Honor Student

chapter Twenty-Three

As predicted my driveway sat empty as I pulled in. I parked inside the garage and made sure I locked the door behind me as I entered my home. I set my books on the table and walked back the hall to my room. I opened my bedroom door and stood in the doorway, unable to move my feet.

“So you enjoy the pain?” William asked, his blue eyes flashed to mine and he had the hint of smile. “Close the door.” He said in a low, commanding tone. I stepped inside and pushed the door closed behind me, leaning back against it. “If Angela knew about you, she isn’t going to say or do anything about it.” He said confidently. He read the look of confusion on my face and answered my unspoken question. “She’s married. The last thing she wants is for her husband to find out she likes f*cking other men.” His words stabbed me. I had been hoping that William had never gotten that far with her. I looked down at the ground, biting my lip. “She wasn’t really my type. I like my woman all to myself.” He walked towards me and put his fingers on my chin, tipping my head up to meet his gaze. My heart began to thud in my chest. “Breathe Emma.” I drew in a quick breath as I steadied myself against the door. Every emotion imaginable was flooding through me and it left my head swimming in dizziness. He slowly ran his finger along the line of my jaw, as his other hand slid down my waist. His fingers glided over my hip bone and down my thigh. He stopped underneath of my knee, pulling my leg up suddenly next to him and leaning in hard against me. As his face moved closer he brushed passed my mouth to my earlobe. “I miss the taste of you on my lips.” All of the strength left my body and if he wasn’t pressed so tightly against me I would have melted onto the floor. I let out a low heavy breath in his ear and I felt his body respond against me. He rested his forehead against mine, his thumb tracing my lower lip. I slipped my tongue out, gently touching it to the tip of his finger. A small moan escaped his lips and he pushed his finger back against my mouth. I opened wider, letting his finger slip inside as I gently swirled my around it. His mouth ran open along my face. “I should go.”

“No” I replied with more desperation in my voice than I intended. He smiled, leaning his forehead against mine as he closed his eyes. “I tried to stay away from you Emma, but I can’t. You consume my every thought. After graduation we should get away from here for awhile.” I hadn’t realized that graduation was only two weeks away. More importantly, had William just asked me to go away with him, alone?

“Where?” I aksed, not believing I had heard him correctly.

“Anywhere. It doesn’t matter. Just… far away from this place. I want to wake up to your smile.” His look was serious and I tried my best not to grin like a fool. Inside I was jumping up and down with joy. The emotional rollercoaster this man has put my on from one moment to the next had finally reached its peak. “Say yes.” His bright blue eyes burned with wanting.

“Yes, Sir” I smirked. He pressed his lips hard against mine. Electricity surged between us as I clung desperatly to his touch. “Be a good girl.” He smirked but there was an underlying warning to his words. I moved to the side, and he walked out of my bedroom, leaving my wanting more of him.

I spent the rest of the evening catching up on school work and deciding on something to wear for graduation. Every thought went back to William. He was obviously more emotionally damaged than I was but something about us together worked. He craved control and I needed someone to keep me from being self-destructive.

That night I dreamed of William and I. I pictured us in a small home in Michigan with a white picket fence. We were happy and caring, waving at our neighbors as they passed by, but as the door opened to our quaint little home my thoughts twisted into a gruesome nightmare. Mr. Honor’s face contorted into an evil madmad, whip in hand. The walls where lined with woman, chained and shackled begging to be set free. I sat up in my bed, dripping with sweat and unable to control my breathing.

“Everything okay in here?” Aunt Judy asked as she flipped on the bedroom light. I put my hand up to cover my face from the harsh intrusion.

“I’m fine. Just a bad dream.” I explained. She rolled her eyes.

“It’s always something with you, Emma.” She groaned as she pulled my door shut behind her. I barely slept the rest of the night. As the sun began to rise I got out of bed and got a head start on the day. I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and took extra time to primp myself. Something I hardly ever did before meeting William. I spent the remainder of the morning searching the internet for romantic and secluded places that William and I could go after graduation. I wasn’t sure what price range was suitable, but judging by his expansive living space and shiny new sports car, he had money that did not come from a substitute teacher’s salary. There was so much about him that was a complete mystery to me and I hoped that during our time alone he would let me inside that beautiful mind of his. My thoughts began to wander to his very particular tastes in the bedroom and I wished I knew what had made him this way. He obviously had a very caring side to him but he struggled to keep that hidden from everyone, especially me.

I had wasted away the morning and decided to get ready and head to school. For once, I would actually make it there early. I filled another cup of coffee and headed out on to the highway. I cranked the radio, singing along to Harder to Breathe, the lyrics taking on a whole new meaning than they had before.

The lot at school was virtually empty, aside from a few teacher’s who began to file in. My phone muted as a text message came through.

Eager to learn Ms. Townsend?

I smilled like a drug addict who had just gotten their fix.

You are a great teacher.

There are so many more things I would like to teach you, Emma.

Euphoria swept over me. Every inch of my body tingled with delight. Cars began to fill in around me. I got out and made my way into the school. As a turned the corner in the main hall I ran directly into the school secretary, Angela Brown. I literally ran into her sending my books crashing to the ground around us.

“I’m so sorry.” She clammered and bent down to pick up my books. I bent down, helping gather my things, not able to take my eyes off her. She smiled apologetically. She held out my books, waiting for me to take them.

“Thanks” I said, grabbing my things. She continued on her way, leaving me standing in udder confusion. She had no clue about William and I. So if she wrote the note, what did she mean by she knew what he was doing and that she was going to make him pay? Why would someone who is married make such a threat to a man that obviously needed complete and total control? She had to have known how he would react. None of this made any sense. Perhaps there was more going on than Mr. Honor had told me. Not a shocking surprise considering I knew very little about his past.

I walked down to the gym and changed quickly into my workout clothes. As I sat on the bleachers waiting for the class to begin Jeff hobbled over next to me on a set of dull gray crutches.

“You’re alive” I joked and he looked down at the ground, embarrassed.

“Broke my ankle and got a few bumps and bruises, but I’m okay.” He shrugged and lowered himself down to sit next to me. I stared ahead at the other students as they filed out of the locker rooms. “So…I had fun at the club with you.” I rolled my eyes. Jeff, along with everyone else, didn’t even acknowledge my absense after I had left the dance floor.

“Yea, good times.” I said, pushing off the bleachers and walking across the room. He struggled to get up on his crutches and follow after me.

“Maybe we can do it again sometime?” He asked, a little louder than he meant. I stopped, turning around to look at him.

“I don’t think you will be dancing anytime soon.” I glanced down at his ankle. His cheeks turned red and he rubbed his hand through his hair.

“Hey guys!” Becka called from behind me, putting her arm around my neck. “Hey Jeff.” She winked.

“Alright class, let’s run a few laps.” The instructer called from across the room. We all began to jog the perimiter as Jeff hobbled back to the bleachers. I was thankful for the distraction.

Teresa Mummert's books