After the Storm (Storm, #1)

“Nope.” He patted the bed. “Come on, get comfy and we’ll watch a movie.” After she sat down, he said, “So… is this what your normally wear to bed? Because I just wanted to let you know the little top and shorts work.”

She looked down at the purple shorts and matching cami top “Well, now that I’ve got your approval on my sleepwear, can you leave so I can start the movie?”

“But I was thinking...”

“You always are.” she sighed.

“You might get cold. I’m very warm blooded. I can keep you nice and warm, all night long.”

“I have a down comforter.” She tried hard to keep a straight face.

“I’ll be warmer,” he said hopefully.

“And a fireplace.” A small smile sneaked through.

“So, let me get this straight, you’re saying you won’t let me stay the night?” He pouted a bit.

“Ding, ding, ding. Give the man a prize!”

“A prize? Is it you?” He raised his eyebrows and a smile spread across his face as he leaned over to get closer to her.

She pushed him back. “No, now let’s watch the movie.”

“Is it a sappy romance?”

She sighed. “Will that make you leave?”

“No, I just want to know if I need to get a tissue ready for you,” he said helpfully.

“No, that’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ve got great shoulders for you to cry on.”

“Yes, you do. I’ll keep that in mind.”

He sat up in bed. “Wait. Did you just say I’ve got great shoulders? What else? Tell me more!”

“No, Mr. Ego. It’s time to watch the movie.” She turned slightly to turn off the bedside lamp when she felt him lean over her. He was so close to her without touching. She swore she felt the electricity along with his heat. With her arm still poised in the air, she turned to look at him. His face was inches from hers. She stared into the magnetic green of his eyes and cleared her throat. “Can I help you?”

It took him a moment to respond “I was just… wondering what you kept on your nightstand.”

“You’re not looking at my nightstand.” They never broke eye contact.

“No, I’m not. I am getting totally and completely lost in the most beautifully expressive eyes I have ever seen. No matter how famous or rich I am, all it really comes down to is that I am just a man completely humbled by an amazing woman. I would spend decades getting to know every nuance of her, trying to be the man she deserves, making her every dream come true.”

After a few moments she looked down, feeling helpless. “I don’t know what to say.” Did she dare hope he was saying what she thought he was?

“All I’m asking of you right now is to give me a chance. Let’s see where this goes. Let me prove to you how much you mean to me. How much just knowing you has changed me. It’s like I’ve been living my life with my eyes closed all these years. It’s all new. My priorities have changed. If you were to walk out of my life, I don’t know how I could survive the deep dark pit.”

Keeping her eyes down, she tried to catch her breath after hearing the sweet words. “I can’t think with you this close.”

“Then don’t think, just feel.”


“For once, my mind isn’t in the gutter, love. Just tell me what I make you feel? Do we have a chance?”

She closed her eyes, trying to get her thoughts in order.

He lifted her chin. “No, please don’t close them. You could ask anything of me with those eyes.”

She opened her eyes and stared into his. “Noah, I’ve never felt like this before. Everything in my past is a pale comparison to what I feel for you. And it scares me. It scares me so much and I feel this is so huge that I can’t rush into anything. But I am willing to see where it takes us. Slowly.”

A huge grin spreads across his face.

“Slowly, Noah.”

“I can do slowly, even if it kills me.”

Laughing she laid a hand on his chest “You can move back to your side of the bed now.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She started the movie as the opening scene started Noah sat up straight in bed and looked at her. “Better off Dead? It’s a classic! I want my two dollars.”

“Yes, I know, which is why I am watching it.” She said slowly as if explaining to a small child.

“Just another amazing facet to you. This is so awesome. Now stop talking so I can watch the movie. You’re such a chatterbox!”

She laughed and hit him in the chest with a pillow. “Come here, before this gets out of hand, love.” He opened his arms wide for her.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

“No really, I just want to hold you while we watch the movie.”

She moved over and snuggled into him with a sigh. “This is nice.”

He kissed the top of her head and said, “Yes, yes it is. Now pass the popcorn.”


She woke up feeling secure and happy, wrapped in strong arms.

Wait a minute, this isn’t right. He was supposed to leave.

She stiffened.

“Stop it,” he mumbled in her ear.

“Stop what?”

“Stop thinking so much.”

“Who says I’m thinking?”

“Love, you were born to overthink things. And before you start arguing on this beautiful morning just take a moment to relax and enjoy the moment.”

M. Stratton's books