Honor Student

chapter Twenty-Nine

I was surprised to see my Aunt in the kitchen when I arrived. She said hello but didn’t even look my way. I walked back to my bedroom as my phone vibrated.

Angela means nothing to me. You know that right?

I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone on my bed.

“I’m going to go lay out.” I called down the hallway.

“Whatever” My Aunt called back. It hurt how distant her and I had become. When I was younger she was my favorite person in the world next to my mother. After she moved away we barely spoke. She was the spitting image of my mom, but their personalities couldn’t be more different. I slipped out that back door and spread my towel on the grass. The sun was beating down and I yawned, spreading out onto my stomach.

“You are going to burn that pretty little ass of yours.”

I jumped at the sound of William’s voice.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I flipped over to look at him.

“You didn’t respond. I got worried.” He looked genuinly hurt. I rolled my eyes.

“You didn’t respond to me earlier and you don’t see me acting like a stalker.” I shot back, regretting the words as they rolled off my tongue.He stepped back as if I had actually hit him.

“You’re mad at me?” He leaned down onto his knees, panic on his face. “She doesn’t mean anything to me. She’s trying to work through her own feelings. She doesn’t want to stay with her husband.” I held up my hand to stop him.

“I don’t care about her marital woes. She brought that on herself.” He swallowed hard.

“Fair enough.” He stared at me expectantly.

“I’m not mad at you but you have to understand all of this is very new to me. I’m not exactly sure what we are doing here but I know seeing you with Angela scared me.” I rambled. I had lost nearly everyone I had loved in my life and it was just as hard for me to trust as it was for William. He leaned in closer to me, placing his hand on the small of my back.

“You have nothing to worry about.” His eyes frantically searching mine. “ I won’t ever hurt you, Emma. I promise. I will never talk to her again if that’s what you want.” I had never seen him like this before. William was always so strong and always in control. Looking at him now, it was hard to believe it was the same person.

“No, I trust you. I’m sorry I just got a little jealous seeing you two together.” His lips found mine as he pulled my body closer to his. I slid my hand into his hair, tugging it gently. He hugged me tighter than he ever had before.

“I thought you were going to leave me.” He said into my ear, his voice shaking.

“I’m not going anywhere, William.” I pulled back to look him in the eye. “I love you.” His lips crashed into mine again.

“I Love you so much, Emma.” I heard a noise from inside the house. William heard it too.

“Go! I’ll call you later.” I whispered. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving. A minute later, my Aunt poked her head out the door.

“I’m going out. See you tomorrow.” I nodded and smiled. When the door closed behind me I laid back onto the towel, breathing a sigh of relief. I listened to her car start and grow more distant. I ran inside and grabbed my phone from the bed. I had several frantic messages from William. I frowned and scrolled past them to write a new message.

My aunt left for the night.

I bit my lip and hit send. I grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower to cool my body down from the hot sun. A few minutes later, I heard the door and I knew William had arrived. I smiled to myself and turned my back to the curtain. I heard the metal rings scrape across the rod as he pulled backit .

“You are so beautiful.” He said quietly. I smiled over my shoulder at him.

“You think you could wash my back for me?” He smiled and began to peel off his clothes. I felt him step in behind me and press himself against my bottom. He reached around me and took my bath sponge from my hand. I let my arms fall to my sides as he ran it down my neck. I leaned my head to the side. He slid the sponge doen my shoulder and over my breast. My chest swelled under his touch. I sucked in a breath as he circled around the other breast and down the center of my stomach. His breathing grew heavier in my ear as he slipped it between my legs. I small moan escaped me and I pressed my hands on the shower wall in front of me.

“Spread you legs.” I did as he told me and her continued to wash every inch of my body. When I was sufficiantly clean, I took the sponge and returned the favor. I rubbed soap over his chest and down his stomach. His eyes burned into me as I slid lower, circling around his backside. It was evident how much he was enjoying himself. I traced the v-shaped muscles down his hips, brushing against his manhood with my hand. He licked his lips, waiting patiently for me to go further. I did, making sure that he was every bit as clean as I was. We rinsed off under the water and I grabbed a couple of towels for us. As we dried off, I noticed William staring at me through the mirror.

