Wicked Ride

“Eureka,” Bundt bellowed, throwing his hands in the air. “King of the precinct here.”

Masterson bent down, and Lex hurried to see the video. She squinted as the picture formed with a body hanging on a tree. Make that spiked to a tree, flesh burned all over.

“Shit. That’s Spike,” Masterson muttered.

Lex stilled, and her body flushed cold. “Spike Evertol?”

“Yeah.” Bundt growled. “What the fuck?”

As she watched, large men stalked toward the victim. The video was blurry, and their faces remained turned away from the camera, but she instantly recognized them as Kellach and Daire Dunne.

Bile rose from her belly, and she shoved it down with cold, hard reality. Spike had been a dealer, a junkie, and a snitch. He’d been killed for one or all three reasons. Kellach had lied to her.

Still watching, she saw Kellach move away and leave Adam and Daire to remove the spikes and let poor Spike’s body crumple to the ground. Daire turned toward the camera as if trying to find something.

Bundt swore, and Masterson turned her way. “Shit.”

She nodded and continued to watch as the Dunne brothers removed the pieces of corpse, burned skin and all, and disappeared off camera with shovels. She inhaled sharply through her nose. “I’ll type up the request for a warrant, and you guys call SWAT. We have enough to raid the entire Titan of Fire compound again.” They needed to find that body.

Betrayal swept through her, so much more painful than when she’d been a teenager let down by the father she loved. She’d trusted Kellach, and he’d used her. For whatever purpose, he’d taken her trust and her heart and manipulated her. Man, he was definitely keeping secrets.

Panicked, she fumbled for her cell phone to call Victoria.

“Yep?” Tori answered.

Lex gripped the phone. “Be casual and tell me if Simone is still there.”

“Nope. She had to go meet somebody but is coming back for a drink later.”

Thank God. Lex breathed out, her shoulders lowering. “Good. Okay, listen to me. Get the hell out of there and go to Mom’s. She’s close to being released, and she’s doing tons better, so I was going to request her release next week, anyway. Get Mom and go to a hotel—any one. I’ll figure out how to pay for it later.”

Masterson frowned, his gaze on her. “I got you if you need cash.”

She nodded and mouthed a thank-you.

Tori sputtered. “What’s going on? Lexi—”

“Just do it.” Lex lowered her voice to a sharp command. “Trust me, Victoria. Get away from Kell’s place, go to Mom, and get to safety. It’s urgent.” At least until Lex could figure out what was going on.

“Okay.” The sound of Tori moving filtered through the line, providing some sense of comfort. “I’ll get Mom, but you are so explaining this all later.”

“I will. I promise. The doorman will hail you a taxi, but don’t tell him where you’re going. Wait until the door is shut, then you tell the taxi driver Mom’s address.” Her mind calculated the best way to keep her family safe. If Kellach had burned Spike to death in such a horrific way, he had no soul and wouldn’t hesitate to kill again. If he hadn’t killed Spike, he’d still had no problem hiding evidence and apparently burying the body, which was criminal and dishonest.

Either way, she was done with him, heartbreak or not. She absolutely wasn’t her mother, staying loyal to a man she couldn’t trust. To a man who kept such secrets.

“I’ll call you later. Stay safe. ” She ended the call and sat at Bernie’s desk to type an e-mail request for a search warrant as well as arrest warrants for Kellach, Daire, and Adam Dunne. A sharp blade sliced through her heart, so she typed faster. She’d known better. She really had.

Masterson’s phone rang, and he answered it to listen and then say a quick thanks. “Fire is making a move on the Grizzlies in a few minutes. Good source.”

Lex hunched her shoulders. “I’ll make note of that and see if I can get another warrant for the Grizzlies. We do have a duty to keep the peace.” She typed faster.

The pain melded into something hotter, forged in pure, raw fury. Oh, Kellach Dunne and his entire family were going to pay.

Chapter 31

Kell straddled his bike, wondering how the hell he was going to keep Bear and his buddies from demolishing all of Titans of Fire. Shit. Did he even care at this point? Unfortunately, until he got a line on the other distributors and the manufacturer of Apollo, he had to keep Pyro and the boys alive.

When he and the other thirty members of Fire roared into Bear’s territory, he should’ve been surprised by the line of Grizzlies and bikes, patiently waiting, but he wasn’t. He was Bear, after all.

They stood in front of their bikes, a solid wall of at least forty men. Tough, weathered, and most of them shifters, including Clarke, one of Bear’s badass lieutenants. Of course, the Fire gang didn’t know they could shift into bears.

The Fire riders, led by Pyro, came to a stop just yards away from Bear.