Decker's Wood



My brain was tangled in a web of numbers. I was a words girl, numbers just turned me into a fumbling idiot. I knew numbers would be a major part of owning my own business, I just never thought they would give me such a headache so early on. Calling Leah and asking for Fabian’s number was wrong. I knew it was wrong. But I needed his expertise, and he was the only accountant I knew here. Leah promised me he was honest and reliable when it came to this stuff; she also told me that Decker was going to flip the heck out. Didn’t I know it.


The bell above the door tingled, and my head swung up to see Fabian strolling through, looking confident and handsome in a grey suit that clung to his powerful body. His hair was perfect, and his was face smooth, not even a sign of a five o’clock shadow, and it was nearing on half past five. I could see that some women would obviously swoon for the clean cut businessman. Me though, I preferred the brutish, unpolished finish of a scruffy ex-porn star.


“Wow, this is cool,” he remarked as he took in my store.


I smiled, pride filling my veins. It was pretty damn cool. “Thank you, and thank you for seeing me. I hope you didn’t mind me asking Leah for your number.”


Fabian waved me off. “You would have had it by now if Decker wasn’t such a possessive bastard.”


I chose to ignore that and pointed to the stack of paperwork before me. “Numbers are not my deal, and I know I’ve been open for only a month, but I’m kinda freakin’ out that this is gonna to turn into one big mess.”


Fabian smiled as he approached the desk. “Not a problem. How about we go discuss it over dinner?” he said easily.


“Oh, ummm,” I scratched my head quite unprepared for his candor, “I’m actually dating Decker right now, and I think he would get upset if we had dinner together.” Upset was an understatement.


Fabian seemed positively puzzled by my admission. “You’re dating Decker?”


“I am. What about lunch? That’s less intimate.” I thought of Decker doing lunch with one of the bevvy of women who were interested in him. Even if he did not return the interest, I knew I would still be a green eyed monster. “Maybe I can come to your office, unless you’d prefer to just take a quick look now.”


Fabian was still looking a little bewildered. “So, you’re okay with him working? Sleeping with other women?”


I cringed, internally and externally. I was so not okay with that. “He’s retired. I’m his present and future, his past has no bearing on me now. Well, except when you run into pathetically desperate wannabes like Melody Mona.” I snickered at her name, I couldn’t help myself.


“But Decker is scheduled to start filming in less than two weeks, alongside Melody.”


My smile dropped slightly and my heart lurched. “No, he’s retired,” I reinforced.


“No, he’s not. I’m The Bishop’s, the owner of Triple X films, accountant. I know for a fact that Decker is on the payroll. I did the paperwork myself two days ago.” The honesty in Fabian’s eyes had me feeling sick. My smile was gone, my hands were shaking, and I felt faint.


“I’m sorry, Andi, I assumed you knew. You still want me to take a look at this for you?” He signaled to the paperwork before me.


I went to speak, but knew my voice would crack with uncertainty. I gave myself a moment to try and find some level of composure. “Maybe another time might be best.”


Fabian nodded, sympathy pouring from him in waves. “The night after tomorrow there is a pre-filming party taking place at a bar downtown and Decker is going; I had to confirm numbers today to make sure payment was made before the event. Perhaps you should ask him about it.” I nodded, woodenly. “You have my number. I’d love nothing more than to help you out with this. Dinner, lunch, office, whatever you would prefer, just call me.”


I tried for a smile, the weak twitch that came out was cringe worthy.


Fabian quietly left and I stared at the paperwork in front of me, seeing nothing. My head was spinning. It simply couldn’t be possible. Decker wouldn’t betray me like that, he wouldn’t lie to me like that. A few moments later, the bell above the door rang and I berated myself for not locking it. It was close to six o’clock now, and I was in no shape for customer service.


“Hey, beautiful,” Decker murmured as he strolled in. My eyes snapped up to his and he stopped in his tracks, his smile instantly gone.


“What’s wrong?”


I shook my head and pushed my shoulders back. “Nothing, stupid damn numbers. I hate them.” Decker smiled, obviously mollified with my answer. “Hey, how about you take me to a movie Friday night?” I asked.