After the Storm (Storm, #1)


Lexi tried to keep everything under control and moving along. They were making good progress but they’d hit a snag—a problem with the lighting and sound board. She hoped Noah knew something about them and might be able to get them working again. She’d seen him go back stage about a half hour before and he still hadn’t returned. Knowing all three ladies were back there made Lexi worried but every time she tried to head in that direction, something else would come up that would need her attention. Making up her mind that this was her top priority unless the building caught on fire, she headed backstage and found Noah and the ladies deep in conversation.

“Excuse me, but don’t you all have jobs you should be doing?” It gave her satisfaction to see them all jump and stare wide-eyed at her. “Who wants to tell me what’s going on?”

Evelyne waved a hand at her. “Lexi, really. Noah is just giving us some tips to make our performance better.”

Lexi raised one eyebrow at them. “I’m not buying that. Anyway, ladies, you need to finish your jobs now. And Noah, I was wondering if you knew anything about lighting and sound boards. Ours doesn’t seem to be working.”

Noah put his arm around Lexi’s shoulders. “Come on, love, I’ll have that fixed in no time.” He looked back over his shoulder and winked at the ladies who laughed.

Lexi shook her head. “I don’t even want to know.” Once they were out of earshot, she continued. “Do you have any idea what they’re up to? What they are performing? I’m a basket case wondering what could go wrong.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’ll be fine. What’s the worst they can do?”

Lexi stopped walking and looked at Noah. “Really, Noah, you even have to ask that after all the stories you’ve heard and what they have done to you?”

“It’s all in good fun. Let them have their moment. Now, let’s see if we can get this working.”

Noah made short work out of fixing the equipment then jumped up on stage, grabbed a guitar, and sang a song to test it. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened to him sing a what had to be one of his new ballads. Lexi stood, unable to move, locked in his gaze as she listened to the lyrics of his song. He sang of the beauty of finding love on the shores of the ocean, the words he’d used to describe their meeting and their feelings brought tears to her eyes. She would forever hold him close in her heart.


Lexi stood backstage with the ladies watching everyone file into their seats. It was a larger crowd than she’d expected. She was just about to go out front to put more chairs out, when she saw Noah out there already. People were staring and pointing at him. If someone did come up to him, he spoke with them briefly and gave them an autograph if they asked. She knew that he was risking a lot by coming here where so many people would notice who he was, which made her appreciate the fact even more that he’d done this for her anyway.

Marie came up and laid a hand on Lexi’s shoulder. “He sure is a catch, Lexi. Sexy as all get out and as sweet as can be. If I was fifty years younger, I’d give you a run for your money.”

“Hell, if I were twenty years younger, he’d be mine like that.” Leigh snapped her fingers.

Evelyne just laughed. “Honey, if I didn’t love you so much I’d be going for him right now. You wouldn’t stand a chance. I’d have him in my bed in no time, screwing his brains out, ruining every other woman for him.”

“Am I doing the right thing? I’ve lost my heart to him. I never thought I’d love someone after everything that happened, that someone would actually love me back. Now that I’ve got it, I don’t want to let it go. But how can we have a life together? I don’t want to live in L.A. and travel all over the world, a different city every night, watching him play to thousands of fans. That’s just not me.”

Leigh closed her eyes and sighed.

“Don’t worry honey, it’ll all work out. That man out there, he loves you. It’s as plain as day. He’d do anything for you. He sees his job as making you happy, and keeping you on your toes. Why don’t you try to keep him on his?” Marie had a twinkle in her eye.

Lexi turned to the three ladies that meant so much to her. They might like to cause trouble, but there was no one else like them in the world. She took a deep breath. “You’re right. I think it’s time Noah Matthews got a little surprise. Something to knock his socks off. I’ve got some ideas, but we don’t have much time. Will you help me?”

“Hells Bells, Lexi, who do you think we are? Of course, we’ll help you.” Evelyne grinned. “Let’s move it ladies, time’s a-wastin’!”

M. Stratton's books