Wicked Ride

“So they’re not prospects?”

“They’re prospects the same as I’m a club member. Kind of and with an ulterior motive.” His head ducked, and he brushed a kiss over her lips.

Flutters cascaded from her mouth down to her abdomen. “Tell me the truth.”

“I am.” He rubbed a thumb across the bruise on her cheekbone. “I’d like a do-over on last night.”

“Why? It was great for me.” She smiled, even feeling saucy. “I doubt you could top it.”

“Oh, I could top it and you.” His eyes glimmered with something undeniably male.

She shook her head. “Last night wasn’t smart. I believe that you didn’t kill Duck, and I know you’re here for some reason other than just joining Fire and selling drugs and guns. But I don’t know if it’s a law-abiding reason or not.” The guy must know more about Apollo and the guns than he’d let on. So did those two kids who’d just left.

The man drew her, and that was just plain and simple deadly. She didn’t know him, and for once, she wasn’t sure she could trust her instincts. Charm and danger intrigued her and always had.

“I can’t tell you any more than that, except you can trust me, Alexandra. I have no interest in breaking your laws or your heart. You have my word.”

Sweet words, but the mere cadence reminded her that his laws might be different from hers. His goals might be, as well. She stood, relieved when he released her. “I’m not sure what to do about my breakin the other night.” While she had a duty to inform her superiors that somebody had broken in, there would be no evidence left after Kell’s cleanup, and she hadn’t a clue who it had been.

She shook her head. “You’re not gonna like this, but I need to report the breakin, your interference, and your cleaning up of the crime scene.” Her loyalty lay with her job as a cop, no matter how much she liked him. If he didn’t understand that, they didn’t have any sort of chance going forward. If he wanted a chance. Well, if she wanted a chance.

Did she want a chance?

Her temples began to ache. No way was the man studying her so intently part of some drug running Seattle motorcycle club. He was far more dangerous than that, but one question harassed her: Was he a good guy or a bad? Was he investigating as some part of an international investigation, or was he protecting widespread drug cartels?

He leaned back in his chair. “How are you going to explain your delay in reporting the breakin?”

She blinked.

“In addition, if I’m questioned, I will tell them where I was last night.”

Oh, son of a bitch. Anger flared through her so quickly she swayed. “You’d tell them about last night?”

He shrugged. “Wouldn’t have much of a choice, now would I? If you report the incident and that I cleaned up a crime scene, I’ll be brought in for questioning. If questioned, I always tell the truth.”

Her shoulders settled while angry hurt dropped into her gut. Yeah, it figured he was too good to be true. What in the hell had she been thinking? “That’s blackmail. So you used me.”

He stood and was in her face so quickly she didn’t have a second to react. His hands manacled her arms, and he lifted her up, right off the ground, so they could meet eye to eye. “I. Did. Not. Use. You.” His grip was firm and controlling, but not bruising. The hint of violence was there, and raw fury burned in his beyond-dark eyes. He held her easily, his strength unbelievable.

“Who are you?” she gasped.

“I’m the man who has saved your life twice, before making you come harder than ever before.” He gave her a slight shake. “I’m the man trying to get this blasted drug off your streets, keep you safe, and still do my fuckin’ job.”

“Which is?” she shot back, seriously thinking about taking him down. From her current position, if she were to subdue him, she’d have to injure him, and she didn’t want to do that. Yet.

Slowly, the muscles in his corded arms flexed and he lowered her to her feet. “Trust me.”

“Would you?” She stepped away to give herself leg room in case she needed to strike. “If you were me, a cop, would you just randomly trust you in your current situation? As a supposed enforcer for the Titans of Fire Motorcycle Club?”

He exhaled slowly, his anger dissipating. “No.”

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

He grinned. “God, you’re cute.”

“Not what I want to hear.” She jerked her head, holding his gaze.

He rubbed his whiskered chin. “I know. Here’s the deal. I have a job, I take orders, and one of my orders is to keep undercover. I can’t tell you who I am or who I work for. As a cop, one who perhaps has been undercover, you understand that, right?”

She lifted her chin. “I do. However, I also know that if you are from law enforcement, and you’re conducting an investigation in my town, you need to let my superiors know about it. We can work together.”