Three, Two, One

“Oh my God.”



He laughs with me and pulls me to my feet as he stands. “What you like, Blue, we call that ravishment.”




“It’s a rape fantasy. And you’d be surprised how many women get off on that. Hell, men even. It’s so common, it’s not even considered fringe.” He shoots me a devious look. “Well, at least in the world I live in.”


“Ravishment,” I say again, bewildered that it has a name I don’t mind saying aloud, and turned on by the fact that JD and I are talking about it.


“I can ravish you, Blue. I can rip your clothes off, slap your face, tie you up, and stick my cock down your throat. I can call you names and pull your hair. I can fuck you from behind so hard you come in waves. One after the other, constantly crashing you into the shore of ecstasy.” His hand sweeps down my hip and then slips between my legs to check me for arousal.


I’m so fucking turned on right now.


“Would you like to be ravished?”


I pause.


“Be sure, Blue. Because what you desire can’t be achieved unless we cross some lines. Do you want to cross lines with me?”


I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes. “Yes, please.”


He slaps my face so hard, I fall to the ground. My knees hit the hard wood floor, making me scream out. He grabs my hair and pulls me back to my feet, and then drags me over to the bed and throws me down face-first.


My heart beats fast, but it’s a weird mixture of fear—which I’m familiar with from my captivity—and desire for the actual man who wants to ravish me. Which is brand new.


“You’re my whore, you understand?” He yanks my hair, forcing my head back so far I have to look him in the face as he looms over me from behind. “Say yes, bitch.”


“Yes,” I say, panting for more. He twists my nipple hard, giving me what I secretly crave. And then he flips me over, whips off his belt, and wraps it around my face, right across my mouth. He cinches it up so it’s tight, the leather burning the corners of my mouth from the tension. And then he takes his cock out of his pants and lifts my legs up.


I squirm, and he slaps me again, making my * flood and throb. But I fight him off, punching him in the face. He slaps me again for that, and then grabs my kicking legs and flips me over onto my stomach.


“Yes,” I whisper softly into the hard concrete floor.


“You get it in the ass for that little move, cunt.”


“Yes,” I say again. But his dick is pushing against my ass so hard, I cry out from the very real pain.


He fucks me in the ass so hard, I cry. But when he comes, I come with him. Because this is what I’ve wanted.


I want to be ravished.


And I have never been so fucking turned on in all my life.


When we’re done he takes the belt off and kisses my lips. “Wait here,” he says in a whisper. And then he goes into Ark’s bathroom and returns with some sweet-smelling balm. He rubs it into the little cracks the belt made in the corners of my mouth. “Ark will kill me if he knows, Blue.” JD puts the little stick of lip balm on the nightstand and climbs into bed with me, wrapping me up in his arms. “He doesn’t get it. He won’t like it. And he’ll put a stop to it. So if you want to keep doing it, we need to keep it a secret.”


I watch JD’s face as he says all this. Another secret.


Ark wants me to keep quiet about who I am and the people who had me.


JD wants me to keep quiet about how rough we like it.


It’s not a good start to a relationship.


“Blue?” JD asks after a few moments. “You can tell him if you want, but he’ll make us stop. He won’t understand it, Blue. So if you want me to fuck you like this again, you can’t tell him.”


He waits in silence as I consider my answer. My body is sore. My face is still stinging from all the slaps.


But my God, I’ve never felt so… alive.


I don’t want to keep secrets from Ark, but I really do want to have this special sidebar sex with JD.


“OK,” I say, knowing everything about what we’re doing is wrong. “I will. I mean, I won’t tell him. But the cameras. We should record them, so he won’t be mad if he finds out.”


JD kisses me on the lips, taking a moment to lick the little sore spots. “I love you. We’ll film them, like he asked. We just won’t give them to him. Fair?”


“Fair,” I say.


We spend the rest of the day doing normal stuff. We even fuck for the camera once. Not a ravishment. Just a hot fuck for Ark’s eyes only.


I almost feel like a performer when I’m with JD. Like we’re actors in our own movie, only our movie is real life.


But is this real life?


It blurs the lines, if you ask me.


Ark comes home and we eat a dinner that JD shopped for and I made. Life is so weird. A week and a day ago I was a captive, being forced to comply with a sick man’s wishes. One week ago I was in a strange loft with two strangers, getting paid to suck them off. And tonight… Ark brings home special champagne, and we toast to our new arrangement.


One girl.


Two friends.


Three soulmates.


Does it get any better than this?






“Just go buy her a Christmas tree, for fuck’s sake.”


“I can’t, JD. I already told her she has to come with me if she wants a tree.” It’s been six weeks since Blue came to live with us. Six weeks of pure fun. I only have to think of her in some small way—like the way she taps her finger on the counter when she’s deciding what she wants to eat, or the way she tiptoes across the polished concrete floors, squealing about how cold they are. Everything about her makes me happy. Even JD is happy.


But after six weeks of confinement in the loft, I’m going crazy. Not that I’ve been confined. I’ve been on four business trips in that time. But Blue refuses to leave the house.