Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

She licked her lips wetting them for the promise of a kiss. “So what are you waiting for?”

He breathed a sigh of relief and kissed her. This kiss was different, gentler, yet no less intense. She dug her fingers in his soft hair and pulled him close. She didn’t want gentle. She wanted to feel like a woman. She wanted to feel alive. She wanted to feel wanted.

His hand caressed down her back to cradle her hip. His hold was firm, holding her tight against his body of muscle.

Breathless, she pulled away and sucked in a deep shuddering breath.

“Too fast?”

“I’m not used to this, to feeling so much. Things are going too fast. It’s very overwhelming.”

“Overwhelming in a good way, I hope.” He cradled her against his chest as his hand ran up and down her back in a soothing caress.

“Yes, in a good way.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. It both frightened and excited her. She rested her head against his chest. The rapid thump of his heartbeat echoed against her head. She placed her hand over his heart.

“Come on.” He laced his fingers through hers and led her to the edge of the lake. Security lights stood at intervals around the perimeter of the water, lighting the paved walkway around the lake. Picnic tables were scattered under a copse of trees.

“It’s bigger than what the map showed. I didn’t expect it to have lights out here.”

“They expanded it a few years ago. The town wanted to make it more of a park since there’s not much else to do in Cloverton.” He held her close as they meandered around the water.

Despite the humid night she snuggled in the warmth of his chest. “Do people come out here at night?”

“The kids do in the summer months, once school is out. We have to keep a close watch on them to make sure they’re not out here drinking.”

They edged closer to the water and she hesitated. “There aren’t any snakes, are there?”

“I’m praying there are. Maybe you’ll jump me again.”

She looked up at him and laughed. “That was purely out of terror.”

“I’m not complaining. I’ll take whatever gets you in my arms.”

She swatted his arm, feigning insult. He laughed and entwined his fingers through hers.

They continued toward the picnic tables, where he lifted her up and settled her on the edge of the table. Nudging her legs apart, he stepped closer and took her face between his hands.

“What are we doing, Sloan?” She lifted her heavy lidded gaze to his.

“I’m not sure.” His thumb made tiny circles against her cheek as her breathing sped up. “I don’t think I can stop whatever this is between us.”

She held onto his wrists and pulled him closer. Whatever this attraction was between them was beyond her control. It was a living, breathing thing that had a life of its own and she couldn’t stop it either.

This time she made the first move. She pressed her lips to his. He stood still, letting her have control of the kiss. Her hands slid down to his lean waist, his ripped muscles dipped under her fingertips. She wanted nothing between them, skin against skin.

She pulled his shirt out of his jeans and worked on the buttons. Despite the dimness of the lighted area, she could feel his heated gaze raking across her body like a hot summer breeze, threatening to steal her breath.

“I don’t want to rush you. Tell me what you want.” His husky voice filled the night, cocooning around her like invisible threads.

“Take your shirt off,” she breathed.

He moved his hands down the front of his shirt and eased the buttons out of their holes. Her gaze stayed glued to his hands, fascinated that such an ordinary chore could make her want him more.

He shrugged out of his shirt. The tight undershirt he wore showcased each ripped muscle.

“Take that off too.” Her commanding voice sounded alien in her own ears.

Reaching behind his head, he pulled the shirt off in one move. His chest, muscled and tanned, flexed with each movement.

She’d never been more turned on in her life.

“It’s your turn.” He moved back between her legs and rested his hands on either side of her thighs. His rock hard erection pressed into her heat. “Pull your dress down.”

Her heart beat hard against her chest and she hesitated for a moment. Her hands moved behind her neck and untied the halter top. She let the strings fall, exposing the top curve of her breast.

His finger traced the outline of her breasts and then dipped down under the material. Her nipple hardened against the caress of his finger. She gasped and leaned back.

“I want to see all of you.” He slid the dress down to her waist. The warm night breeze licked across her nipples like a hot mouth. She moaned.

“You’re perfect.” His hands cupped her breasts as he bent his head and sucked her sensitive nipple into his wet mouth.

“Sloan.” She panted as she clasped his head to her. His greedy mouth licked and sucked her in a tortuous game of pleasure. Her body was like liquid fire, threatening to consume her alive.