Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

Grace’s face heated with humiliation. She wanted to kill Sloan for making such a scene.

“Let me be clear. As long as Miss Witherspoon is here teaching the dance team, you are to treat her with the respect she deserves. Understand?”

Chris’s eyes widened and he let out a shaky laugh. “Absolutely.”

“And you need to apologize to her for the remarks you made earlier.”

Holy shit. How long had Sloan been watching her? Her body heated and she wanted to run to her car and hide.

Chris forced a smile. “Of course.” He turned towards her. “Miss Witherspoon, I apologize for my earlier comments.”

“Apology accepted.” She wrapped her arms around her chest and watched as he left the field.

Chris stopped, turned and glared. “Melanie, I’m leaving. If you want a ride you better come on.”

Melanie swallowed and looked from her boyfriend to Grace.

“It’s fine. Practice is over for the day.” She looked at the group. “Everyone work on the routine over the weekend.”

The girls gathered their things and hurried off the field as Melanie hurried to catch up to Chris.

Grace turned to Sloan. “Can I speak to you privately?”

Chapter Six

Grace grabbed Sloan’s arm and pulled him under the bleachers. Soda cans and candy bar wrappers crunched under his boot. He made a mental note to tell the coach to have someone clean up the mess before football season started.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise when she rounded on him.

“What the hell was that?” She shot him a glare so intense it should have fried his ass.

“I was putting that asshole in his place.” He frowned. She should’ve been grateful. Instead, she just looked really pissed.

“I can take care of myself. I don’t need you butting in and handling things.” She poked her finger in his chest for emphasis.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped closer. “I think you do need me handling things. I saw the way Chris was looking at you while you were dancing.” He clenched his fists. “Not to mention the inappropriate things he was telling his buddies.”

“It’s none of your business.” Her blue eyes sparkled and her face was flushed, either from dancing or from arguing with him. He really didn’t care. She still looked beautiful.

His gaze dropped to her parted mouth. She stuck out her pink tongue and moistened her perfect lips.

That was all it took for the energy between them to shift into something entirely different.

He pulled her against him. He was a man possessed as his mouth slammed down across hers. She opened her mouth inviting him to take her, to taste her.

She moaned. He held her close, loving how her curves molded into his edges.

Her arms slid around his neck, tightening her hold on him. His body ached with need, wanting her with a desperation that shook him to his very soul. As she kissed him back, his hands slid down to her ass, cupping her.

She felt so fucking good plastered around him like a vine. Her pert breasts, pressed tightly into his hard chest, made him want to lift her shirt and taste her. His hand found her breast and squeezed as he rolled her nipple between his fingers. She arched against him, sighing with pleasure.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck and sucked the sensitive skin into his greedy mouth.

“I’m all sweaty,” she panted, her arms locked tightly around his neck. “I need a shower.”

“I love the way you taste, hot and sweet.” He nipped at her neck and she shivered in his arms. “I want to taste all of you.”

Her hands snaked under his T-shirt. She raked her nails across his chest.

He shivered. “You keep touching me like that and we’re going to act out a fantasy I’ve had about sex under the bleachers.” He pulled away and gazed into the depths of her sapphire eyes. Her lips were wet and swollen from his kisses and her heavy lidded gaze told him she was as turned on as him.

“We shouldn’t do this,” she said breathlessly.

“I know. Someone could see us.” He glanced around.

She pushed against his chest. “No. I meant we shouldn’t be doing this at all.”

“Why not?” He caressed her cheek with his thumb.

She licked her lips, as she seemed to contemplate an answer.

“Grace, we’re both adults. I’m single and as far as I know you’re single too, right?” He held his breath, praying to God she wasn’t going to tell him she was married.

“No, I’m not married.” She let out a shaky laugh.

He let out a breath.

“I’m not going to make you do anything you’re not ready for. Why don’t we just take it slow and see where this is going?”

“How do we do that? Every time we’re alone, we end up kissing.” She blushed.

“I’ve tried to forget that kiss at your house, but I can’t. I’m always thinking about you, whether I’m awake or dreaming.”

“Me too.”

He forgot to breathe. She’d been thinking about him. “Really?”


“I want to be with you tonight.”

Her eyes widened and he knew where her mind had gone.