Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Several hours later, Hunter wrapped his arm around Jesse’s waist as they departed the transport that had taken them back to the warship. She had refused to let him carry her off it. Fury still burned him. It was a good thing Dagger had killed the guard that had struck Jesse. His eyes moved over the dark bruise covering almost the entire right side of her face. He had not noticed it before because she had kept her face turned into his chest. It was only as they settled in the transport and one of the medics came over to ask if he could examine Jesse that Hunter remembered that the guard had struck her.

“I’m okay, you know,” Jesse said quietly as two guards escorted them to the bridge. “Has anyone let Jordan and Taylor know that we are back?” She asked worriedly. “They should be told.”

“I’ve asked Bree, Carp’s Amate, to inform them,” Dagger said coming up behind them. “I figured you’d be as worried about them as they are about you.”

Jesse gave Dagger a smile of thanks before wincing as the swelling that had begun on the transport pulled on her face. She sighed deeply. She looked a mess. She hadn’t had a bath in almost a week and knew she must stink, her face looked like she had been in a boxing match and lost and she was covered in dirt. She pulled on her shirt but it was useless. A large section was missing from where she had torn it to use as a washcloth to clean Saber’s face.

“Are you sure I can’t get cleaned up first?” She asked self-consciously. “My face…”

Hunter stopped in the middle of the corridor outside the bridge and swung around to glare down at Jesse in concern. Dagger and Saber had to stop quickly so they didn’t run into him. His face turned dark with rebellion.

“I knew it!” Hunter bit out. “You do need to go to medical first. I should have ignored the order to…”

“No,” Jesse interrupted. “No, Hunter. I’ll be fine. I just wanted to get cleaned up before I faced the music, that’s all. It is bad enough to have to face your boss after knocking him out but to do it looking like something the dog dug up doesn’t give me a lot of courage.”

Twin barks of laughter drew a furious scowl from Hunter. He shot both Dagger and Saber a heated look. He pulled Jesse closer to him, as if to protect her.

“You think she looks bad?” Hunter snarled.

Saber held his hands up. “No, I think it is funny as hell that she knocked Jag out and thinks she doesn’t have courage. I’ve never met a braver, more determined warrior in my life.”

“That goes for me, too,” Dagger added quietly. “You have nothing to fear, Jesse. We will stand beside you.”

Tears glittered in Jesse’s eyes as she stared at the three men towering over her. This is what it meant not to be alone any longer. For so long, it had just been her and her sisters. Now, she felt like she had found a home for all of them. Some place safe where they could lay their heads down to rest and not wonder if they would live through to the next day.

“Thank you,” she replied in a husky voice. “Thank you for everything.”

Dagger cleared his throat. “Let’s get this over with so Carp can take a look at Jesse before you take her to get clean,” he said gruffly. “I’d like to have a talk with one of her sisters as well.”

“You aren’t the only one,” Saber muttered. “Taylor is lucky she didn’t blow her and Jesse up with all the explosives she had packed in that damn bag of hers.”

Jesse tuned everyone out when she saw Jag waiting impatiently for them. She tilted her head defiantly as his eyes skimmed her appearance before resting on her battered face. His eyes flashed with fury before he concealed it.

She walked stiffly into the conference room off the bridge, very conscious of the silence on the bridge as all eyes followed her. Hunter squeezed her hip in support. She stood stiffly, clasping her hands in front of her to hide the trembling in them. She waited until the commander of the Star Raider turned before she said anything.

“I’m not sorry for what I did,” she said softly. “I’d do it again. If you want to… to…,” her voice broke and she had to draw in a deep breath before she could finish. “If you want to throw me in prison… or… or worse, I’ll accept my punishment.”

Three low growls filled the room as Hunter drew Jesse back against his body while Saber and Dagger stepped up on either side of her. Jag glared at the three men in warning.

“I’ll throw all your asses in detention if you don’t shut up,” he warned before turning his eyes on Jesse again. “Is it true? You patched Saber up and snuck into the compound dressed as a guard and cut Hunter and Dagger free.”

S. E. Smith's books