Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

“God, you feel so good.” He clenched his teeth and looked down at her. He slid in and out methodically, slow.

She dug her nails into his hard ass and wrapped her legs around his ankles. “Faster, I need faster.”

He thrust faster, bringing on her second orgasm at lightning speed. She cried out his name, as she squeezed around his cock.

He cursed and buried himself deep inside her body as he came.

They both stayed there, unable to move. He kissed the side of her neck and tried to roll off, but she tightened her arms around him. “Stay like this for a little while longer.”

Propping up on an elbow, he gazed down at her. He kissed her, this time, slow and thorough, like he was stealing her soul from her body.

“I wanted to go slow with you.”

She grinned. “I’m not complaining.”

“Yes, well, a promise is a promise.” He placed her thumb in his mouth and sucked.

Her eyes fluttered closed as his cock hardened inside her. She gasped with pleasure as he began to once again move deep within her.

Sometime after midnight, after endless hours of making love, he pulled her into the safety of his arms. As she drifted off to sleep, she heard him whisper.

“You’re safe with me, Grace.”


The next morning, Sloan got up early and headed over to his house to shower and change before work. He kissed her and told her he’d call her later that day. Exhausted from their sexual marathon, Grace had gone back to sleep.

Her ringing cell phone had her patting the nightstand while trying to open her eyes.

She grimaced at the screen.


“Get your lazy butt out of bed and get dressed.”

“Who is this?”

“Tabitha. Allison and I are on our way over to pick you up.”

“For what? What time is it?” Grace squinted toward the sun-filled window and groaned. She threw the covers back and made her way to the kitchen to make coffee.

“It’s eight o’clock and we are headed to Nashville for a little shopping excursion. You’re coming so don’t even try to make up an excuse why you can’t go.”

She held the coffeepot under the stream of water.

“What’s that sound? It better be a shower running,” Tabitha said.

“It’s water for my coffee. And are you always this bossy?”

“Forget the coffee, we’ll swing by the coffee shop and grab you some. Get in the shower. And to answer your question, yes, I’m always this bossy.”

Grace heard Allison snicker in the background.

Grace headed for the bathroom. “Fine. I’m getting in the shower now. How much time do I have to get ready?”

“Thirty minutes. Don’t dress fancy. We’re both wearing jeans.”

“Perfect.” That was the majority of her limited wardrobe. “Don’t forget the coffee.” Grace hung up and turned the shower on.


“Grace, you didn’t buy anything.” Allison pouted as she looked down at her four bags she was carrying as they ambled down the sidewalk in downtown Nashville.

“Yeah, I did.” Grace licked the side of the pistachio ice cream cone before it could drip on her fingers.

Allison sighed. “I meant clothes. I’ve bought stuff in every store we stepped into and you haven’t bought one thing. You’re making me feel guilty.”

“Don’t feel guilty. I’m just trying to save my money to put back into fixing up my house.” She took another swipe at her ice cream.

“Now I really feel guilty,” Allison sighed.

“Allison, stop it. Stop doing all that second guessing.” Tabitha slung her shopping bag of shoes over her shoulder like a jacket.

“I can’t help it. It’s how I am.”

“I know what you need. You need a night of wild sex with some stranger.” Tabitha looked her friend dead in the eye.

Allison stopped in her tracks and gasped. “Are you crazy? I don’t do one-night stands. What if he’s a serial killer or wants to tie me up and spank me?”

Grace laughed. She couldn’t help it. The look on Allison’s face was priceless.

“I’m completely serious.” Allison propped her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at Grace.

“I don’t think those are the kinds of one-night stands Tabitha meant.” Grace cut her eyes at Tabitha. “It’s not is it?”

“Of course not. I just want to see Allison relax and have that look of a satisfied woman.” Tabitha winked. “The look you have.”

Grace felt the heat rush to her face.

“What are you talking about?” Allison cocked her head.

“I’m talking about Sloan and Grace getting it on.”

“I never said that.” Grace’s eyes widened.

“You didn’t have to. You’ve been smiling and humming since we picked you up.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.” Grace shoved the ice cream in her mouth and look away.

“The numerous condom wrappers I found in your trash can suggest otherwise.”

“I’m never letting you use my bathroom again.” Grace glared.

“You and Sloan?” Allison grimaced.

“Me and Sloan.” She held her breath, unsure of Allison’s reaction.