Wicked Ride

Bear lifted his head. “You sure you want to do this?”

Several weapons were visible on the Grizzlies, so at least they planned to fight as humans and not shifters.

Kell rolled to a stop next to Pyro. “I strongly suggest we don’t do this.” Even so, he knew it was too late. If Pyro turned back, it’d be a sign of weakness, and he wouldn’t allow that.

“It’s a good day to fight,” Pyro said.

As if in agreement, thunder rolled, and the skies opened up. The deluge pummeled down.

Kell sighed, making a promise to himself. His next assignment would be somewhere without rain. Maybe on a beach. When this was done, perhaps he’d take Alexandra someplace warm. The idea of her sexy body, bare on sand, almost transported him from the ridiculous fight about to commence.

Pyro lifted his arm and gave a battle cry.

Three helicopters instantly hovered into sight, massive vans screeched to a stop, and human policemen in black combat gear came out of nowhere.


One guy grabbed Kellach off his bike, and it took every ounce of control he owned not to fight back and burn the bastard. He found himself face-first on wet asphalt, hands cuffed behind his back, gazing at Bear on his gut. Bear could shift and disembowel the SWAT member who was cuffing him, but instead, he lifted an eyebrow toward Kell.

Kell shrugged. No idea. Had the cops somehow found out about the fight and decided to end it? If so, it could be a good result; he wouldn’t have to fake a human fight. Suddenly, his spirits lifted.

Boots, small and sexy, stepped into his line of sight just as a human male tugged him up by his cuffed hands. Alexandra looked at him, raw fury in her eyes. Rain plastered her soft hair to her head and slid in rivulets down her smooth face.

He frowned. “Alexandra?”

She pivoted and cold-cocked him across the left cheekbone. She hit him so hard his head snapped back, and pain flared through his skull.

His mouth dropped open. “What the hell?”

Bear snorted and let out a belly laugh as another SWAT guy pulled him to his feet.

Alexandra stepped back, her boots splashing water. “Kellach Dunne, you’re under arrest for the murder of Spike Evertol. You, you fucking bastard, have the right to remain silent . . .” She continued with his Miranda rights, swearing intermittently, her voice cold but so much heat in her eyes, his body responded to the challenge.

Even so, he held back, knowing full well some of the SWAT uniforms had cameras. If they hadn’t had witnesses, if he didn’t have his own laws to uphold, he’d take her to the ground and show her exactly who he was.

Finally, she wound down.

“You fucking called SWAT on me?” he growled, letting his fury flow.

She looked up at him and snapped, “You bet your ass, dickhead. Enjoy prison.” Without another look at him, she turned and walked over to read Adam his rights.

Adam shot him a look. How the hell did she know about Spike? They’d buried the body where it’d never be found.

Kell shook his head and kept his gaze on his woman, who stubbornly ignored him.

Daire, his hands zip-tied behind his back, glared at him. He glared back. What a shit storm.

Vans arrived as techs ripped through the Grizzly garages, throwing things outside, generally making a mess.

Bear looked on, his lids half-lowered, his body relaxed. If anything, he looked so bored as to be sleeping on his feet. Not even the rain pouring down upon his head and soaking his clothing seemed to bother him.

Finally, a tech came out, shaking his head.

Alexandra whistled, and other cops uncuffed Bear and his buddies. “We didn’t find anything. This time.”

Bear loped toward her, and she faced off with him, no fear on her pretty face. The woman knew exactly what Bear was and how dangerous he could be, and she faced him like she would any perp coming toward her.

Even as pissed off as he was, pride filled Kell. The magnificent creature standing so bravely in the storm belonged to him.

Bear reached her. “I thought we were friends.”

She shook her head. “Stay on the right side of the law, and we’re friends. Stray an inch, and I’ll put you away.”

Bear cocked his big head to the side. “You really want me for an enemy?”

“Your choice, Bear.” She held his gaze, not budging an inch. “You might want to rethink your friends, anyway.”

Bear grinned. “If you end up killing Dunne, give me a call.” He turned and shot Kell a smart-ass grin. “Later, Dunne.” Turning on his heel, he loped to his garage and began mumbling orders to set things right.

Kell showed his teeth. He might have to burn his old friend, and at the moment, he was fucking okay with that.

Alexandra turned and flashed her teeth at Pyro. “A similar raid at Fire turned up guns in your room as well as those of two prospects who are already heading to the station. Green guns.” She cut Kellach a hard look.