Wicked Ride


Jackass. “What’s your angle, Kell? Apollo seems to be specific to Seattle right now. You’re from very far away. What the hell do you want with the drug here?” She spoke softly, her mind spinning.

He shook his head. “Fuck. You’re smart.”

Why did that not exactly sound like a compliment?

“So level with me.”

He shoved his hands in his back pockets. “All I can tell you is that we believe Seattle is a test area, and my people are next. There are ties between Seattle and Dublin, and we’ve been sent to ferret out the manufacturer and distribution chain before the drug is unleashed in Ireland.”

“You work for the cops there?”

“No.” He shook his head. “We’re not affiliated with the garda, and we’re bigger than that.”


He chuckled. “No. Similar, but no.”

Was he full of shit? Somehow, she didn’t think so. Or maybe she just wanted to believe him. Who knew?

“Have I heard of your organization?” she asked.

“No.” He tugged her closer, and she allowed it. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss against her lips, sending sparks flying through her body. “I have work to do, Alexandra. It’s Sunday, and I know you don’t need to go into the station. But if that’s where you want to go, I’ll go and make a statement with you. Yer choice.”

She stepped back, and he released her.

What the hell was she going to do?

Chapter 14

Kell finished tossing items on the drugstore counter, fighting the urge to hit something. Fucking condoms. He was an immortal witch who couldn’t contract a disease, and he’d never worn rubber over his cock. It had taken him precious minutes to figure out what kind to buy, and he’d felt like a dumbass reading the back of the packages. Thank god there were extra-larges.

A chipper teenager popped purple bubblegum behind the counter, humming softly and not seeming to give a shit that he was buying condoms. Her pink nails tapped easily on the old-fashioned cash register as she rang up condoms, gum, shampoo, and a six-pack of beer.

He’d only needed the condoms but felt as if he had to buy something else.

The outside door opened. Hair stood up on the back of his neck, and tension spiraled through the oxygen.

Damn it all to hell.

Bear stopped at the doorway, one eyebrow raised. His bushy hair curled over his shoulders, reaching his battered cut. His ripped jeans were so old as to almost be threadbare, and his dinged boots had seen better days. He glanced around the store, his gaze returning to the counter and Kell’s purchases. His bear-like snort echoed against a rack of potato chips.

Kell kept his gaze on Bear while the cashier bagged his purchases. He slid a hundred across the counter. “Keep it.” Without looking back, he grabbed his bag and sauntered toward Bear. “You lookin’ for me?”

Amusement still lit Bear’s brown eyes. “No.”

Kell brushed by him and shoved open the door, his boots echoing hollowly on the worn wooden steps.

Bear followed Kell outside into the windy day. “Saw your bike and wondered why you were in my territory.”

Kell paused and turned around to face Bear completely. Mild irritation filtered through him, and he settled his stance, banishing any embarrassment in the hope of a good brawl. He’d never gone head to head with a bear shifter, so maybe it was time. “Thought we were welcome here.”

“You are, but some warning would be, ah, polite.” A rare grin split Bear’s rugged face, and he tipped his head toward the brown bag. “Although, considering I own the store, I do appreciate the sale. I hope you bought the ribbed ones for her pleasure.”

“You’re about to get hit in the face, Bear,” Kell said slowly, anticipation lighting his veins.

Bear pursed his lips. “Might be fun. Wanna go a round?”

Kell lifted a shoulder. “We could. You ever fought a witch?”

Bear rubbed his scruffy chin. “Hmm. No, I don’t believe I have. You ever grappled with a shifter?”

“Wolf and cat, yes. Bear . . . no.” Kell eyed the massive shifter. “Could be fun.”

“Yes.” Bear sighed and relaxed his stance. “I’m kinda busy right now, though.”

Kell nodded. “Me too. Maybe next time?”

“Sure.” Bear lost his smile. “Wanna tell me why the king’s nephew and the demon ruler’s brother are in my neck of the woods?”

Kell didn’t question Bear’s intel. It had to be good for him to have risen to leader of all bears, a subspecies of Multi-shifters. Of course, only bears seemed to exist any longer. Kell sighed. “Fucking king.”

“Yeah. That’s what I figured.” Bear shook his shaggy head. “I don’t like it.”

“You don’t?” Kell kicked a rock out of his way. “What about me? I’m supposed to keep those kids safe while trying to find out about the drug, and so far, all they’ve done is eat me out of house and home. I’d forgotten how much kids their age fucking eat.”