Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“Thank you, Jordan,” Jesse whispered as they began pulling items out of the dresser.

“Like I said before, no thanks are needed,” Jordan responded quietly as she folded several long-sleeve tunics and placed them in the small bag on the bed. “You’ve sacrificed a lot for us, Jesse. Both Taylor and I are aware of that.”

Jesse stopped and gripped Jordan’s arms, stopping her when she turned to gather more items. Jesse needed her sister to understand that she had done what needed to be done out of love, not sacrifice. She had never felt her position as being the oldest was a burden or chore.

“I love you, Jordan,” Jesse said fiercely. “I love Taylor. You are my family. Without you, there would be no me. I don’t ever want you to feel that either of you were ever a sacrifice, burden, chore or any other name you can think of. We are and will always be a team, a family. No matter what happens. Do you understand that?”

Jordan stared back at her for several long seconds before a ghost of a smile curved her lips. It wasn’t much but there was a spark of life in it. She hugged Jordan to her.

“Please believe me,” Jesse whispered. “I couldn’t have survived without you and Taylor.”

Jesse felt Jordan’s arms wrap tightly around her. “I love you too, Jesse. Be careful. I… it hurts to lose so many of those that we have loved. I don’t think I could survive losing you or Taylor.”

“I’m coming back and I’m bringing Hunter and if possible, Saber. I promise,” Jesse vowed. “Now, let’s get out of here before I get left behind.”

Jesse was back downstairs within minutes, the small bag gripped tightly in her hand. Jordan was right behind her. She smiled at Shana and Scout who stood to the side of the staircase.

“I’ll take that,” the warrior said. He turned and bowed to Scout. “I’ll keep you informed of any new developments.”

“Protect her,” Scout ordered, his eyes flashing in warning. “She carries my son’s heir.”

The warrior looked startled at Jesse before he bowed again. “I will protect her with my life, Lord Scout.”

“Give Saber hell for me, Jesse,” Taylor called out as Jesse got in the transport.

“Taylor!” Jesse admonished but ruined her rebuke by rolling her eyes. “I will.”

“Bye!” Taylor yelled again, waving. “Love you, Jesse!”

Jesse smiled as she watched her small family disappear. She turned to look over the darkened skies as they flew. Stars twinkled above while the lights from the city twinkled below. All she knew was the light in her heart was about ready to burst with relief and love. Hunter had kept his promise. He had come back to her.


Jesse tiredly nodded to the warrior as she disembarked off of yet another transport. It was the fifth one in four days. She had spent the first two days on a warship before being transferred to a different warship, only to find out that Hunter was still another two days out.

The second warship was carrying additional troops and would only take her part of the way. She was transferred to a smaller supply transport that would meet up with the warship Hunter was on. There was a delay as the supply ship was rerouted at the last minute so she was transferred to yet another supply ship before this one finally dispatched her to the transport that met up with the Star Raider.

By the time it did, Jesse was exhausted, sick to her stomach and desperately wanted a hot shower and somewhere to rest her head for a few minutes. Instead, the first person she saw was the commanding officer, Jag, whom she had knocked out.

Well, technically Jordan did the knocking out, Jesse thought tiredly. I just told her to do it.

“You again,” Jag grunted. “I was hoping the orders I received had been wrong. Where are the other two?”

Jesse’s eyebrow rose. “They didn’t come. Where’s Hunter?” She asked bluntly.

The left corner of Jag’s lips tugged upward. Jesse wouldn’t call it a smile but it was probably as close to one as the man got. She was glad he thought the situation was humorous. Personally, she was tired and crabby and just wanted a shower, sleep and Hunter and not in that order.

“This way,” Jag said, waving a hand to dismiss one of the warriors who had stepped forward to escort Jesse. “I’ll take her.”

“Yes sir,” the warrior said with a bow.

“How is he?” Jesse asked in a husky voice. “I haven’t been given much information.”

Jag glanced down at Jesse’s pale face with a frown. “When is the last time you had food and sleep?” He asked instead of answering her.

Jesse tiredly pushed her hair back from her face and scowled up at Jag as he stepped into one of the lifts. She honestly didn’t know the answer to either of those questions. It had been so long and so many different transfers that she had lost count.

“I just want to see Hunter,” she replied stubbornly. “Now. Not later.”

S. E. Smith's books