Three, Two, One

I know he didn’t tell JD who I really am, so I avoid any talk of that. “The first time I was taken, it was mutual. In fact…” I swallow down the shame and continue. “In fact, they all were. Up until last Saturday night. He was never tender, but that excited me. The rough play was thrilling. Something I’d never experienced before. I responded… Oh, God, this is so embarrassing.”



I look up at Ark, but he’s not gonna let me out of it now that I started. So I look over at JD. He’s got his eyebrows up. “You responded to the orders? Or the humiliation? Or the violence?”


“All of it,” I say, so ashamed of myself. “I responded to all of it. Even though I didn’t want to.”


“I’m not going to humiliate you, Blue. I put the collar on you because you want it.” I look up at Ark and see the truth in his eyes.


“I know. But I hate that part of myself.”


“Why?” JD says, getting up from his chair and coming over to us. “If we agree it gives us pleasure, then why are you ashamed?”


“Do you feel shame?” I ask him. “For wanting to be… rough with girls?”


JD shakes his head slowly. “No. I only do it with girls like you.”


“What about you?”


Ark shakes his head too. “I don’t do much of it. Not enough to cross any lines. But I’m happy to slap your ass and pull your hair.” And then he smiles and a small laugh comes out before he can control himself. His hand dips between my legs, pushing inside my *. “You are so fucking wet just from talking about it. And now that we know you like it, we can push some limits if that’s what you want.”


“Do you want that, Blue?”


I nod at JD. “I don’t want marks on my back, like the ones they left last weekend. And I don’t want jealousy. We need to be clear on that. I can’t do the jealousy. If another man or woman tries to come between us, then yeah, I expect those feelings. But not between us. Because he told me to…” I have to take another deep breath. “He told me to do things and then he beat me afterward. But I had no choice. He made me pleasure other people. And then he accused me of liking it. And I did like it. I was conditioned to like it. So I don’t want to be punished for loving both of you.”


Ark holds me tighter. “Done.”


I look at JD and he grins. “Ark makes me hard, Blue. Watching you suck his cock makes me hotter. And tonight I plan on sucking it with you. So I’m fine, babe.” He winks at Ark, who gets hard underneath me as a response.


“Anything else you need us to know, Blue?” Ark asks, trying to take the subject off him.


“I need aftercare. I didn’t get much aftercare, but when I did, it made all the difference in the world.”


“We can do that, baby,” JD says, leaning in to kiss me. His teeth catch my lip and bite, hard enough to make me whimper and release another gush of wetness, but not enough to draw blood. “I know what I’m doing. I’ll fuck you hard and make you love it. And when we’re done, I’ll soothe away any shame. You will never feel shame with us, Blue.”


I want to cry, that’s how much his words mean to me. But I just take a deep breath and snuggle up against Ark’s chest while JD goes back to his seat and resumes his eating.


When I try to get up and go back to my chair a few minutes later, Ark restrains me. He brings a forkful of eggs to my mouth and I open. Letting him feed me. Letting him take care of me.


When breakfast is over, we leave the dishes and lounge on the couch and watch a movie. JD is lying down on his back on the long end, his arms propping up his head, while Ark sits up on the lounger. I drape my body over both of them, my head in Ark’s lap.


I daydream about this life. What it might look like in the weeks and months to come. What I’m giving up to be here. I miss my family, but I can’t go home. Not until I get what I came for. Not until I get back what they took from me. Not until I get a hold of that contract and that footage of me signing away my future children.


And now I have two allies.


They might not know it yet, but I’ve just recruited them in my war.


I will get justice for Janine.


And maybe JD will get justice for Marie too.






Somehow we spend the whole day just being… normal. My dick is in a state of semi-hardness the entire time. And every time JD gets up to do something, his bulge is there as well. I wonder if he’s jacking off every time he goes to the bathroom.


Will it always feel this good to be around them? Will I constantly be aroused just looking at them? Will the thought of JD’s lips on my cock ever disgust me?


I don’t know the answer to any of these questions. So when Blue gets tired and announces she’s going to bed, JD joins her. But I go into my office and start dicking around with my cameras.


About an hour later, a naked JD steps into my doorway and knocks on the wall. “What are you doing? Come to bed.”


“I will,” I tell him as I clean a lens.


“When? I’m horny, man. And every time I touch her, she wants to come. But I don’t want to start this shit alone. You need to be there.”


I finish up the lens and then pack it away.


“You’re nervous?” he asks, coming into the room. I glance down at his dick, which is so hard, it’s practically pointing at me. “You afraid of this part, Ark? Of crossing that line?” He reaches out and grabs the long bulge beneath my jeans. He takes my inaction as a sign to proceed, and then his hand drifts upward to the button on my jeans. “Should we have a practice run in here? Get it over with?”


And then he leans in, his bare chest pressing against mine, the heat between us drawing our bodies together. His hand slips down my pants and grabs me… hard. I grit my teeth and suck in a breath. “Tell me what to do,” he says. “Tell me what you want. Because Blue is waiting, man. And I don’t mind sucking your dick to put you at ease, but I want to fuck that girl tonight. And I want you to be there.”


I look at him, meeting his blue eye with my dark ones. “That’s not what I what I’m holding out for, JD. I’m not nervous about you sucking my dick. I just need you to know I’m probably not going to fuck you. Maybe ever. And I’m probably not going to let you fuck me, either.”


“So, we have limits with each other, but not with Blue? Is that what you want me to know?”


“Yeah, basically.”