“What?” I asked, suddenly feeling shy.

“You’re beautiful.” He said sweetly and I felt myself flush. He wrapped his towel loosly on his hips and reached for mine. I let it slip through my fingers, waiting for what he was going to do. He ran the towel down my arms and across my chest. I smiled at how sweet and gentle he was being. It was a side of him I didn’t get to see very often. When my body was sufficiantly dry, he rubbed the towel through my hair, letting it hang down my shoulders in dark waves. He smiled as he pushed my hair back. “Perfect” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. As he did, he wrapped the towel around me and tucked it into its self. “Have you thought about where you want to go after graduation?”

“Well”, I walked out of the bathroom to my room and William followed. “ I was thinking maybe the Carolinas?” He smiled.

“I was thinking outside of the states.” I droppped my towel and rummaged through my drawers for a pair of panties, sliding them on.

“I don’t know if that is a good idea.” I shook my head, thinking of how I would explain to my aunt that I had extra money lying around to travel to exotic locations.

“Okay. How about the west coast?” He asked as his hands slid around my belly, sending pleasure shooting to every nerve ending in my body. His lips brushed against my shoulder.

“That sounds nice.” I closed my eyes and tilted my head, giving him access to my neck. He trailed kissed over my shoulder towards my ear. I reached behind me, running my fingers through his damp hair. His fingers ran along the top of my panties, dipping his fingertips under the fabric. “William?” He mumbled a reply into my neck. “Do you trust me?” I turned my head to meet his gaze.

“Yes” He replied, looking into my eyes. I turned around, biting my lip as I pushed on his chest, walking him backwards to my bed. He sat down onto it. I slid my panties down my legs, kicking them off onto the floor. William leaned forward, capturing one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking on it and grazing it with his teeth. I moaned as I slipped my legs on either side of his waist, strattling him. I looked him dead in the eye as I reached between us and guided him inside of me. His fingers dug into my back as I slowly lowered myself onto him. I rested my forehead on his, breathing his air as I slid lower, coming to rest on his lap. With my hands on either side of his face, I slowly began to rock my hips. “Oh, god” he moaned. His hands gripped tightly on my bottom as he began to move me quicker. At this angle the pleasure was almost too intense. I squeezed my eyes closed as I rocked faster. “Look at me” He breathed. I opened my eyes as his hips moved against mine. “I love you” he moaned into my mouth. I kissed him hard, sliding my tongue past his lips.

“I love you” I panted, feeling my finish building. “Ohh” He slowed my hips and my orgasm slowly melted away.

“Not yet” He said, pushing my wet hair back from my face.

“Oh, god, please” I begged, slipping my hand between us and slowly rubbing between my legs. I felt him flex inside of me has he began to move again with the rhythym of my hand.

“I want to taste you” His voice was low and sexy. I lifted my hand, running my fingers over his bottom lip. I dipped one inside of his mouth and a low growl resignated from his chest. In one quick motion, he flipped me onto my back. I pushed my chest up as his lips found my breast. He kissed quickly down my stomach, ending between my legs. I pushed my hips down at his mouth as his tongue expertly found my pleasure spot. I ran my hands through his hair, wrapping my fingers in it and tugging.

“William” I moaned. He moaned back into me sending wonderful vibrations through my body. My legs squeezed around him as my orgasm neared. William slipped his fingers in my as my body convulsed against his lips. After the initial wave of pleasure he crawled on top of me, sliding into my dampness. My body continued to tighten around him as came violantly, crashing into me with as much force as he had.

His finger ran across my eyebrow as he studied my face.

“What?” I asked as his brow creased.

“I just can’t believe how lucky I am.” I smiled and pulled him into me for a kiss.

Teresa Mummert's books