Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

“Melanie, can you stay for a minute? I’ll like to talk to you.”

Once the field was clear and they were alone, Grace sat on the bleacher and patted the seat beside her. Melanie sat, keeping her eyes averted.

“Did I get one of the moves wrong?”

“No, no. I think you did very well. In fact, you are the strongest dancer on the team.”

Melanie’s head jerked up, her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Absolutely.” Grace smiled. “Don’t tell the other girls. I don’t want to hurt their feelings.”

“I won’t. I promise.” Melanie smiled and her shoulders lifted.

“Melanie, I wanted you to stay behind because I wanted to ask you something.”

“About what?” Once again, she averted her eyes.

“Is everything okay, you know, with school and stuff?”

“My grade in English is slipping, but everything else is okay. Why?”

“I noticed you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt today.”

Melanie tugged her sleeves over her fingers. “Yeah, so?”

“It’s been in the eighties for weeks now. “

Melanie shrugged and looked away.

“You can talk to me about anything.” Grace wished the young girl would open up to her, but she also knew if she pushed, then Melanie would shut down.

“Everything’s fine.”

Grace knew that everything was not fine.

“If there is a problem you don’t have to deal with it alone. Sometimes we think things are hopeless when they’re not.”

Melanie’s expression shuttered and Grace knew the girl wasn’t going to talk. Maybe her hunch was wrong.

“I just want you to know I’m here for you any time you want to talk.” Grace laid her hand on her arm. Melanie flinched and pulled away.

Grace held her breath. “Melanie, show me your arm.”

The roar of a Camaro pulled into the parking lot and Melanie went pale. “I’m fine. I’ve got to go.” She grabbed her bag and ran toward Chris’s car. She got in and the couple sped away.

Grace pressed her palm over her fast beating heart. Scenes of Michael grabbing her and leaving bruises on her arms flooded her head. That was the first time Grace had worn clothes that covered her skin, careful to keep her shame hidden. She closed her eyes against the onset of terror she’d felt the first time he’d hit her.

She had to do something. She snatched up her stuff and headed for her car.


Grace swallowed her fear and walked into the one place she had avoided for months. The police station.

The officer behind the window looked up and smiled. “Can I help you?”

She cleared her throat. “Yes. I need to see Sloan Jackson. My name is Grace.”

The officer nodded and picked up the phone. After a few seconds of brief conversation, he placed the receiver back in the cradle. “He’ll be right out. You can have a seat over there.” He pointed to some green plastic chairs that looked like they’d seen better days.

Grace sat down and clasped her hands in her lap and looked around. Officers came in and out of the front door at a steady pace. Other than her, the waiting area was empty.

Grace’s stomach fell as Felicia walked through the door.

“What are you doing here?” Felicia gaped.

“Hello, Felicia. How are you?” Grace gave her a polite smile and hoped the rude woman would go away.

“I’m fine.” Felicia looked around. “Are you in some kind of trouble?” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

“I’m here to see Sloan.” Grace stood. She hoped that the rumor mill had made it to Felicia about her date with Sloan.

Felicia’s face went red and she pressed her lips into a thin line.

Bingo. Felicia had heard.

“I heard he took you to out to dinner.” She clicked her tongue. “I’m afraid our little town doesn’t offer much in the way of entertainment. It’s quite boring, actually.”

“I thought the restaurant was charming.” She smiled. “I assure you, what happened afterwards was anything but boring.”

Felicia gasped and her face went beet red.

“Grace, what a nice surprise.” Sloan grinned as he slipped his hand to her lower back. “Come on back to my office.” Completely ignoring Felicia, he escorted Grace down the hallway into his office.

Shutting the door, he turned and pressed her against the door and covered her lips in a scorching kiss.

His hands went to her hips as his tongue sought hers out, licking and curling around hers.

He pulled away too soon and gazed at her with those beautiful blue eyes. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

She swallowed and tried to slow her breathing. “I’ve been thinking about you, too.”

He walked her to the chair. She sat while he rested a hip on the edge of the desk. “I’m glad you came to see me.” He held her hand, his thumb making tiny circles across her suddenly heated skin.

“I think someone is in trouble. “ She pulled her hand away and wiped her sweaty palms on her thighs. She’d come right over after practice and was still wearing her running shorts.

He straightened and his expression sobered. “Who is it?”