He picks up his jacket and walks towards the door.

Wow. If that’s how he says goodbye, I don’t mind him leaving me. The look on his face and a cheeky wink tells me he knows exactly how he makes me feel.

He closes my door and I’m left standing in my living room with a goofy smile on my face.

Damn, that man is good.

As I leave Elle’s building, I look around for the car she told me about. I can’t see it immediately, then sure enough—on the corner of the street—there it is. I try to identify who the driver is, but he’s not someone I’ve seen around before. I discretely take a photo of him with my phone and send it through to Gibbons for an ID. I hope he can track him down quickly so we can work out whether he is involved or not. My gut is telling me that this is not a good thing.

Of course I had to make up a story about needing to see my accounting professor to get out of Elle’s apartment. I would love nothing more to stay there all day with her, but we both have classes and I want to tell Shay about the black Honda Elle has spotted. At first I thought she had seen Shay but he’s in a red Toyota and is a hell of a lot more careful.

I meet Shay at the coffee shop where I took Elle that first day. Grabbing two black coffees, we take a seat near the window.

“Elle asked me this morning if I’ve noticed a black Honda hanging around outside her building. Have you seen anything?” I ask him, burning my tongue on my coffee in the process.

“I’ve seen it, but it didn’t raise any alarm bells with me. But when I think about it, that car has been around a lot. I just thought it was one of her neighbors,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

“Dude, we’re supposed to keep an eye out for this type of thing. That’s why you’re on the outside,” I reply angrily.

“Hey Chill, B. I’m on it now. I’ll get a plate number and follow it up. We can also try and get a photo of the guy and send it through to Gibbons to run through the computer.”

“I’ve already sent a photo through before I came here. What if he’s working for Brimstone or Evans?” I ask, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Sorry, Shay. I’m just as much to blame as you are. I should’ve realized that the car was suspicious.”

“All good, B. We’re on to it now. So, why did you end up going back last night?” he asks, arching his brow. I know exactly what he’s thinking.

“No, Shay. It wasn’t a booty call,” I shake my head. “She had a nightmare that really freaked her out, so I went over to stay with her. We slept on the couch.”

“Right. Not even this morning?” he questions with a wink.

“Not even this morning, although I wouldn’t have said no. She was wearing a small tank top and pajama shorts that would make a monk hard.”

“Shit, dude. That’s some wicked self-control you’ve got going on.”

“Nah, it’s different with Elle. I don’t want to rush it,” I say, reflecting on this morning’s events with a smile.

“Okay, man, enough about that. I better get back to my post. We still on for tonight?” he asks, putting his empty cup in the bin.

“Definitely. Elle can’t wait to meet you, but I haven’t told her about your terrible BO and bad jokes yet, so she might still change her mind.”

“Thanks, bro. Real nice,” he responds with a grin.

We leave the coffee shop and go our separate ways. I’m heading home for a much needed workout and cold shower. Waking up this morning with Elle lying on top of me was not easy when all my body wanted to do was to bury itself so deep inside her that no one would be able to tell us apart. Just thinking about her warm little body lying on me in her tight tank top and cute pajama shorts has me all hot and bothered again.

Yup, a workout sounds like a freaking great idea right now.

The movie and burger with Shay and Brax is great. We met Shay at the theatre around the corner and went to see a newly released comedy before heading to the restaurant next door for burgers and drinks.

Shay is great. He’s hot, definitely not in the same league as Brax, but still very nice. He’s twenty-six, with short dark blonde hair styled into a faux-hawk, crystal blue eyes and a smile that tells you he’s aware of the effect he has on people. He’s the same height as Brax, but slightly leaner. He is wearing a black wife-beater, showing off his muscular arms and a tattoo that is wrapped around his bicep of a dragon chasing a heart. His pair of dirty denim jeans complete the bad ass look. Brax can make me swoon with one simple glance where as Shay looks like he has a myriad of dirty thoughts going through his brain and they all involve you.

I can tell why these two are friends.

Once we’ve finished our burgers, we say goodbye to Shay. Brax walks me the few blocks back to my apartment, and I suddenly feel anxious again. I won’t be able to sleep tonight for fear I’m going to end up having another nightmare.

Brax stops walking and looks at me with concern. He lifts my hand that he is holding and cradles it on his chest. “What’s wrong, Elle? You’ve gone white as a ghost and tense as all hell. You’re scaring me.”

“I’m fine. I’m just scared, you know?” I can tell he’s not buying it. He has to be able to see that I’m on edge.

“Scared of what, hon?” he asks with a worried look.

“Of having another nightmare. They’re getting worse and last night’s was horrific,” I explain as my eyes fill with tears.

He pulls me in close and I nuzzle his chest while reaching my arms around his back. He holds me tight and whispers in my ear, “I’m going to stay with you tonight, in your bed, so you can get a good night’s sleep. If you have another nightmare I’m going be right there next to you, ready to hold you and kiss you and make you feel warm again.” I feel my breathing speed up and the prospect of a nightmare slips from my mind as the thought of Brax staying over invades my head instead.

Now that we’re upstairs and in my apartment again, I’m nervous about spending the night with Brax. After this morning, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself around him. I’ve never had a man sleep over before. Any hook-ups I had in the past were purely physical and were never at my place, but something about sharing my bed with Brax feels different.

It feels right.

He has left me alone in my room while I change out of my clothes. He must realize that this is a big step for me and knows I need some space to collect my thoughts. I hop in the shower, trying to rinse away my nerves and surprisingly, it works. I do feel a little more relaxed by the time I get out. I stress out over what to wear, but decide on my tank top and pajama shorts again since he already saw them this morning and didn’t seem to be complaining. When I head out to the living room to look for Brax, I hear him talking on the phone.

