Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

She wound her legs around his waist as his mouth moved to her other breast.

“You feel so damn good.” He groaned against her nipple and ground his cock against her.

“More, Sloan.”

He lifted his head. “I want our first time to be in bed, not on a damn picnic table.” The muscle in his cheek twitched with barely controlled restraint.

“I don’t care. I want you now.” She brought his mouth to hers, kissing him hard.

His hand snaked under her dress and found her damp panties. “You’re already wet for me.” His finger teased the edge of her lace panties and she regretted wearing panties at all.

His finger flicked over her clit and she moaned low and deep. “Grace, this is about you tonight. I want to make you feel good.” His hand slipped under the lace of her panties and cupped her. His mouth found her breast and pulled her nipple into his mouth. The dual sensations sent pleasure through her body in waves.

His finger slid across her wet heat, teasing. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, begging him for more.

“Not yet.” He pulled her dress up to her waist. She was practically naked, breasts exposed and panties pulled to the side. He kissed her hard and deep while his finger slipped inside of her.

She was so close to orgasm. She clutched his hand, holding it against her.

He sucked her nipple and quickened his fingers until she was grinding against his hand.

“Sloan.” She cried out as her orgasm washed over her taking her breath. He continued to stroke her, taking her down easy until her very last tremor had subsided.

She met his heated gaze and brought her lips to his.

She stroked her hand down his bare chest to the bulge in his jeans and squeezed.

He pumped into her hand and buried his face against her neck.

Her fingers tugged his zipper down. She kissed his shoulder, tasting the saltiness of his skin. “I want to feel you without any clothes between us.” She slipped her hand inside his jeans.

He groaned as she wrapped her fingers around his rock hard erection. She squeezed and slid her hand up and down his cock, loving how good he felt.

“That feels too damn good.” He groaned, his hot breath caressing her shoulder as he sucked the sensitive skin at her neck. He panted as he held her tight, thrusting faster into her hand. He groaned against her neck as his body tensed and came in her hand. He fell against her, his breath hot on her shoulder.

“I think I messed up your dress,” he murmured against her neck.

“It can be cleaned.” She smiled, loving how she made him lose control.

“Come home with me tonight.” He kissed her lips softly.

“Okay.” After what he’d just done to her she should have been spent. With just one look her body heated and she was already aching for him again.

She pulled up her top and retied the halter. He straightened her skirt before lifting her down off the picnic table.

He quickly dressed and grabbed her hand and hurried back to the truck. Just as he closed the door, a pair of headlights bobbed down the hill, heading toward the other side of the lake, away from them.

“Damn it.”

“Who is it?” She looked out the open window.

Probably some underage kids out drinking.” Sloan started the truck and backed up. “I need to go check it out.”

Sloan drove around the lake. As soon as his headlights landed on a red sports car, he let out a curse. “What the hell is he doing out here?”

“Who is it?” Grace glanced over at him.

“It’s Mitch. My partner.” He threw the truck in park and killed the engine. He got out and opened her door. “Come on. I want you to meet him. He’s also my best friend.”

The fact that he wanted to introduce her to his best friend had her heart fluttering in her chest. Most guys wouldn’t even think about such a small thing. Sloan wasn’t like a lot of men.

A guy, just as broad as Sloan, slid out of the red Mustang. He kept his head down and shoved his hands in his jeans. He was a man that looked like he had a lot on his mind.

“Mitch, what are you doing out here?” Sloan ambled over.

“Trying to cool off.” Mitch glanced up. The security light illuminated the bloodied cut above his eyebrow.

Sloan’s eyes widened. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Oh, my God.” Grace gasped, holding her hand over her mouth.

Mitch cringed. “Some drunk guy at the bar was getting a little too close to Allison. He didn’t take the hint that it was time for him to leave. He managed to hit me with a beer bottle before I wrangled him out of the bar.”

“Is Allison okay?”

“She wasn’t too happy about me interrupting her date. She sure can pick them.” Mitch snorted and looked at the ground. He glanced up and met Grace’s gaze. “Sorry, for not introducing myself. I’m Mitch. ” He held out his hand.