Wicked Ride

Kell’s eyes flared.

Thoughts rolled through her brain. Who would want Kellach and Adam shut down? If they’d truly murdered Spike, why wasn’t the murder on the video? Only the cleanup had been captured. So . . . if they hadn’t murdered Spike, another witch had. Who? And why had the Dunnes cleaned up the mess? Because Spike had obviously been killed by a witch?

She put some of the pieces together. Whoever had killed Spike knew he’d been talking to the police . . . so the warning had been for the police, and Kellach had covered it up.

She lifted her head, looking at Kell. His gaze provided no answers. She turned on her heel. If she couldn’t get the answers from him, she’d get them from another source.

Quick steps took her to the adjacent interview room, where Garrett and Logan sat on the other side of a table, hands cuffed to it. The room was more casual and lacked a two-way mirror or recording devices, because she really didn’t want their answers recorded right now. She smiled at them and walked inside to sit. “Hello, boys.”

Suddenly, they looked like anything but boys. Neither twitched an impressive muscle, and both stared, no expressions on their hardened faces. For the first time, she could see the predators lurking beneath their excellent manners and huge appetites. She wanted to see more and reached across the table, grasping Garrett’s light-refracting eyeglasses.

“I wouldn’t,” Logan rumbled.

She removed the glasses and gasped. Sizzling, metallic gray, almost silver corneas surrounded a black pupil. She leaned closer. Garrett met her gaze without flinching.

“You have beautiful eyes,” she murmured.

“That’s my line,” Garrett deadpanned.

She slid the glasses back on in case anybody came in. “Why don’t you wear contacts?”

“I do, but they bug me, so I usually just keep the glasses on when away from home,” Garrett said.

She frowned. “Do all vampires have eyes like yours?”

“All vampires have secondary eye colors that are metallic, but most also have a fairly normal eye color. I’m unique.” Garrett leaned toward her, and his chain clunked on the table. “You have to get our guns back.”

She shook her head. “I can’t do that. Sorry.”

“You have to.” Logan leaned over and lowered his voice. “It’s against our laws to let, ah, other people have our guns. You know, proprietary information and all that.”

“Having weapons without the proper permits breaks my laws.” She folded her hands together.

Garrett cut a look at Logan. “Listen, ma’am. You can’t break our laws.”

The boys were worrying about her? Man. They had better clue in.

“I’m not subject to your laws.”

Logan’s face cleared. “Ah, I see the problem. Say you’re from Washington and you go to California. You’re subject to the California laws while there. If you rob a store, you’ll face prison time in California, right?”

“Yes.” She frowned. Where in the world was he going with this?

He nodded. “Okay. So, you were in one species and subject to human laws. But when you mated Dunne, you became part of another species and are subject to their—our—laws. And giving proprietary weaponry to humans is a big-assed no-no of a law, begging your pardon, ma’am.”

“I think you two should worry about yourselves right now and not me.” She put on her best cop face.

Garrett’s eyebrows lifted to his hairline. “You’re in a lot more trouble than we are right now. We can get out of here pretty easily, but there’s nowhere you can hide from the Realm or the enforcers.”

She tilted her head. “The enforcers?”

“Yeah. The Coven Nine enforcers will be charged with hunting you down for breaking a law.” Logan cut Garrett a look. “She has no clue.”

Garrett nodded. “Yeah, I’m getting that.” He blew out air. “We should probably confiscate the guns for her, don’t you think?”

“Maybe. Perhaps the Nine and the Realm will go easy on her. She’s new.” Logan snapped his fingers. “Wait a sec. Nobody knows about the guns yet, do they? I mean, when will they be tested?”

Lex shook her head, wondering when the hell had she lost control of the conversation. “Probably not until tomorrow or the next day. Guys? I need you to focus here. You’re in trouble.”

Garrett bit his lip. “So the only people who know about the guns are us, the Dunnes, and the Grizzlies.”

“If we don’t talk, and the Dunnes don’t burn her alive, then she’s in the clear.” Logan smiled. “Bear thinks you’re cute, so he won’t rat you out.”

Bear thought she was cute? Wait a minute.

“The guns are secured, guys. There’s no getting to them,” she patiently explained.

Garrett smiled, and Logan laughed outright.

The door flew open, and Dage Kayrs strode inside. Up close, the vampire king was bigger and badder than she’d thought in the diner.