Honor Student

chapter Twenty-Seven

“Aunt Judy? I won’t be home tonight.” I glanced up at William who was looking a little happier. I sat the phone down on the counter top and raised an eyebrow at him. I got up from my seat and walked over to the elevator, swaying my hips slightly. I couldn’t pull the smile from my face as I stepped inside and rode up to the next floor. It was dark and smelled of leather. I walked out into the expansive space, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I ran my hands over the different contraptions as I contemplated which one to choose.

I slid my clothes off and climbed on top of the cold metal table. I wrapped the leather straps around my ankles, securing them to each corner, leaving my legs spread open. I laid back and stretched my body as far as I could to reach the handcuffs at the top center. I slipped them over my wrists and clicked them into place. I took a few deep breaths and waited for him to arrive. I heard the elevator being called back the the second floor and my heart began to race. A few minutes passed and the doors opened again. I resisted the urge to lift my head and look at him. The steady thudding of his footsteps crept closer and I held my breath when the sound stopped at the foot of the table. I heard the sound of leather sliding against itself as he undid his belt.

“You certainly know how to make me feel better.” He said as he slid his pants over his hips. I couldn’t help but smile. He spent the next hour torturing and teasing me until I wanted to scream. “Say it” He whispered in my ear as his body hovered over mine. I pulled against the restraints, desperate to touch him. “Say it!” He commmanded, his teeth clenched.

“I love you” I panted. He thrust himself into me and I cried out at the sudden pain. His body crashed into mine relentlessly. I tried to pull my knees together as I felt my release building but my body was tied in place.

“I love you” He moaned into my ear. His words were my undoing. Pleasure rippled through my body as my mucles tightened around him. He continued to thrust until he finished, his body falling on top of mine. He kissed me softly as his fingers undid the handcuffs above my head. As soon as my hands were free I wrapped them around him, holding his mouth to mine. I wanted to lay there in his arms forever. His phone rang on the floor and I tried to hold him in place. He grabbed my arms and pushed them down hard against the table by my head. I pushed my hips into him as the phone rang again. He grinned and began to peal himself off me. I pouted, sticking out my lip. He leaned in and quickly bit it.

“I have to get it. It may be my lawyer.” He whispered. I relaxed against the table in defeat. He smiled and grabbed his phone. As he talked his eyes danced over me. I sat up and unhooked my left ankle as he undid the other. He began to pace the floor as I slid off the table and pulled on my clothes. He placed his hand on the small of my back as we made our way into the elevator. “I don’t give a f*ck about the money. I want her out of my life.” He said as he ran his hand through his hair. We stepped out of the elevator into his living area. I headed straight for the bathroom to clean myself up and to give him some privacy.

When I returned William was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. I snuggled up mext to him and rubbed his back with my hand. He sat up straight and grabbed my wrist in his hand, his eyes were cold. “Don’t” He hissed. I pulled my hand back and slid to the far end of the couch. ‘I’m sorry” He put his head down.

“It’s okay.” I whispered. “You have a lot on your mind.” He shook his head at my response.

“I know it’s not fair to you and I am trying, but it is hard for me to get close to people.” He explained. I nidded, letting him know I understood.

“I’m here, no matter how long it takes. I’m not going anywhere.” He looked me in the eye and nodded. “So…what did your lawyer have to say?” I asked, trying to change the subject from us.

“He doesn’t think I should pay her. He thinks I should give up my job.” He looked at me sadly.

“What do you want to do?” I asked, leaning in a little closer to him, trying to resist the urge to touch him.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to give her another f*cking dime, but I don’t want to quit my job. She wins either way.” He threw his hands in the air in defeat.

We sat silently for a few minutes as he thought over his options. Finally, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. He stood up from the couch and made his way across the room.

“I’ll get you the f*cking money but if I ever see your face again, or if you come near Emma I will f*cking kill you.” I had never seen him so angry but on the surface he was calm. I pulled my knees to my chest and listened to him speak, wishing I could hear the other side of the conversation. He hung up the phone and disappeared into his bedroom, reamerging a few minutes later with his shoes on and a light jacket.

“Where are we going?” I pushed off the couch and walked towards him.

“You are staying here.” I felt my heart sink. He walked towards me and cupped my face in his hands. “ I am going to go pay Abby and get her out of our lives.” He kissed me on the forehead, pressing his lips hard and lingering for an extra second. “Have you thought anymore about where we are going after graduation?” He asked, catching me off guard. I thought after we had discovered who was threatening William, we wouldn’t need to leave. “What?” His eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

“You still want to go?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Just pick some place warm. I want you naked as much as possible.” He grinned wickedly and turned to leave. “Don’t answer the door for anyone.” He warned and locked the door behind him. I sighed and looked around.

I made my way back to the couch and clicked on the television as I thought of all the different places William and I could go. I realized that after graduation we and I wouldn’t have to hide, at least not after a while. I perked up at the thought of walking with him hand and hand down the street. I had fallen head over heels with him and I wanted to be able to tell the world. I also thought about the two mimllion dollar payment he was making so he could be with me. He could have ended what we had. There was no proof we had ever been together, but instead he was paying his ex so he could continue to see me. My thought broke off as a knock came at the door. I quickly turned off the television and tiptoed over to the kitchen area.

“I know you’re in there.” A woman called, irritated. I glanced through the peephole to see Angela, the school secretary on the other side.

I grabbed my phone and dialed William.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as soon as he answered.

“Angela is here!” I whispered, walking back into the bedroom to distance myself from the door.

“Shit. She probably saw my car downstairs and thinks I am avoiding her.”

“Your car is downstairs? How did you…”

“Stephen picked me up. He wanted to go with me for the exchange of money. Just stay inside and be quiet. She will leave soon.”

“Okay. What about my car?” I was biting my lip as she knocked again.

“I moved it before I left. It is parked around the building. Emma, I’m sorry about all of this.” I could hear the sadness in his voice.

“No worries” I replied and hung up. I paced the bedroom until the house fell quiet. When I was certain she had left I went back to the kitchen and looked through the peephole. There was no sign of her. I sighed and went back to the couch to watch television.

Teresa Mummert's books