Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

She frowned and pushed the covers back. Slipping from the bed, she looked in the bathroom and saw that it was empty. She figured he must have gone to get something to eat. She rubbed her stomach when it growled. She hoped he had because she was starving.

Deciding she might as well get cleaned up while he was gone, she pulled the soft tunic over her head and stuffed it in the clothing refresher. She groaned as she stepped into the shower. Adjusting the mist a little warmer, she leaned her head forward and let the cleansing mist do its job. She poured a small amount of Hunter’s soap into her hand and breathed deeply before she began shampooing her hair and washing her body.

“I had planned on returning before you woke,” Hunter’s deep voice echoed in the bathroom.

Jesse pushed her wet hair out of her eyes and smiled at him. “I hope you brought food,” she said. “I’m starving! How long was I asleep for?”

“Over twenty-four hours,” Hunter replied. “I have brought you food. I noticed you were moving more in the last hour and hoped that meant you would awaken soon. I was going to have Bree come check you over again if you didn’t. How are you feeling?”

“A million times better,” she said in surprise. “Except for being hungry, I can’t believe I’m not hurting. I know my face was a mess but it doesn’t hurt at all.”

Hunter’s eyes followed her hand as she brushed her right cheek. The majority of the damage had been repaired and only a light discoloration was still evident. That would disappear within a few days according to Carp. He reached out and touched her cheek.

“Carp was able to heal most of the damage,” he said huskily. “Finish up in here. I will set the food out for you.”

“Thank you, Hunter,” Jesse said softly.

Hunter frowned. “For what?” He asked confused.

“For not dying. For not leaving us alone,” Jesse said with a small smile. “For everything.”

Hunter scowled. “You do not have to thank me,” he said gruffly. “Now finish up or I will come in there and finish washing you.”

Jesse’s delighted laugh echoed in the small room. Hunter felt the tightening in his chest again. This time he welcomed the feeling. He wanted to hear her laugh a lot more. He was slowly figuring out all the things he wanted to give Jesse. He wanted to give her the universe. He would start by properly courting her.

He had been watching a program one of the other warriors had downloaded from Earth. It showed a man ‘dating’ a female. He fixed her dinner, took her places and bought her gifts. He was limited while they were on the Star Raider but once he got her to his home, he could do all of that and more.

It is time to show Jesse just how special she is to me, Hunter thought as he placed a small glowing torch in the center of the small table. How very, very special.


“Jesse, I’m so excited!” Taylor said, dancing around in the transport area. “What do you think their world is going to be like? Do you think there are kids my age? Oh God! Do you think they’ll like me? What am I going to do if they don’t like me? I haven’t been to school in years. They are going to think I’m such an idiot!” she moaned out, grabbing her head.

Jesse hid her smile when Saber stormed across the floor and grabbed Taylor’s wrists in his hands. He had a fierce, protective look on his face. Taylor blinked at him in shock.

“If anyone even insinuates that you are stupid, you will tell me!” Saber growled. “You are not stupid! You are smart, brave and have an ingenuity that all those other children can only dream of!”

Taylor scowled. “I’m not a child, Saber,” she said. “I’m growing up. I’ll be sixteen in less than a month.”

Saber flushed as he looked down at Taylor’s face. “You are still a child,” he bit out, releasing her wrists and stepping back. “But, don’t ever think you are stupid.”

Taylor’s eyes flashed with temper before a mischievous grin curved her lips. Jesse knew her little sister was about to go fishing. She had seen that look all too often when Taylor was little and she wanted to get a rise out of someone.

“Okay,” Taylor said with a shrug. She glanced over her shoulder, smiled and fluttered her eyelashes. “It’s good to know that the others won’t think I’m stupid. I wonder what the boys are like. I’m sure they won’t think of me as a child.”

“You will not be going near any of the young warriors!” Saber snarled. “Hunter! Tell her. She is under your protection. You will forbid her from associating with any young males.”

Hunter looked wide-eyed back and forth between Saber and Taylor. It was obvious he had no idea how to handle the situation. He opened his mouth but closed it again when Jesse touched his arm.

“I’ll handle this,” she murmured.

S. E. Smith's books