Decker's Wood

Casey pouted.


“Hey, pookie bear,” I called out to Casey over the loud music, and his brow furrowed at my pet name for him. “It’s your birthday, how about we have a little ménage à trois?” Three sets of eyes snapped to mine with a little surprise and whole lot of fear. They all breathed a sigh of relief when the rum and Coke cocktails were delivered to our table. “What? Ya’ll have never heard of this before? I thought all experienced city boys like you would have tried one of these at least once before,” I teased them. When I glanced at Decker, I realized exactly what I had been saying. The Prince of Porn had no doubt engaged in many ménage à trois and probably more. He didn’t say anything though, instead he allowed his hand to slide up my thigh and under my dress to cup my ass. It did the trick; all thoughts of Decker’s porn career slipped right away.


With beer, tequila, and a variety of deadly cocktails under my boots, I was swaying like a high-rise in a strong breeze before long. When I made my way back from the ladies room, a lusty looking blonde had found her way to Decker. Actually, an entire gaggle of women stood around him while a group of mostly handsome men stood to one side. I recognized Fabian, Leah, and Cindy right away.


“Andi!” Leah exclaimed as I approached.


“Howdy, ya’ll,” I somehow managed to say without slurring too much. My gaze automatically fell back to Decker and the blonde who was standing way too close.


“Ohhhh, I love your dress!” squealed Cindy.


“Thank you.” I smiled.


“Oh my god, we’ve just been invaded by porn stars,” Casey hissed in my ear.


“If it isn’t the not so cute but entirely stunning Andi,” Fabian crooned from beside me. He took my hand and placed a kiss to the back. It was chaste, but it felt too intimate.


“You need to go rescue Decker. That is the soul sucking Melody Mona hanging all over him, and no matter how blatantly rude he is to her, she won’t back off,” whispered Leah.


“Her name is Melody Mona?” I snorted. “Wow, must have taken her weeks to think that one up.” Leah and Cindy smothered their laughter. Rescue Decker, I could do that. Casting Fabian a polite smile, I brushed my long strawberry locks back and strolled towards the table. The men and women hovering seemed to part for me in an almost animated way. I felt like a queen moving fluidly through a room of admirers. But I wasn’t a queen, Casey was, and most of these people were definitely not my admirers. In fact, most of them looked at me like I was a bug under their boot. I felt like I was back in high school all over again, working hard to seek someone’s approval, anyone’s. The difference was I had already had the approval of the ones who mattered. I wasn’t in high school anymore, the braces were gone, highlights had been added, and my confidence wasn’t anywhere near as damaged and fragile as it once was. On one side of Decker stood the buxom blonde who couldn’t take no for an answer. At his other side, stood a tall, dark, handsome man with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He gave me a wink before stepping aside.


“Decker,” I purred in what I hoped was my most seductive voice. His entire body seemed to relax at the sound of my voice. “It’s later.” The tension was suddenly back, but in an entirely good way.