Honor Student

chapter Twenty-Four

The morning flew by and I was in a great mood. I even finished the disgusting slop they called food during lunch. Nothing could bring me down from the high that I was on. I decided to hit the bathroom before Mr. Honor’s class. I ran my fingers through my hair and applied a fresh coat of lip gloss as the bell echoed throughout the building. I smiled at myself, knowing he would ask me to stay after class for being late. I grabbed my book sand walked down the hall. His door was closed and I peeked through the tiny window. His eyes caught mine, narrowing slightly.

“Ms. Townsend” he nodded as I took my seat. “See me after class.” I smiled and bit down on the end of my pencil. “Everyone clear your desks for the chapter quiz.” The class collectively groaned as he passed stacks of paper back the isles. Mr. Honor took his seat behind his desk and I got to work on the test. My phoone vibrated on my lap and I glanced down to read the screen.

I know just how to punish you.

I bit my lip and glanced up at him. His eyes locked on to mine.

Slide the phone between your legs and leave it there.

I glanced around the room. Everyone was working on their tests and oblivioius to our secret conversation.


I slipped the phone between my thighs and looked down at my paper. It suddenly vibrated again, sending pleasure shooting though my body. I grabbed the edge of my desk and looked back at him. His lips twisted into a wicked grin as he sent another. I parted my lips, trying not to pant aloud. He licked his lips as the phone virbated again and again. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to stop the sudden rush of pleasure that had taken over my body.

A knock came at the door and he frowned at me. I took a deep breath, thankful the torture was over.

“Come in.” he called across the room. The door opened and a tall brunette walked inside. She glanced around the room and I recognized her face immediately. Mr. Honor kept a tiny picture of her in his dresser drawer.

“Abby” he said, unable to hide the shock in his voice.

“Will” She said in an icy tone. She called him Will? Who was this woman? Why did he have a picture of her hidden away? Mr. Honor stood and quickly led her out of the room into the hallway. I stared down at my test paper, unable to make sense of anything. The bell rang and everyone got up from their seats. I sat still, feeling like I had been hit with a brick. Finally, I pushed myself up, taking a deep breath. As I walked out of the class I came face to face with Mr. Honor and this mystery woman.

“Emma, we can discuss you being late some other time.” His words hung heavy with sadness.

“No. She can stay. I’d like to get to know the woman who is f*cking my husband.” She stared at Mr. Honor, never bothering to look at me. Her words ripped though me like a knife. I subconsiously grabbed my stomach as my heart sank. I looked at him, desperatly searching his eyes for answers. His jaw clenched and he looked like he was ready to lose all control.

“Oh, she didn’t know?” Abby said with a laugh.

“Go” He commanded, gesturing for Abby to go inside his classroom. His eyes turned sad as he looked at me. I looked down at the ground and walked back inside.

“I’m not here to ruin your fun, Will. I just came to get what is mine.” She explained, leaning back against his desk.

“I don’t owe you anything.” His voice was low and cold and it sent shivers down my spine.

“I’m sorry. Did you say you are his wife?” I asked, growing increasingly nauseous.

“Ex-wife” Mr. Honor corrected. He was only a few years older than me and I couldn’t wrap my head around any of this. Abby glared back at William and the tention in the air was palpable. I couldn’t picture him with a woman like her. Sure she was beautiful but she was also very strong and demanding, not something I could ever see him putting up with. Everything began to click into place in my head. Abby was the reason Mr. Honor was…the way he was. This woman had done something viscious to this man to make him turn into the controlling man he was with me.

“You really want your little secret getting out?” Her eyes danced between us. “Imagine what the other teachers would say. Imagine…what your father would say.” His body tensed and I knew she had struck a nerve.

“What is it that you want?” I asked bravely when Mr. Honor didn’t respond to her threats. Sme smiled politely at me.

“You know what I want but since that isn’t going to happen, a couple million oughta cover it. Don’t you think, Will?” Her eyes danced back to William, a full on smile spread across her face.

“Where the hell is he going to get money like that?” I asked, my eyes wide.

“Fine” he cut me off, starring at her through narrowed eyes. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Nothing was making sense anymore. Mr. Honor took a step closer to Abby and she straightened her back. “Then you get the f*ck out of my life. I don’t ever want to see you again.” Her lips pressed in a hard line and I could tell he had hurt her, but she was trying desperately not to show it.

“You have my number.” She replied, winking at him as she pushed between us and left the room. It felt like all of the air left with her and I leaned back against a desk trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Mr. Honor looked over at me, taking a step closer, but I held up my hand.

“Don’t” I blurted out and he stopped dead in his tracks.

“It was a long time ago.” He explained.

“How long? You’re just out of college and she.. how old is she?” My stomach twisted in knots.

“She was my math teacher in high school.” He confessed. I felt like somone had just punched me.

“And you…you married her?” I asked, trying to make sense of things. He took a step closer.

“I loved her.” His barely audible. That confession was my undoing. As much as I wanted to know about him, I never anticipated it going like this. I needed fresh air. I needed to get away from this place. I pushed off the desk, shoving by him. His hand caught my arm, keeping me from leaving.

“I need to get out of here.” The tears in my eyes threatened to fall at any moment.

“I’ll go with you.” He wasn’t asking for my permission. I knew if I wanted to make sense of this we would have to finish this talk. I nodded my head and he grabbed his things from his desk. As I made it to the parking lot I could see Mr. Honor in his car, glaring at me. I got in my car, taking a deep breath before pulling out onto the main road. I stared out of the front window, trying to avoid his reflection in my rearview mirror. My head swam with all of the new information I had received from Abby. After William’s confession to me this morning that he wanted to be with me, I did not think it was possible to come crashing down from that moment of happiness.

Teresa Mummert's books