After the Storm (Storm, #1)


He sat on the rocks, staring at where they had been. The rage ebbed and flowed through him. He couldn’t believe that she had given herself to that stupid rocker. She was his. No other man should touch her like that. Only he had the right. But she looked so beautiful lying naked in the moonlight. He closed his eyes remembering the flickering candlelight on her soft smooth skin. He wanted to take those candles and drip wax all over her sensitive skin watching her squirm when the hot liquid touched it. He wanted to be the one to taste her, to keep drinking from her even when she lay spent and couldn’t take another orgasm. He wanted to be the one that plunged deep inside of her, feeling her walls quicken around his cock. He wanted to spill his seed in her and not the rocks before him. He was angry at himself that it turned him on watching them together. It should have been him down there.



Lexi slowly woke up, smiling at the soreness in her body. It was such a wonderful, romantic night. Why did she wait so long? She chuckled to herself. Well, it really hadn’t been that long. It just felt that way.

She turned her head to see Noah already up and watching her. He was absolutely still and his eyes burned with passion. Having him look at her like a hungry tiger would look at a juicy steak made her tremble. He was speaking before she could say anything.

“You’ve got three minutes to do whatever you need to do in the bathroom. Then you are mine.” When she didn’t move he said, “You’d better get going.”

Lexi jumped out of bed and ran naked to the bathroom. She freshened up as shivers of anticipation ran through her body. She paused for a moment to still her racing heart before she opened the door.

She could hear him get out of bed and come to the door. “Alexia.” The sound of his demanding voice made her instantly wet. He’d never used that tone with her. She took a deep breath and unlocked the door. It was flung open so quickly she gasped. He grabbed her and pulled her out of the bathroom and pinned her to the wall, dislodging a picture, his mouth ravishing hers. Their tongues waged war with each other, their hands grabbed and rubbed everything they could. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

Attempting to get closer he spun her around and lifted her up so she ended up on top of the dresser with him between her legs. Everything on the dresser went flying to the ground. His hardened cock already had a condom on and was ready as it slid easily into her. She threw her head back in ecstasy and moaned. He quickly brought his head down and started sucking on her nipple. She cried out when he gently bit it, her nails scratching down his back as he pounded in and out of her.

He picked her up with his cock still inside of her and crossed to the bed, throwing her atop their already rumpled covers, and landed on top of her. Both fighting for dominance, they rolled around the bed trying to get the upper hand. Neither took notice of the lamp crashing to the ground. They moved from position to position each one only lasting so long before the other one wanted to be in charge. She kicked the glass on the nightstand to the floor where it shattered.

Noah backed Lexi up so her shoulders were propped up against the headboard. He put her feet on his shoulders and pounded hard and fast into her. She grabbed the curtains on the wall behind the headboard, trying to get some stability and meet him thrust for thrust. Getting him deeper and deeper inside of her, she couldn’t take anymore, and with a scream she came, pulling the curtains down on top of them. He roared when he came.

When they finally fell back to Earth, they moved the curtains off them and looked around, laughing. The room was a mess.

“Oh my god,” she said. “We have to clean this up before Martha sees it. It looks like a couple of wild animals were in here.”

“You could say that. I spent all night watching you. I couldn’t wait for you to wake up.”

“Lucky for you, I’m an early riser. You must be exhausted.”

“Nope, best night of my life. I feel full of energy. Let’s get this cleaned up so we can have breakfast. We’ve got a big day flying to L.A. I can’t wait for you to meet the gang. You’re going to love them.”

But Lexi was worried. She wasn’t the L.A. type and these people had been there for years. What could they have in common?


Lexi took a page out of Noah’s book, tied her hair back, and wore a hat and big sunglasses to the airport. They were lucky flying out of Boston. It seemed like no one noticed who he was. She was sure that would change once they landed in Los Angeles. She put a hand to her stomach and looked out her window in first class.

M. Stratton's books