Wicked Ride

Simone gaped and her eyes widened. “I’m going to blasting kill that demon.”

Kell nodded. “Fair enough. Just wait until the current crisis is averted, would you?” If they were going to war with the demons again, he needed some down time first.

Yet seeing Nick finally make a move on Simone had somehow lightened his spirits. Either they’d burn out and explode, or they’d find something worth keeping. It was time to find out, and apparently Nick agreed.

God help the poor bastard. Simone Brightston was not a witch to tangle with, and when pissed, she embodied true female danger.

Good luck, Nick. Kellach whistled until he reached his bike and lifted his phone to his ear to call Bear. Bear answered with a barked hello.

“Bear, it’s Kell. Fire is making a move on you.”

Bear was silent for a moment. “Good. I’m tired of those pricks. It’s time to take them out.” He clicked off before Kell could argue.

Holy damn it. The last thing he needed was a club war, especially since Alexandra would be immediately drawn in if the police were called. He swore and kicked his bike into gear. He had to stop the showdown.

Chapter 30

Lex finished showing Tori Kell’s penthouse, and finally, her sister dropped onto a leather sofa with a sigh of relief.

“He’s hot, smart, and rich? Gee. Any particular reason you’re not head over heels?” Tori kicked her boots onto the coffee table.

Lex perched on an armrest. “No, it’s just that—”

“What?” Tori shook her head. “It’s just that men are assholes who end up in jail and leave you?” She rolled her eyes. “Kellach is not Dad.”

“Don’t psychoanalyze me.” Lex slid down into the chair.

Tori snorted. “Can’t help it. I’m good at digging into brains.” Actually, although young, she had always read people with intriguing accuracy. “Come on, Lexi. What’s going on?”

Lex rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands. “Fine. I like him. Maybe more than like him.”

“You lurve him,” Tori sang.

“God, you’re a moron.” Lex chuckled. “But yeah. I mean, maybe.” Okay, yes. She’d fallen hard for Kellach Dunne. Hmm.

At some point, she’d have to tell her sister about witches and vampires and all of that, but she didn’t want to be immortal without Tori. Maybe Tori could find a witch, but definitely not one of the enforcers. No way. “My life has become way too crazy,” Lex muttered.

Tori laughed. “That does sound like love.”

The front door opened, and Simone Brightston swept inside. “Kellach?” she called, stopping short. “Oh. Hello.”

For some reason, Lex jumped to her feet. “Hi, Simone. Ah, this is my sister, Tori. Tori, this is Simone, Kellach’s cousin.”

Tori lifted her head, her gaze raking Simone. “What a freakin’ well of good genes in that family.”

Simone blinked. “Thank you.”

“Any time.” Tori settled more comfortably into the sofa. “Sexy as sin Kellach isn’t here, but you’re welcome to join us for some dishy girl talk. You in love, avoiding love, or trying not to believe in love right now?”

Simone’s lips twitched. “Avoiding love and not quite sure it exists for everybody. You?”

“Oh, I know it exists, but I think it’s a force for evil and not good,” Tori said cheerfully.

Simone slowly nodded. “I’ll change my answer to that one.”

Wonderful. Two more unlikely friends Lex couldn’t imagine, and yet, in front of her eyes, the stunning Simone Brightston and her wild sister were bonding. She shook her head and focused on Simone. “I’m sorry about yesterday and didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

Simone shrugged. “We’re researching into the Demidov connection now, so thanks for the tip.”

Lex’s instincts started to hum. “Have you found anything?”

Simone studied her and then slowly nodded. “We believe he may have a child out there, but we don’t know where or who yet. Once we do, I’m sure Kellach will pass the information on to you.”

Lex smiled. Neither of them believed Kell would pass on the information. “Your cousin seems to have a mistaken belief about me.”

Simone smiled, turning once again unbelievably beautiful. “Oh, that you’re to stay safe and let the big, bad enforcers save the world?”

Lex warmed. “Yeah. That about sums it up.”

“Ah, men in, ah, our family seem to have an outdated sense of protectiveness, but I’m sure you’ll teach Kell another way. Women have been warriors in my culture, with my people, for centuries.” Simone stepped into the room and eyed Victoria. “What do you do?”

“Sing. You?” Tori asked.

Simone folded her hands in her lap. “I work for the family business in Ireland.”

Lex lifted an eyebrow, wondering more than ever about the ruling council. “Doing what?” she asked silkily.

Simone grinned. “Management.”