After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Lexi tapped a hand on his chest as she walked in. There were windows along one wall which let enough light in so that the black paint on the walls didn’t close the room in, a huge bed in the middle of the room, and a sitting area off to the side with a great view of the hills. She walked over to the grand piano between the two areas and ran her hand over the keys. “This is pretty impressive to have in your bedroom.”

“Sometimes inspiration hits in the middle of the night. I just get up and start playing.” He walked over behind her, leaned over and started playing a sweet simple song with one hand. He whispered in her ear, “I wrote this one night after meeting you.” He reached around so that his other arm came around the other side of her, trapping her between the piano and him. He started playing with both hands. “It’s deceptively simple, until you add the other part to it. Once both parts are added together you get something spectacular.” He kissed her neck while playing. Lexi closed her eyes and let the sound and feel of Noah wash over her. She turned around and started kissing him, her hands in his hair. The jarring sound of mismatched notes being played on the piano filled the air as he pushed her back into it and she sat down on the keys.

She had her hands under his shirt and lifting it up so that she could feel all of him. They stopped so that he could take his shirt off and Lexi took the opportunity to lick the patterns of his tattoo, continuing down to where it disappeared in his pants. She undid his pants and let them fall to his ankles. She teased him, first blowing cold air and then her hot breath over his cock. Gently licking, touching and kissing it, she could see it throbbing with want, and took it all in her mouth, sucking hard with one hand at the base while the other massaged his balls.

Lexi heard the crash of the piano keys behind her as Noah yelled, “Fuck!” She continued to vary the pace and what she was doing until Noah couldn’t take it anymore and lifted her up again, setting her back down on the keys. He ripped her shirt off while his mouth devoured any bare skin he could find. Lexi squirmed and worked her pants down off of her hips, wanting him inside her.

Noah kicked his pants off the rest of the way and bent down to dig a condom from his pocket while lapping up the wetness between her legs as he slid it on. She grabbed at Noah, sliding him into her dripping folds as he thrust into her over and over again, kissing her deeply while pinching her nipples. She put her arms along the top of the piano and arched back so that Noah had better access to her breasts. He abandoned her mouth and moved to suck on her nipple, still pinching the other. With his free hand he reached around behind the small of her back and squeezed her ass.

She raised her head and looked into his eyes, hooded in passion. With one last flick of his tongue on her nipple, he raised up to take her mouth once more. Their breaths came harder and faster. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as tight as she could, wanting him deep inside. She felt him grow larger inside of her and her body responded by tightening around him. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she screamed his name as she came. Noah was right behind her with his own release.


Lexi awoke to someone brushing her hair back. She opened her eyes and looked up into Noah’s.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.”

She stretched. “I don’t know about that. But I’m awake. What time is it?”

“Time to get up. The band is going to be here soon. The kitchen is stocked and we’re ready to do some barbequing. Come on.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Stop worrying, everything will be fine. They’ll love you.” His excitement was barely contained. He was bouncing around like a kid on Christmas morning.

“But what if they hate me?” She held up a hand as he opened his mouth. “No, Noah, there is a possibility, at least, that one of them might not like me. This is the real world, not some place where everyone magically gets along. What will happen if someone, who is like a brother to you, does hate me?”

Noah pulled her onto his lap. “Lexi, under any other circumstance I would agree with you. But I know these guys. They are like brothers to me. Hell, they’ll probably like you more than they like me.”

“Well, I do have a nicer ass.”

In one quick movement Noah had her pinned to the bed. “Yes, you do. Is this your way of changing the subject? It won’t change the fact that you’re wrong. Now stop wiggling. We don’t have time to finish anything you might start. Get up and get ready, otherwise I’m throwing you in the pool.” He jumped up off of the bed and left the bedroom.

Lexi laid back down, staring blankly at the shadows playing on the ceiling and thinking of the challenges she’d faced in the past seven years. Knowing why meeting people who meant so much to him was gearing up to be the biggest challenge of all.


Lexi dressed in her most comfortable jeans and a ruby-red tank top with matching ballet flats. Leaving her hair loose, she put on minimal make-up, looked at herself in the mirror and thought, Here goes nothing.

M. Stratton's books