The Mason List

“Right…”he muttered. “Hi, Mr. Tanner.”



“Hello, Gentry.” They shook hands while I gave my father eye daggers not to mention the camera. “I’m going to get a few pictures if you don’t mind standing by the fireplace.”


At least two dozen pictures later, I followed Gentry out the door. I still didn’t know much about him. We talked a few times on the phone. He was an easy going guy who had moved to Arlis from El Paso. Gentry’s favorite food was barbeque ribs, and he thought the football team would make the playoffs. He planned to enlist with the Marines immediately after graduation. I figured this explained his buzzed, blond hair.


As we approached the entrance to the school gym, I heard music floating out into the parking lot. My stomach flipped around knowing the stares and whispers would come as soon as I got in the room. I clung to Gentry’s arm as he navigated through the crowed entry way.


“You wanna dance?”


I nodded yes.


Gentry and I two-stepped the first dance. We spent more time laughing instead of dancing. His tree trunk legs didn’t shuffle very well across the floor. Slow songs were a little more our speed. My fingers clung to his broad shoulders while his hands stayed in place around my waist. Staring into his green eyes, I decided I might actually like Gentry Jones. He was a sweet guy. I imagined what it would feel like, letting him kiss me, letting his hands touch my body. I think I wanted that with him.


“You wanna get somethin’ to drink?”


“Sure,” I blushed, feeling like he could read my thoughts.


As we walked toward the refreshment table, I kept my eyes downcast to avoid their stares. People were intrigued with the fact I came with Gentry. It just made the rumors about me a little more interesting.


Amidst the finger foods and very non-alcoholic punch, I found Jess looking annoyed with his equally enthusiastic date. When Jess told me that Natalie agreed to go to homecoming, I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing in his face. He claimed the options were limited this late in the game. She said he deserved one favor for breaking up with Ashley.


“Well, hello to the cutest couple in the room.” I smiled at both of them.


Jess looked nice tonight. His normal shaggy hair was slicked back with gel, and the black jacket made his dark lashes standout around his blue eyes.


“Dance with me. Now!” he hissed. Jess laced his fingers through mine, tugging my arm out toward the dance floor.


“Sorry, Natalie,” I said over my shoulder. She frowned back.


Jess pulled me to a secluded area in the corner, which blocked at least a few people from gawking at us. I placed my arms loosely around his shoulders leaving some space. The soft music intro changed to the slow sway of a guitar. I recognized the song by Gary Allan. Jess had played it all summer on repeat, driving me insane.


I glanced up to find him watching me with an amused grin. “What?”


Jess shook his head a little and laughed, “I didn’t know if you’d go through with it, you know…the dress and all the makeup stuff.”


“I know. I want to claw my eyes out. They won’t stop itching.”


“Hmmm,” his lips puckered up. “I’m confused. You’re not any taller.”


“What are you talking about?”


Jess let go of my waist and forced my body into a spin. He pulled the hem of my dress up close to my knees, exposing the gray canvas shoes.


“Stop!” I yanked it out of his hand. He smiled just to torment me. “You’re terrible, you know. The heels pinched my toes. I didn’t think anyone would notice since it was so long.”


“I’m sorry, Al.” Jess put his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. He leaned into my ear, “Are you wearin’ perfume too?”


“Really? You’re going to do this?”


“I’m not tryin’ to make you mad.”




“I’m bein’ serious. You look pretty tonight.” He reached up, running a finger through my hair. “But I always think you look pretty.”


“Shh…don’t say that.”


“I like your hair like this too.” He fiddled with a curl then dropped it.


“Thank you. You look nice too,” I answered, rolling my eyes.


He smiled sweetly and put his hand back on my waist. The music played around us. My dress swooshed against his cowboy boots as we slowly rotated to the sound of the gravelly voice on the speakers.


“You havin’ fun?” he whispered in my ear.




“I just want you to be happy tonight.”


“I told you. I’m good.”


It was a convincing statement that was about seventy-five percent truthful. Ashley remained exposed, but the Arlis grapevine kept the story rolling, even if it was the wrong story. Right now, people watched Jess and I talking. They noted exactly where he put his hand on my back. They calculated just how long I gazed into those blue eyes. Everyone waited to see if his lips touched my body. I frowned, feeling the anger fester. It was none of their damn business.


“Al, what’s wrong?” His boots stopped moving.


“It’s fine.”


“You don’t look fine. Screw ‘em, Alex. Screw every single one of ‘em.” His hand left my waist and gestured toward the people just a few steps away. “I was the one who brought ‘em into our lives. I’ll take ‘em out. I’ll even quit football. We don’t need anyone else.”


“Jess…” I slipped my hands on each side of his warm cheeks, looking into his troubled eyes.




“You’re getting all worked up again.”


His hands wrapped around mine as they cupped his face. “I just want you to be ok.”


“I know.” I smiled at him. “So dance with me.”


“You hate this song.”


“But I know you like it.”


Jess pulled my hands up around his neck. His boots started to move again, swaying slowly to the music. Even though I knew people were watching, I rested my head against his shoulder. Jess wrapped his arms around my back, holding me tight against his chest. I tucked my nose close to his neck.


“I like dancing with you,” he whispered next to my cheek.


“Me too.”


I relaxed against his body and it felt good. I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath, smelling the familiar cologne coming from somewhere around his neck. Dancing in the corner with my best friend, the stares and whispers faded away. I let myself enjoy the moment with him; a moment free from the problems circulating around us.


When the song ended, I felt sad. I wanted to dance with him again, but I knew I should get back to Gentry. Natalie may have scared him right out the door.


“Well…that’s my cue, I guess.” Jess stepped away but left his hands on my waist.


“You, um, want to dance again later?”


“No, it’s ok. Go find your date.”


“Ok, but um, would you do something for me?”


“Sure,” he grinned.


“Dance with Natalie, please?”


“She just had to get her lip pierced before homecomin’. I’m glad she got all freaky just for me.”


“Be nice.”


“Fine, I will for you.”


In the shadows, he looked like a sullen boy who was being punished. I pulled his hands from my waist and gave them a little squeeze. “Thank you for dancing with me. It made me feel happy, Jess.”


“If anyone says anything tonight,” he glanced back toward the floor. “If they…”


“I will find you. I promise.”




Jess disappeared into the crowd as I left in search of my blonde haired date. To my right, a group of people ogled, like a line of paparazzi taking down notes. I noticed Katie Rae with them. She leaned over and kissed Buzz full on the mouth. I was surprised to see them together. However, Ashley didn’t come tonight since she was still recovering from nose surgery.


Gentry came up from behind and slipped an arm around my waist. Leaning over, he whispered something funny in my ear. His breath felt warm on my neck. I blushed at the way it made my skin tingle. Gentry pulled me out on the floor for another dance. I smiled, feeling happy.




S.D. Hendrickson's books