Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

Sloan froze. “What?”

“Thought you knew.” Mitch snorted. “It seems the principal wouldn’t hire her as an official staff so some moms got together to hire her to give the girls lessons. Since it’s after school it doesn’t matter if he approves. Plus one of the moms, you know the one with the big tits, sweetened the principal up in order for him to agree to the arrangement.”

“Which one? They all have big tits.” Sloan faced him. “And how the hell did you find out before me? Allison and Grace are friends. I’m surprised she didn’t tell me at lunch today.”

Mitch pulled his T-shirt over his head and faced him. “Maybe since you let her know you’re not interested in Grace, she just thought you wouldn’t care.”

Sloan looked away. He shouldn’t have told Mitch about their disastrous dinner at Allison’s.

Mitch gave him a slow grin. “Grace practices with the girls after the football team is off the field. Maybe you should stick around. In fact, maybe I’ll go with you so I can meet her myself.”

Sloan glared. “Don’t even think about it.”

Mitch let out a laugh and slammed his locker shut. “If you wait too long to make a move some other guy will. Just giving you the cold hard facts, my man.” He slapped him on the shoulder and headed out the door.

Sloan reached in his locker and grabbed the long forgotten bottle of cologne he’d kept in there when he was dating Felicia. He told himself he wasn’t doing it for Grace’s benefit. He told himself he had missed wearing cologne.

He applied the cologne and shook his head as he stuffed the bottle back in his locker.

He knew in his gut that Grace wasn’t telling him everything. Not that she’d told him much to begin with, still, there was something she was trying so desperately to hide.

He inhaled deeply and shut the locker.

A relationship was nothing without honesty. He’d been there and done that and he wasn’t going down that road again.

Whatever Grace was running from, he wanted to help.

He just needed to somehow make her understand that he wasn’t the enemy.


“Let’s do the routine one more time, girls.” Grace wiped her hand across her sweaty forehead as the girls let out a collective disgruntled moan.

“Our last instructor didn’t make us work this hard.” Sarah crossed her arms and stuck out her lips in a pout.

“Your last instructor didn’t get you girls to regionals, let alone state.” Grace propped her hands on her hips, waiting for the girls to argue. She’d been so nervous the first day of practice, unsure if the girls were willing to give her a shot and accept what she could offer. Oddly enough, they’d been excited and willing to learn different routines and moves. In the practices that followed, Grace had become more confident in her teaching and demanded that they do their best.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Sarah sighed. “Can you show us the whole routine again? I keep missing a move.”

Grace nodded. She walked out to the center of the field. The high school quarterback, Chris Meadowbrook, and a couple of other football players had lingered after practice to watch the girls.

“Looking good, Miss Witherspoon,” Chris called out and whistled.

Grace’s stomach clenched as she fought to keep her expression neutral. They were waiting for a reaction. She knew if she continued to ignore them, they’d eventually give up.

Grace got into position, looked at Melanie, and nodded for her to turn on the music. The music of the Black Eyed Peas blared across the field. She began her set of intricate moves and then a set of back springs before landing her flip.

The music ended and the girls applauded.

“Hey, Miss Witherspoon, I didn’t know you were that flexible.” Chris wandered over to her.

She ignored him and walked back to the girls. Melanie avoided her gaze and studied her feet, as her face grew red.

Melanie and Chris were the high school’s dream couple. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes, and everyone seemed to think Ken and Barbie were the perfect pair.

No one could be that perfect. Grace knew that from experience.

There was something not so innocent about Chris. Her gut was telling her something wasn’t right and underneath that veneer lay something dark.

Chris walked over with his linemen, ignored Melanie, and gave Grace a wink.

The football players chuckled.

Sloan stepped out from the shadows of the bleachers. “Chris, can I see you for a minute?”

“Is there a problem?” Chris gave him a charming smile.

“Actually there is. Surely you don’t talk to your teachers like you talk to Miss Witherspoon.”

Chris laughed. “Hell, no. My teachers aren’t hot like her either.”

Sloan clenched his hands into fists and stepped up to Chris, putting himself between Grace and the quarterback. By this time, all the girls had stopped talking among themselves and were watching the two men with rapt attention.