Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

“Mom, please.”

Heather sighed. “Let me think about it. I want you to meet your new instructor. Melanie, this is Grace.”

“Hi, Melanie.” Grace stuck out her hand.

Melanie hesitated and then took it. “Hi. Wow, you sure don’t look like Mrs. Parsons.”

Grace smiled. “I’m guessing she was your last instructor?”

“Yes, and she was about forty pounds overweight.”

“Melanie!” Heather chided.

“What? Even you said she had the calves of a linebacker.” Melanie gave her an innocent look.

Grace held in her smile.

“Anyway, I’ll introduce you to the rest of the girls and we’ll leave so you can get started.”


After introductions, the girls showed Grace the routines they already knew. Grace then introduced some new moves. The girls seemed really excited about her choice in music and the new routine. They practiced for another hour before calling it a day. Just as she was walking to her car Tabitha and Allison pulled up next to her.

“Hey, heard the dance team hired a hot new teacher,” Tabitha yelled out the window.

Grace laughed. “I just started today. How did you find out so fast?”

“Small town, remember?” Allison got out of the car and walked over to her. She was holding a brown wicker basket. “We brought you something.”

“For what?”

“It’s a small congrats on landing the job.” Tabitha eased out of the car and pulled something out of the backseat. “She brought you treats to eat. I bought you the good stuff. Wine.”

“I will never turn down wine.” She took the basket and smiled. “There’s chocolate too.”

“That was my idea.” Allison stuck out her chin.

“Thanks guys. A glass of wine and a long bath sound really good right now.”

“I know what would make it even better,” Tabitha purred.

“What’s that?”

“If you shared that bath and the wine with Sloan.” Tabitha cocked her eyebrow.

Allison cringed. “Hey. I’m standing right here.”

Tabitha shrugged. “I can’t help it that your brother is hot.”

Allison stuck both fingers in her ears.

“I think I’ll just stick with the wine and bubble bath.” Grace blushed.

She busied herself with sticking the goodies in the backseat of her car, while trying to get her heated face under control.

“Hmmm. Me thinks she doth protest too much.” Tabitha grinned.

“Leave her alone. She’s not interested in Sloan. Isn’t that right, Grace?” Allison waited for an answer.

Grace shifted her weight and looked away.

A slow smile crossed Tabitha’s beautiful face. “Isn’t that interesting?”

“What?” Allison looked between them.

“Spill, Grace. What’s going on between you and Sloan?” Tabitha nudged her with her elbow.

“Nothing.” She rubbed her hands on her thighs.

“Why do I not believe you?” Tabitha smiled.

She swallowed and shook her head. “It was nothing.”

“What was nothing?” Allison and Tabitha asked in unison.

“You guys totally did it. You had sex.” Tabitha pointed her finger.

Grace’s mouth fell open. “We did not. It was just a kiss.”

Tabitha gave her a smug look. “I knew I could get it out of you.”

Grace blushed and Allison winced. “Allison, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. It was after the yard sale and he was helping me move stuff inside. Then there was the whole snake debacle.”

Allison wrapped her arms around Grace and squeezed. When she pulled away the joy on her face was evident. “I’m pretty sure you’re the first woman he’s kissed since Felicia. That means he’s moved on. He’s trying to get his own life back now.”

“You’re not mad?” Grace cocked a brow.

“Absolutely not. I couldn’t be more thrilled.” She hugged her again.

“I want to hear more about this whole snake debacle.” Tabitha peered at her. “Is that what he calls his thing?” She pointed to her crotch.

“Tabitha.” Allison shot her a warning look. “We’ll let you go. I know you’ve had a long day and want to get home.”

The two waved as they drove out of the parking lot.

For the first time since moving to Cloverton, a sense of peace settled over her. She inhaled the cool night air and smiled as she got behind the wheel of her car. Maybe this town was where she needed to be. Then she could finally start living again.


“Want to grab a beer at the bar?” Mitch unbuttoned his uniform shirt and pulled a T-shirt out of his locker.

“I’ll be by later. I promised the coach I’d swing by football practice after I got off.” Sloan slammed his locker shut. It had been a long fucking day and he had the weekend off.

“I hear your girlfriend is Cloverton’s new dance team instructor.”