After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Lexi sat there and stared into Noah’s eyes and wondered why they were waiting to make love. She loved him, no matter what the future held, he knew all of her scars and she knew his. It became clear. Now it was time, tonight was the night. There was no reason to wait any longer.

She took a deep breath, stood and walked over to him. Never taking her eyes from his, she lifted her dress high enough so she could straddle his lap and fisted her fingers in his hair. “I love you.” Before he could respond she pulled him in for a kiss, pouring all of her love and passion into the act. His hands came up to her waist and squeezed as their passion intensified, then moved around to cup her ass and pull her in closer. Her legs spread further and the heat between them flamed higher.

Noah grabbed her and stood up, forcing Lexi to wrap her legs tighter around his waist as she lifted herself up so that her head was higher than his. With their gazes locked, he walked over to the cushion on the ground. Laying her down gently, he ran his hand down the side of her face. She closed her eyes at the gesture and leaned her head into his hand.

“Are you sure?” Noah whispered.

Lexi looked at him, her eyes almost completely black with burning passion. “Yes. I love you. I want to feel you inside of me. I want us to reach for the stars. I want you to show me how you feel. It’s time.”

Noah looked at her for a moment then rested his forehead on hers. “How come I suddenly feel like a teenager? I guess because it means that much to me. You mean that much to me. I’ll take you to heaven and back, Alexia. Just lay back and let me worship your body.”


Noah leaned in and kissed the side of her face, moving down her neck and to the swell of her breasts. Lexi’s breathing increased. He moved his hand up her side and around the curve of her breast. She shuddered as he slowly and gently started to run his fingernails around in circles, getting closer to her nipple, and whimpered when he switched to her other breast before he had touched her nipple. His teasing was driving her crazy.

He shifted position so both hands were free to start roaming her body, leaning down to take off her sandals, and running a hot finger up the inside of her ankle to the back of her slightly bent knee. Her dress moved higher as his finger moved along the inside of her thigh. He switched direction and moved up along the crease between her leg and body to her hip. Lexi shivered, goosebumps erupting on her body.

Noah picked up her hand and turned it over, gently licking the inside of her wrist. His tongue swirled a path up to the crook of her elbow. He was used to women worshiping him—it felt good to think of someone else, for a change.

He spent a considerable amount of time discovering her body, spending time undressing her, making her feel as special as she made him feel.

He drew away from her when she tried to touch him, “Just sit back and enjoy, this is all about you. I am planning on taking my time.”

“But I want to touch you, you’re driving me crazy. I don’t know how much more I can take.”

“I’m just getting started, and we’ve got all night.” He took his clothes off, watching her watch him. His cock throbbed for release but he tried to ignore the pressure building and think only of her. He unbuckled his belt and left his pants open at the waist but didn’t take them off.

Keeping himself in check while Lexi shook with anticipation was a test to his strength. He wanted to make this last, be perfect for her. He slowly lowered himself down. Their eyes never breaking contact until his tongue started flicking between her legs. He smiled as she arched back and moaned.

He brought her higher and higher until she couldn’t move. Only then, did he completely undress. He watched her half-closed eyes grow large as he slowly rolled on the condom and lowered himself to her, pausing right before he entered her.

“I love you.” Their gazes locked as he slowly slid into her with one long thrust.

With the pressure building, their moves became more frantic, their hands and mouths capturing everything they could. She tumbled over the edge first, screaming out his name as he fell after her.


They lay wrapped in each other’s arms, relaxed and satisfied. Listening as her breathing became heavier and her body completely melted into his. Smiling to himself. He’d had a lot of sex before, some good, some bad, but that’s all it had been and he was amazed at how different it was when you were in love with the woman. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get enough. Slowly he disengaged from her and got up. Looking down at her, his heart skipped a beat. He never wanted this to end. It was time to seriously think of their future together.

Most of the candles had burned out, so he blew the rest out and went up to his bedroom. He turned down the bed and got everything ready for the night, pausing for a moment to look down on her from his bedroom. So beautiful.

He quickly went back down and gathered her up into his arms. When he lifted her, she mumbled that she loved him and she was too heavy. Chuckling, he kissed her forehead, carried her upstairs anyway, laid her down, and covered her up, settling in next to her for a long night of thinking.

M. Stratton's books