Wicked Ride

“Well, do they?” Tori pressed.

Kell frowned. “Well, we do share similar attributes, but I’d say I’m the fun one. They’re both fierce and serious. I’d think twice, because easy and fun don’t describe either of my brothers.”

“Pity.” Tori finally sat back. “Even so, if they look like you, I might make an exception.”

And turn into a witch mate? Lex rolled her eyes. “You’d definitely get more than you’d bargained for.” She turned toward Kell, the most intense, protective, and possessive man she’d ever met. “And you are not the fun one. I don’t know either of your brothers well, but you can’t be the fun one.”

Kell shot her a look, and she shrugged.

Finally, he pulled up in front of her mother’s convalescent home, where another badass on a bike sat next to Kell’s waiting Harley. “I thought you might want to see your mother.” Kell cut the engine and tossed her the keys. “The truck is yours.”

Victoria gaped out the back window. “Tell me that’s a brother.”

Kellach stretched from the truck and waited until the women had joined him before introducing his brother, Adam. Lex studied him. While Kell was a fast burn, and Daire a smoldering one, this guy? Carefully banked with a hint of turmoil.

Dark eyes, short dark hair, and a jaw angled a bit more than Kell’s. Intelligence and something dangerous lurked in his eyes, but his smile was genuine and his hand gentle as they shook. “It’s a pleasure,” he rumbled.

Tori quite wisely shook his hand and backed away. Quickly.

Smart girl.

Lex turned toward Kell. “I don’t need your truck.”

“Isn’t mine. Is yours.” He straddled his bike, and a mini-orgasm shook her womb. He aimed his next comment at Tori. “Your sister is staying at my penthouse, and there’s a nice guest suite that’s all yours.” He rattled off the address. “I’ll expect you there tonight, Alexandra.”

The Dunne boys took off.

The women watched them leave.

“You might’ve called me with the news you were dating sex on a stick there,” Tori muttered.

Lex shook her head. “He’s too much.”

“I’d say, he’s just enough.” Tori slipped her arm through Lex’s. “Can’t wait to see the penthouse.”

“Oh, we’re not staying there,” Lex said firmly.

Tori bit her lip. “You know? Something tells me we will be staying there.”

“Humph.” Lex led her sister through the home to their mother’s room, and the delight on Jennie’s face upon seeing her girls brightened the entire day.

They visited for a while, before Jennie frowned. “Why haven’t you brought me all my mail, Lexi?”

Lexi frowned. When she’d been forced from her original apartment and had moved Jennie to the home, she’d opened up a post office box until they found a better place. She’d forgotten the mail. “I’m sorry, I forgot.” Her instincts hummed. “Why?”

“Because your father just called and asked about a letter he’d sent.” Jennie frowned, her eyes clouding. “Will you bring it to me?”

Lex shared a look with Tori. “Mom, we’ve talked about this.”

“Alexandra, this is my choice, and I want my mail.” Her mom’s lips firmed.

“Fine.” Lex shook her head and then an idea formed. Her father wasn’t supposed to contact her mother, and if he had, Lex could report the violation to the parole board. Excellent. She smiled. “I’ll get the mail today.”

Jennie smiled and patted her hand. “You’re a good girl, Lex.”

Tori rolled her eyes.

Adam headed off to check on the techs analyzing Apollo and how to counter the darts, while Kell drove on to meet Simone at the cabin. He sensed the vibrations of fury before he cut the engine of his Harley. Tension weighed down the atmosphere around the comfortable cabin.

He took a deep breath. Damn it.

Disembarking, he strode toward the door and shoved it open to find Simone facing off with the demon.

Nicholaj Veis had blond hair and the true black eyes of a purebred demon, giving him a contrasting look of hard angles. Tall and broad, the warrior had fought for more centuries than most demons lived, and he’d once, very long ago, broken Simone’s heart.

Or perhaps she’d broken his.

Either way, when the two managed to inhabit the same space, the oxygen disappeared and immortals anywhere close by tensed.

Kell’s shoulders tensed so hard, rocks formed.

In contrast, in the small kitchenette, Garrett and Logan wolfed down what appeared to be ham sandwiches.

“Veis?” Kell strode inside, looking for burn marks or scalded wood. None so far. “What the hell are you doing in Seattle?”

“Checking up on me,” Logan said around a huge bite of sandwich. He was brother to the demon leader, and Nick his key advisor.

Made sense.

Nick rolled his eyes. “I’m here because Daire requested demon assistance in dealing with Apollo. Checking up on numbnuts here is just a bonus.” The mangled vocal chords lowered his tone to a raspy rumble.