Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“That’s the way it was when we were at the cabin,” Taylor said. “How big is the town we flew over? Do they have a school there? Is that where I’ll be going?”

Hunter chuckled. “Why don’t you settle in first? Give yourself time to adjust to your new world. There are approximately ten thousand residents in the city of Trivas. There are several schools. I will ask Charma, my house minder to assist with finding out which one is best for you. She has been with my family since before I was born. She will know what to do. She also has several children who have children of their own about your age.”

“Really?” Taylor asked excitedly.

“Yes, really,” Hunter responded as Jordan and Jesse chuckled. “Now, let me show you our home.”

Jesse gripped Hunter’s hand as the door slid open for her to step out. She felt him squeeze her fingers in comfort when she trembled. This was it. This was their new home. She gazed around the interior courtyard in awe. It was huge. White stone pathways wove around small gardens. A fountain bubbled in the far corner before emptying into a pond.

She turned and gazed up at the house. The rounded dome roof disguised how large the home really was from the air. Stepping up the stone path to the steps leading up to the front door, she paused when it opened to reveal an elegant woman in her early sixties. A smile lit up the woman’s face and she walked forward to brush her nose along both of Hunter's cheeks.

“Hunter! It is good to have you back. How long will you be staying this time?” Charma asked warmly. “Bronze and I have missed you.”

“Only for a short time, I’m afraid. I still have to finish my duty before I can be released,” Hunter responded. “Charma, I’d like to introduce you to my Amate and her sisters. This is Jesse, Jordan and Taylor.”

Charma gazed over at the three small alien females who stood looking up at her with uncertainty. She studied them carefully, amazed at how different they were from the Trivator. They were cute in their own unique way.

“Welcome, Jesse,” Charma said, bowing in respect. “Welcome, Jordan. Welcome, Taylor.”

“Hunter said you have grandkids my age,” Taylor said, stepping forward in excitement. “Can I meet them?”

Charma laughed in delight. The youngest female glowed and her eyes sparkled with an inner light of mischief that she recognized from her own children. Charma couldn’t resist giving Taylor a hug before stepping back and waving everyone to enter the house.

“I would be honored to introduce you to my children’s children,” Charma said. “But first, I think refreshments should be served. Bronze will get your things and take them to your rooms.”

“Thank you, Charma,” Jesse responded, thinking she matched her name perfectly. “My sisters and I are famished.”

Jesse’s eyes widened at the beauty of the interior of the house. Curved ceilings leant a depth to the house. A staircase was carved into the stone that made up the house and ran along one wall curving up to the second level. Polished floors gleamed with just a trace of blues, blacks and pinks running through the stone. Spiral pillars held up the entrance way to several different rooms.

They followed Charma through a set of pillars and down a bright corridor which opened into a huge dining area set in front of clear windows that overlooked a covered patio area and the back gardens. Several women were setting food on the table.

“I thought you might like to sit outside as it is a beautiful day,” Charma smiled. “I will have Gola and Jacel attend you while I see to the unpacking.”

“Oh, but we can…” Jesse’s voice faded as Hunter squeezed her fingers.

“Thank you, Charma,” Hunter nodded. “As usual, you and Bronze have done a marvelous job of caring for my home while I have been away.”

“It is always a pleasure, Hunter,” Charma responded before turning to re-enter the house.

“Why couldn’t she stay?” Taylor complained. “I wanted to ask her some questions.”

“She will return later,” Hunter replied. “She knew I wanted this time alone with all of you.”

“What for?” Taylor responded as she sank down into the chair with a small pout. “You get to see us all the time.”

“There is much I need to explain before I turn you loose on my world, Taylor,” Hunter explained patiently. “First, you are now a member of my house and what that means.”

“What are you talking about?” Jesse asked, sitting back as one of the women place a bowl of warm soup in front of her. “I thought you were just a warrior. This house seems a bit much for just a warrior.”

S. E. Smith's books