“You’re off for the night. Go home, get laid, relax. I’ll call you in the morning, dude.” He hangs up and turns around when he hears me come in the room.

“Who was that?” I ask, having a fair idea that is was Shay, but not sure what he means about him having the night off.

“It was Shay. I told him that I was staying here for the night and he was just asking if anything was wrong. I told him about your nightmare and how we’d both feel better if I stayed over,” he explains as he walks over to me and slowly runs his hands down my arms.

He wraps his arms around my waist. “You don’t mind that I told him, do you?”

“It’s okay, he’s your best friend. I bet you tell him everything,” I reply, wishing I had someone to confide in.

His face softens, his eyes sparkle and he grins as he looks down at me in his arms. I instantly get chills, the good kind that run from your head to your toes and warm you up as they go. I move my arms up and wrap them around his neck.

“Should we go to bed now?” I suggest quietly, trying and failing to hide the nervousness in my voice. I’m still not ready to take things to the next level, but I’m more than happy to make out with him in bed, half naked.

Definitely ready for that.

He looks at me and smirks. “Babe, I’m starting to think you just want to get me half naked.”

I gasp in mock horror, whack his arm and twist out of his embrace, walking towards the bedroom. As I reach the doorway, I turn around and give him my best attempt at a seductive grin.

“What are you waiting for?”

I’ve never seen a man move so fast, I swear to God.

I wake up after one of the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had, with a sleeping Elle in my arms again. Although this time we’re in her bed and we’re a tangle of arms and legs, like we can’t get close enough to each other. My body is acutely aware of our proximity and has already made its intentions clear. I try to move away from her so that I’m not so obvious and she doesn’t feels pressured, but she tightens her grip as soon as I try and edge away. I roll over and find her smiling back at me with the sexiest look I’ve ever seen.

I lean over and push her onto her back, kissing her like she’s the air I need to breathe. Her hands reach behind me and pull me over on top of her. Dammit, she isn’t helping my self-restraint. I bury my hands in her soft brown hair, devouring her mouth and giving her all that I have. When I hear her groan into my mouth, any control over myself I had is lost. Pulling away, I stare into her eyes, looking for any sign that she isn’t okay with this. My hard body feels so good against her soft skin and I know that if we go any further, it is going to be rather difficult to stop what we’ve started.

She lifts her head so that her lips are close to mine again and kisses me. It’s like a silent plea to carry on and my hands drift from her hair down to her face as I gently caress her cheek with my thumbs. Propping myself up on one elbow, I run the back of my hand down her neck until I reach the curve of her breasts. Her chest is lifting steadily as her breathing quickens under my touch, I love how responsive she is with me. My hand moves lower, stroking her breast as I explore her soft silky skin, watching her face for a reaction as I go. She closes her eyes and moans deeply, arching her back and pushing her breasts further into my hands. The fact that she is openly giving herself to me like this, and is enjoying every second of it, amazes me. I run my palms over her now erect nipples, I hear a soft whimper from her mouth. I’m making sure I take my time exploring every inch of her body; she needs to feel cherished, I want her to feel worshipped.

I move my mouth to her neck, gently nipping and sucking at her skin. Lifting my mouth to her ear, I whisper, “Let me hear you, Elle. I want to know how I’m making you feel.”

She runs her hands up and down my arm, my muscles tense and relax at her touch. I trail my lips from her ear and along her jaw while my hand moves down to the hem of her tank top. Grasping the bottom of it, I slowly drag it upwards and my fingers lightly graze her skin as I move it higher, pulling it over her head. Now that she is naked in front of me, the overwhelming urge to claim her as my own consumes me. Her response to me is blowing my mind. Craving the touch of her skin against mine, I pull her towards me and she nips my bottom lip, pushing her tongue against mine, showing me how on fire she feels right now.

Pushing her back down onto the bed, my hands continue their exploration down her stomach until they reach her hips. Running my hand ever so slowly across her body, hip bone to hip bone, I feel her shiver. I’ve never wanted to take my time as much as I do now. I could spend a lifetime doing this and still never have enough of her. Enjoying of the most erotic moments in my life, I can’t kid myself any longer about the depth of my feelings for her. I inch my hand under the band of her shorts and hear her breath hitch as I inch them down. I look back up at her for a moment, reveling in her beautiful naked body next to me.

I move down the bed, kneeling between her legs. Not once breaking eye contact, I lift one of her legs up and gently kiss the instep of her foot, starting a trail of kisses up her smooth calf. I caress behind her knee before continuing up to her inner thigh. I lean over her body and kiss her deeply, meaningfully, our twisting tongues beginning a passionate battle.

I lie down on my side, rolling her to face me. Without breaking our searing kiss, I settle my palm between her thighs as her legs part around me, leaning over her with my other arm resting by her side as I start exploring her with my fingers.

I’ve been totally overcome by this woman beside me, and I don’t want to fight it anymore.

As her hips move in rhythm with my touch, she reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer and holding me tighter, as she nears climax. I continue to kiss her, barely able to come up for air. I lift my thumb, touching her centre one last time as she falls head first over the edge, I can see the waves of pleasure rolling through her as she cries out into my mouth. I pull back to watch her come undone. If ever there was a time where I could climax without being touched by a woman, this would be it.

She is truly spectacular, a sight to behold. “You are amazing,” I whisper, softly kissing her swollen lips as she tries to catch her breath. Letting out a sigh of contentment, I lean back against the bed, Elle snuggling into my side.

I’m head over heels for Elle Halliwell, and I’ve never been happier.

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