Decker's Wood

“What? It can happen, I’ve heard of it happening many times,” Robbie protested.


“That kind of bullshit happens all the time with It’s not accidental, and it’s not cool,” I said easily.


“How did you know it was” Robbie asked, a little surprised.


“Will is always doing scenes for them, and they let all sorts of crazy shit go down. Ben Lowski should be fucking locked away for the fuckery he lets go down, on and off set.” Ben Lowski was one of the many low lifes that had corrupted the adult film industry over the years. Turned what should be a tight ship of high quality film into a basic fuck fest full of abuse and drug addiction. I stood up and went to the kitchen to get myself another beer, feeling agitated over yet another of the dubious and disgusting stories that came from the adult film industry. The industry Ryder and I had tried hard to curb into something more professional. The need to see Andi was riding me hard, too. I had only been away from her for twenty-four hours, but I wanted to see her again. Being apart from her was frustrating and crazy. Was this normal?


“So, Andi’s hot.” Ryder said, strolling into the kitchen behind me. The man was worse than an old woman.


“That she is,” I admitted.


“Worth giving it all up for?” I nodded. “And have you?”


“I’ve told Michael. He bitched for a good hour that I will never get back. I was going to email The Bishop a few days ago, but I decided a personal phone call was more professional. I’ll call him tomorrow.”


“Does Bradley know yet?” he asked, a smirk on his face.


“He does.”


“And?” he urged when I offered nothing more.


“He’s going to unman me the next time he’s in the states.”


Ryder laughed long and loud. “After witnessing Andi tug your chain at Tinsel Town, maybe you should tell him you’ve already been unmanned.”


“Fuck you,” I said, punching him, perhaps a little too hard, in the arm. “Anyway, if she leads, I’m more than happy to follow. The reward is worth it.”


Ryder’s teasing laughter died down. “Good for you, man. She seems like a real treasure.”


“Trust me, Ryder, she’s better than any fucking treasure. She’s a damn miracle.” I had never given any thought to where my life would ultimately lead me to. I had never wondered if I would marry, or if I’d ever have children. My life had revolved around a career that didn’t allow those thoughts. Now though, when I thought of Andi and how she watched me, as if the sun rose and set with me, I was humbled. I was a fucking porn star for god’s sake. What I once thought of as an illustrious career, I now realize it was nothing more than me whoring myself. I was tainted, yet Andi didn’t care. She knew who and what I was and she still wanted me. My past held no influence over us and that amazed the shit out of me. Now when I thought about my future, it was with Andi. Living with her, watching her walk down an aisle, her green eyes set upon mine, that innocent yet sassy smile on me. Imaging her body swelled with life inside it, life I helped create, fuck. I was a goner. I may have spent the last ten years belonging to many others, but Andi owned me now and forever.


“Hey, Decker!” Tait yelled from the dining room table, pulling me from my thoughts of Andi. “Fabian said he’s gonna ask your hot red head out.”


All fanciful ideas and dreams plummeted from my mind faster than the sinking of the fucking Titanic. I was consumed with the sudden impulse to kill someone. Someone named Fabian to be precise.


“Not if he enjoys breathing he won’t,” I growled.


“You know, that would be something worth seeing.” Ryder chuckled from beside me. I gave him an astounded glare. “Come on, man, watching Fabian get shot down by that feisty little Texan would be pure gold. I would pay to see that.”


I actually found myself liking the idea of Andi rejecting Fabian. The smooth talking accountant wasn’t used to being told no, and Andi would shoot him down in a heartbeat. She would be polite and careful with letting him down, and when Fabian reduced to pleading and pouting, Andi would let him have it, all compassion would disappear under the quick temper of a fiery red head.


“You want me to tell him she’s not available?” Tait asked. Out of all of us, he was the only one who actually gave Fabian the time of day, and that was only because they were distant cousins.


“Nah,” I said, grinning at Ryder. “Andi will sort him out.” Ryder raised his fist and I gave it a tap.


“Raise your glass if you love Texas women!” Ryder raised his beer as I did mine, and we clinked our bottles together. “And if you don’t, raise your fucking standards!”