After the Storm (Storm, #1)


“Hush. Enjoy. Please. This is the first morning we’ve woken up together. It’s something special. Now just hush and enjoy it.”


“That’s my girl.”

She relaxed into him. It was quite nice feeling his warmth and heat behind her. She could get used to this. But was that really wise? Their lives were so different. How could they even begin to make it work?

“You’re doing it again,” he mumbled as he nuzzled the back of her neck.

“I know. I can’t seem to turn off my brain.”

“I’m sure there is something I could do to help you with that.” He moved her hair and started to kiss down her neck.

“I’m sure you could, but we won’t.” She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of him.

He sighed. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

“I can feel what you are thinking, and it’s not going to happen.”

Oh my sweet Lord I’ve got to stop thinking about the hardness pressed up against me.

“Can’t help that, it’s what you do to me. But what I was actually thinking, before your mind went into the gutter, was I could make you breakfast.”

“You can cook? Why haven’t you said anything earlier?”

“I’m a man of many surprises and talents. Do what you want to do, but when I come back we are having breakfast in bed, love, so deal with it.” He kissed her lightly on the nose and jumped up out of bed.

She laid there for a moment with a smile on her face, thinking about the night before. Besides some wonderful make-out sessions, they stayed up late and watched eighties movies together. Who knew they would share a love of them? After Better off Dead, they’d watched Top Gun. He’d sung softly in her ear along to Take My Breath Away ,which gave her goosebumps. They hadn’t gotten that far into The Princess Bride before she’d fallen asleep. She vaguely remembered saying something about how she wished he could stay, to which he’d replied, “As you wish.”


“WHORE!” He screamed from the boat as he threw the binoculars down. “The bitch is mine.” After everything he’d heard last night, his rage built and built, wanting to explode. There was no way that bastard was going to have her. She was his.

He picked up the binoculars to watch them laugh and feed each other food in her bed.

He sat on the floor of the boat and pounded his fists on the seat in front of him, imagining it was her. When that didn’t calm him, he laid back and stared at the sky. He replayed the last time he was with her. He remembered everything as his cock grew hard. He didn’t touch himself this time. He wanted the frustration of not having a release. He sat up. All was not lost. He just had to modify the plan.

He started the boat and returned to shore, the whole time planning what he was going to do. He was going to make sure that after everything was said and done that bastard was going to spend the rest of his life suffering without her.



Their days were spent with Noah writing music and Lexi catching up on her reading. A lot of her favorite authors had new books out, which was good because Noah didn’t want her going anywhere alone. She wasn’t too happy about it, but she decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Sometimes it was nice to just relax on the beach and read to hide from the rest of the world. Even though Noah had Sam and Martha checking up on her all the time, she decided it would just be easier to spend her days at Noah’s house or in his gardens or the beach in front of his house.

She took the time to call and update Evie on what was going on. She’d spent a considerable amount of time talking her out of coming up to stay with her. Finally after telling her for the tenth time about the alarm and that her and Noah spent the nights together, she was satisfied.

The phone call to her parents was a little more difficult. Naturally, they were upset that she hadn’t told them what was going on until now. They had a million and one questions about Noah. She answered the best she could. Noah had walked in while she was still on the phone and ended up spending an hour talking to them, going as far as to walk into a different room so she couldn’t hear what he was saying to them.

The best part of the week was falling asleep in Noah’s arms and then waking in them every morning. Something about him made her sleep better. She started to dream about the future. She was still conflicted, but in the moment, everything was perfect.

M. Stratton's books