Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Hunter leaned against the wall to keep from falling. His legs were threatening to give out under him and his shoulder and ribs were killing him. It was the pain that kept him going. That and the fear that he was losing Saber. He could hear Saber struggling to breathe.

He refused to think about Dagger. He had seen the other transport as it hit the ground. A few minutes later, a huge explosion had ripped through the air. That was probably the only thing that had saved his and Saber’s life. The black smoke from the explosion combined with other return fire had caused enough confusion that he had been able to get out and drag Saber with him.

He thumbed the tracking device on his vest. Hopefully, it was still working. He was about to step out and head for the next alley when the wind shifted and he caught the unfamiliar scent of others. A moment later, the air lit up with laser exchanges.

He had walked right into the middle of a clash between the two opposing sides. Stepping back into the shadows, he carefully lowered Saber to the ground. He knelt over his friend and looked up at the sprinkling of stars that appeared in the cool night.

He turned and sat down, the last of his strength drained. He wondered if this was what Jesse had felt that night when she had saved his life. He clenched his fists. He had promised her that he would come back to her. He would keep that promise. Never before had he ever had something so important worth fighting for, worth living for, as he did now.

Resting his head, he knew if they were going to survive he was going to have to make a decision. He needed to find his people. He needed to get Saber medical attention immediately. He looked down at Saber who was breathing in low, shallow pants. One side of his face was smooth while the other had been cut open by flying debris.

“Don’t you fucking die on me now,” Hunter whispered before pushing off the ground. “I need you, my friend. I don’t have a clue how to handle three females on my own so don’t you fucking die on me.”

Hunter knew that Saber couldn’t hear him but it didn’t matter. He looked up at the stars again. He would go up and over the buildings. It was the only way to avoid the conflict raging on the streets. Not letting doubt cloud his decision, he gripped the deep grooves in the stone and began climbing. Once on the roof, he rolled his bad shoulder to ease the ache and took off running toward the west. It was time to get out of this hellhole.


Hunter crossed over three blocks before he was forced back to the ground. He could scent other Trivator warriors in the air and knew they would be able to scent him as well. He rolled over the side of the building he was on and climbed down the wall.

He was almost to the bottom when his bad shoulder gave out and he fell the last few feet. He landed hard and fell to his knees as blackness threatened to engulf him as he jarred his broken ribs. He rose just as a small group of men came around the corner.

Low cursing filled the air from the men as they rushed him. Hunter caught the first man under the chin with his good arm. He could feel the bones crunching as he struck him. He was no match for the other eight men who swarmed him.

The blows to his broken ribs was excruciating. He fought as best he could but one of his broken ribs had punctured his lung. Breathing was growing more and more difficult as he tried to protect his injured ribcage. He fell to the side when another male slammed a long pole across his back.

“Kill him,” one male grunted. “We need to get out of here before others come.”

“Too late,” a deep voice growled. “Take them. I don’t care if it is dead or alive.”

Hunter rolled over onto his side and coughed up blood. Thunder’s menacing voice echoed through the air and he swore it was one of the sweetest sounds he would never admit to hearing. He listened to the brief sounds of struggles before everything became quiet again. Hard, firm hands turned him gently back onto his back.

“Ribs,” he groaned. “Saber.”

“Jaguar’s team has Saber,” the medic said. “They picked up your scent but you had already crossed over before they could get to you.”

“Dagger?” Hunter asked, already knowing the answer.

“Dead,” Thunder’s voice said over the medic’s shoulder. “Shit Hunter, you are messed up.”

“Yeah,” Hunter choked out hoarsely before relaxing as the medic injected him.

“He’s in bad shape,” the medic said looking over his shoulder at Thunder. “I hope he makes it.”

“He will,” Thunder replied with determination, waving his hand. “Call for a medical transport.”


The world blurred in and out. Hunter had the sensation of floating for a short period before darkness descended again. The next time he woke was to shadowy images and quiet voices. He knew he was in the triage set up to stabilize warriors before they were transported to one of the warships. He turned his head and blinked several times.

A figure stepped in the way. “Saber?” He muttered.

S. E. Smith's books