After the Storm (Storm, #1)

“I thought I was happy, content with my life. Then you walked into it and nothing will ever be the same. Any darkness that was in my past is gone now. Replaced by your light.” Said Lexi.

Slowly leaning down, Lexi kissed him with all the love and tenderness she felt in her heart while Noah put his hands on either side of her face and matched her kiss for kiss. He ran his hands up and down her back while her hands fisted in his hair. The kiss deepened, becoming more frantic as they each wanted more, wanted to be closer. He moved his hands under her shirt, feeling skin. She moved her hands over his chest and her hips against him.

He sat up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They broke the kiss for a moment as she lifted his shirt up and over his head, then dove back into each other. He moved his hand around to cup her breasts. She tilted her head back at the sensation of his touch and he leaned forward to nibble on her neck while gently pinching her nipples through her bra. Lexi shivered, her fingers clawing into his bare skin. Her head came back down and captured his mouth with her own.

They sprang apart as Pepper started barking. “Shhh, Pepper, it’s okay.” Pepper came up and lay down next to them, growling at the cliff behind them. “What is it, girl?” With one last woof, she laid her head down but still kept her eyes open, watching the rocks.

“Well, that was great timing. I guess it’s a good thing we stopped, right?”

Lexi sighed. “Right now, I’m not so sure.”

Noah sat up. “We can take this inside. I can have us naked, upstairs in your room, in under two minutes.”

“Well, golly Noah, the romance just oozes out of you.”

He nudged her down, her back flat in the sand. “We can wait, Lexi. I just want to hold you for another moment.”

“We do have a big day tomorrow, and somehow I think that when we finally make love, we might just go at it all night long.”

“When you say things like that to me, it’s hard not to throw you over my shoulder and take you somewhere, caveman-style.”

“Like you haven’t done that before. Come on, big boy, it’s time for bed.”

“To sleep right?”

“Yes Noah, to sleep.”


“I know, I know.”

He stood up and offered his hand to help her. They walked back to the house, but he stopped and pulled her toward him, embracing her as she fell into his chest. “I love you, Lexi.”

She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder “I love you, too, Noah. You have no idea what it means to me that you’re doing this for me.”

“Lexi-love, it isn’t just for you. It’s for me, too. You mean too much to me to be careless. When we finally make love, I want it to be so special that poets would weep at the beauty of it.”

She shivered uncontrollably, not sure how much longer she was going to be able to resist.



“Come on, Sunshine, time to rise and shine!” Lexi said as she kissed Noah all over his face.

He groaned, ‘No,’ and rolled over.

“Up and at ‘em!”

“Lexi-love, it’s a bit too early,” he grumbled.

“No, it’s not. I’ve already been up for an hour. I’ve showered and have everything ready to go. All that is left is you, mister. Now get that sweet ass up.”

“No.” He snaked a hand out from under the blankets and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back into bed and snuggling up behind her. “Ahh, now this is perfect.”

“Noah, we have to get going.”

“Just a few more minutes, Mom, please.”

Laughing, she tried to wiggle out from his grasp but he just held on tighter and started tickling her ribs.

“Noah, stop! Please?”

“This is your punishment for sneaking out of bed and then getting me up so early.” He pinned her legs with his and captured her hands in his above her head. He moved his head down until they were nose to nose and whispered, “Now, what are you going to do?”

She opened her mouth to reply but closed it instead and gave him a speculative look. “Why don’t you have morning breath?”

He laughed. “While you were out playing with Pepper, I got up and got ready, climbed back into bed and waited for you. I figured it was the only way I could leave you speechless. I was having a great fantasy about us when you came back in to wake me up, would you like to hear about it?”


Lexi and Noah arrived at the senior center the same time the Troublesome Trio did and

Noah gave the ladies a weary look. “Good morning, ladies. All ready for the show?”

“You know it, sweet cheeks. We’re ready to bring down the house,” Leigh exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

“Excuse me, Noah, but would you mind helping an old lady out here?” Marie was trying to get the garment bags out of her trunk.

“No problem.” He was worried about getting another slap to the ass, but seeing the stress around her eyes, he decided maybe she really did need help and walked over to her car.

M. Stratton's books