Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“Did he say anything about Dagger and Saber?” Jordan asked, staring up into the empty sky.

“Just that he was joining up with them,” Jesse said. “Come on. Charma said her grandkids were coming over this afternoon. That was why she needed the ingredients from the market, plus you need to make the dough for the pizza so it can rise. I’m sure the other kids will enjoy trying out an Earth dish.”

She straightened her shoulders and turned back toward the house. She would focus on learning how to make their home better for when Hunter returned. She would also think about what she wanted to do with her own life.

Charma had asked her what she was interested in a few days ago. She had spent so many years caring for her sisters and dad then just trying to survive she never really thought about what she wanted to do. She had planned to focus on art restoration. She loved art but she didn’t have the same talent that Jordan did. Her love came in the history behind it and the preservation. She didn’t know if there was much need for that on Rathon. Still, she could see what was available and learn a new skill.

Anything to keep me busy so the pain doesn’t overwhelm me, she thought. I miss him already.

Chapter 21

One month dragged into two which soon turned into three. Hunter’s parents had come to stay with them a few days after he left. Jesse had to admit that she was glad.

She had fallen in love with the couple and appreciated their acceptance of her and her sisters. She knew they had been surprised when they first met her, Jordan and Taylor but that didn’t stop his mom, Shana, from wrapping her arms around them.

Since then, both his mother and father had taken them under their wing. It had been so long since her sisters had the positive influence of an older, and definitely more experienced, couple that Jesse wasn’t surprised that Taylor, especially, was lapping up the extra attention. Shana doted on Jordan, seeming to understand that she was more reserved, while Scout, Hunter’s father, had fallen in love with Taylor who asked him a million and one questions and followed him everywhere.

Jesse leaned back tiredly from the small area in the garden that she had been helping Bronze clear. It was a very warm day and she was covered in sweat and dirt. She hadn’t slept well since Hunter left and it was catching up with her as she always seemed to be exhausted.

“Why don’t you take a break, Jesse?” Bronze said. “I can finish this up.”

Jesse shook her head. “No, we’re almost done. I can take a break then.”

“Have you always been this stubborn?” Bronze teased as he raked up the weeds they had pulled. “It is too hot to work much longer. We can finish this afternoon when the sun has gone down a bit.”

“No, because I know that when I come back this afternoon you’d already have it done,” Jesse chuckled, smearing dirt across her forehead when she wiped at the sweat threatening to get into her eyes. “Just a little more then we’ll call it quits.”

“Good,” Shana said, coming up behind her. “I’ll have Charma bring lunch out in half an hour onto the patio. It is much cooler in the shade.”

“Thanks, Shana,” Jesse smiled. “Are the girls back yet?”

“No, they asked if they could stay over at Charma’s daughter’s house for a bit longer. Scout will pick them up later,” Shana replied.

Jesse stood up stiffly, swaying for a moment before she locked her knees. She was getting out of shape if a little yard work caused her to feel shaky and dizzy. She smiled at Bronze again when he took a step toward her.

“Are you feeling well, Jesse?” He asked in concern.

“I think I’m out of shape from sitting around and eating too much of Charma’s excellent cooking,” Jesse said. “Perhaps I will go get cleaned up and rest for a bit.”

Shana reached out to help Jesse but Jesse shook her head. She didn’t want Hunter’s mom to get filthy. She nodded to both of them before she walked back into the side room of the house where she could slip out of her dirty clothes. She pressed a hand to her head as another wave of dizziness swept through her. She definitely needed to get some rest.


Jesse woke with a start later that afternoon. Her eyes turned to look out the window. She was surprised to see it was growing dark. She stretched before pressing a hand over her mouth. Rolling from the bed, she rushed to the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, she emptied what little contents she had in her stomach. She sank to the floor and pressed her trembling hands to her forehead.

“I was surprised you had not been sick before this,” a soft, concerned voice said from the doorway.

Jesse looked up to see Shana step into the bathroom. She picked up a washcloth and ran cold water over it before coming to kneel next to Jesse. Jesse closed her eyes in relief as the cold seemed to help the queasiness in her stomach.

S. E. Smith's books