Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Jesse knew the day would come that he would tell her he had to go again. She just wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. She knew that something was wrong as she came up the path from town with Jordan and Taylor. They had gone to the market for Charma. Hunter was standing looking out over the garden when she came in.

“Hey, are you finished with the deck?” Jesse asked, slipping her arms around his waist. “Jordan and Taylor are going to try making a pizza for dinner tonight.”

Hunter stood stiffly for a moment before he drew Jesse around so he could wrap his arms around her. He rubbed his nose gently against her hair. A shudder went through him as she tightened her arms around him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I’ve been called back to duty,” he replied quietly. “I leave within the hour.”

“The hour!” Jesse whispered in horror. She pulled back to stare up into his face. “For how long? Where will you be? Can I go with you?”

Hunter brushed her hair back from her face and tenderly rubbed his thumb along her cheek. He was unable to resist kissing her smooth nose. Soon, his mouth worked its way down to her lips and he hungrily kissed her.

It took every ounce of his self-discipline to pull back. He had not expected it to be this difficult. He had never before had any issues fulfilling his duty but the idea of leaving Jesse and her sisters was tearing him apart inside.

“I am not sure how long I will be gone. A situation has arisen with one of the new worlds that was recently brought into the Alliance. I am meeting up with Saber and Dagger. You cannot go with me on this trip. It is too dangerous. No females are being allowed,” he said gruffly. “Besides, I need to know that you are here where it is safe and that you are watching over your sisters.”

Jesse wanted to argue but knew from the look in his eyes that this was tearing him apart as much as it was her. She understood duty. She understood sacrifice. She was just tired of making them. She wanted to be greedy and keep him all to herself. Instead, she did what she had always done when her dad was called out. She did what she could to help him.

“What do you need?” She asked huskily. “I can help you get your things together.”

Hunter cupped her cheek in his hand, enjoying the way she turned her face into it and brushed her lips across his palm. She continued to amaze him with her strength. Unable to stand the thought of her hurting, he pulled her into his arms and held her as he looked out over the garden.

“I have everything already in the transport. Charma and Bronze will be here if you should need anything. My parents are on their way back,” he said. “I have asked them to come stay with you and the girls. I don’t want you to be alone at night.”

“We’ve been alone a lot of nights,” she whispered against his chest.

“Not any longer,” he bit out harshly. “They will arrive in a few days. Until then, Charma and Bronze will stay in the guest wing.”

Jesse shielded her pain, knowing that he would be able to smell it. She had learned a lot about shielding her emotions over the years. She did not want him to worry about anything but coming back to her.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

Her arms tightened around him as she sensed their time was up. She hugged him to her one last time before pulling away. Tilting her chin upward in determination, she smiled.

“You better come back to me,” she said quietly. “You know what will happen if you don’t.”

“You’ll come after me?” He teased, drinking in the beauty of her face.

“You bet your ass I will,” she said hoarsely. “I’ll always come after you.”

“And I will always come back to you,” Hunter whispered, touching her cheek. “Always.”

“Forever,” Jesse choked out. “You promised me forever.”

“My lord,” Bronze said behind him. “The transport is ready.”

Hunter nodded without turning around. Bending, he brushed another kiss across Jesse’s soft lips before he turned and walked back into the house. He could feel Jesse’s eyes on him as he walked away. He was just getting into the transport when Jesse came flying out the front door. Her eyes glittered fiercely but no tears fell.

“I love you, Hunter,” she said, holding onto the door as it started to close. “I love you. Forever.”

Hunter couldn’t reply. His own eyes glittered with fierce emotion as Jesse stepped back several steps. He watched as Jordan and Taylor wrapped their arms around her waist and lifted a hand to him. He raised his own in response.

“I will watch over them, my lord,” Bronze said. “My Amate and I will protect them.”

“Thank you, Bronze,” Hunter murmured as he watched his family fade from view. “Thank Charma for me as well.”

“I will, my lord,” Bronze replied as he steered the transport toward Julumont.


“What do we do now?” Taylor asked as she watched the transport disappear.

“We do what we’ve always done. We push forward,” Jesse said quietly. “We continue learning about our new world so we can make a better life. We all have a lot to catch up on. We’ll take this time to focus on it.”

S. E. Smith's books