Decker's Wood

“Son of a bitch,” I whispered. “You planned that little scene didn’t you?” I asked them. I laughed, but it was one of those evil villain type laughs saved for Disney movies. “I can’t believe the two of you were that desperately miserable with your own pathetic lives that you would actually go and fuck with mine.”



“The Bishop wants you, and Andi deserved to see what you’re really like. You’re just a porn star, Decker, you are not made from spun gold nor are you a prince. You fuck, for money, and that makes you nothing but a whore.” Fabian looked like the cocky, worthless asshole I always knew he was. My fist clenched and I took a step towards him, but a pint sized rocket at my side beat me to it. Andi punched him. No slap and no * footing around, no loose wristed wallop either. She punched him hard and blood burst from Fabian’s nose. The sickening crack and Andi’s cry of pain broke my bewildered state. Holy shit, that had to have broken something. I took a step towards her, but she held up the hand that wasn’t nestled protectively into her chest.


“No,” she managed to say through her tears.


“Let me help you. It’s probably broken, and you need x-rays. I’ll take you to Bellevue, my mom’s working tonight.” I could see indecision war on her face. She glanced at Fabian who was being nursed by Melody. They really did make a perfectly sinister couple.


“You’re fired. I’ll find another accountant,” Andi snapped. I opened the door of a waiting cab and allowed Andi to slide in. I turned to face Fabian and Melody.


“I quit,” I said in a voice far more controlled than I thought possible. Fabian and Melody’s eyes snapped up to meet mine. “I gave my agent notice a week ago. Ryder has probably known longer. I called The Bishop two days ago, and he’s already found a replacement. I don’t want to see either of you ever again. If you see me coming, walk the fuck away.” I climbed in the back seat of the cab and directed the driver to Bellevue Hospital. Andi was holding her broken hand carefully, hunched over on herself, silent tears falling down her cheeks. I wanted to reach out to her and hold her, but I knew she didn’t want that right now.


“I’m sorry.” The whispered avowal came from deep in my heart. I was so…fucking…sorry. Andi didn’t reply; she didn’t acknowledge me at all. When we arrived at the hospital, I had them page my mom who came running down the corridor like an Olympic sprinter.


“What’s wrong?” she said in a panicked voice. I gave the nurse behind the counter a pissed off glare. They could have told her it wasn’t an emergency.


“It’s okay, Mom. Andi just hurt her hand. I think she may have broken it.” Relief and the natural instinct of a woman born to heal took over.


“Come on then, let’s get you down to X-ray.” Mom began to lead Andi down the corridor and I automatically followed. Andi stopped and turned to face me. Her face was pale, more than likely from the pain in her hand, or heart.


“Thank you,” she murmured. “I’m okay from here. I’ll call Casey or Lionel to come pick me up.”


I shook my head, irritated. “I’m here now, I might as well hang around rather than you get them out of bed in the middle of the night.”


Again Andi seemed uncertain and my mom looked completely confused.