Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“What do you mean?” Jesse asked huskily.

“I was sick from the very first day when I was expecting Hunter,” Shana said with a smile. “I swore I was going to gut Scout if he ever got me pregnant again.”

“Pregnant?” Jesse whispered, her eyes popping open in shock. “I...”

She was about to deny she could be pregnant but she hadn’t had a period since right before she and Hunter had made love the first time. That would make her at least four months pregnant. She placed her cold fingers in Shana’s hand as Hunter’s mom stood up, grateful for the help.

“Why don’t you get cleaned up and come out? Dinner is ready. I was getting worried about you. When I came to check on you earlier you were sound asleep which was the best thing at the time. Now, you need something in your stomach,” Shana encouraged her. “I am so glad Hunter found you and your sisters, Jesse.”

“Thank you, Shana,” Jesse said with a shaky smile. “I’m glad we are here as well.”

Jesse closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. She and Hunter were going to be parents. Her hand moved to cover her stomach.

“Oh Hunter, I wish you were here,” Jesse whispered. “I really need you to come home now.”


Several days later, Jesse grinned when Jordan came up behind her and rested her hands on her stomach. Since the night she had woken up sick, she had been more careful about listening to her body. Shana and Scout had given her a private moment with her sisters to tell them. Taylor had squealed in delight and danced around her while Jordan had given her a huge hug. Both of her sisters had been doting on her, much to Jesse’s amusement.

“I wish dad were still alive. He would be thrilled, Jesse,” Jordan said quietly. “He was very proud of you.”

“He was proud of all of us,” Jesse said, placing her hands over Jordan’s. “I miss him too, Jordan.”

“Have you heard from Hunter?” Jordan asked, taking a step back and turning to pull a cup out of the cabinet.

“Not in over a week,” Jesse replied. She leaned back against the counter. “He, Saber and Dagger were heading back out. He wasn’t sure how long they would be gone.”


Jesse looked at her sister. It was hard to believe that Jordan was eighteen and Taylor was sixteen now. They had changed so much.

So have I, she thought as she slid her hand over her stomach. Our lives have changed and yet, we are still the same.

Both of them turned when Shana came into the kitchen. She was very pale. Scout was behind her. His face was drawn into a tight mask of forced calm. A third man that Jesse had never seen was standing behind them. Her hand started to shake when she saw that he was wearing a uniform similar to what Hunter wore.

She was already shaking her head in denial. Her breathing began to become erratic as she remembered what it meant back on Earth when her dad had to go to someone’s house.

“No,” she whispered. “No, I would know. I would know. He’s not… he’s not…”

“Jesse,” Shana said, shaking her head. “They don’t know. He is missing. Along with Saber and Dagger. They lost contact with their transport in heavy fighting. They’ve sent in teams to bring them out.”

The huge male standing behind them cleared his throat. He glanced at Scout who nodded before he spoke. From the grim expression on his face, things did not look good.

“If you would all have a seat, I will update you on information I received on the way over,” the man said.

Jesse moved to sit at the table as Jordan and Taylor gathered closer to her. They each held her hand tightly as the man began giving them a brief summary of what had happened to date.

“Unexpected fighting broke out in an area previously thought to be secure. Ten warriors were trapped behind enemy lines. Hunter’s crew went in after them. Hunter, Saber and Dagger were to protect the rescue crews. Both transports, the one piloted by Hunter and Saber and the other piloted by Dagger and Edge, were shot down,” the man said calmly. “We believe Hunter and Saber were able to make an emergency landing. Transmissions were received from their transport after the fighting.”

“What of Dagger?” Jordan asked quietly. “You said they were both shot down. What about Dagger’s transport?”

The man shook his head. “Both men were killed. Their transport exploded shortly after it crashed. The remains of two men were found in the burned debris.”

Jordan’s hand tightened on Jesse’s until Jesse looked in concern at Jordan’s deathly pale face. Her expression was closed but Jesse could feel the violent trembling in her sister’s body. She squeezed Jordan’s hand in encouragement.

S. E. Smith's books